This project will be coverting a stock Tenlog TL-D3 IDEX 3D printer into a fully upgraded machine running on Klipper firmware.
The information collected in the GitHub is compiled from many different locations on the internet.
The intent will be to build as complete of a collection of files, data and resources that are required to complete this project.
Hardware used for this build:
MCU = BTT Octopus Pro v1.1
Steppers = 2209 v1.2
CPU = Raspberry Pi 4b with 8GB ram & 64GB Sandisk Extreme Pro MicroSD Card
Chassis = TenLog TLD3 Pro
Display = TFT35 HDMI 3.5" touch screen
Power = 24V
This will include the following upgrades:
1- BTT Octopus Pro v1.1 MCU to replace the stock MCU.
2- Installing 2209 v1.2 Stepper drivers onto the new MCU.
3- installing a Raspberry Pi 4b as a main CPU running MainsailOS
4- Installing a 3.5" color touch screen to replace the stock screen.
5- Configuring the Printer in Klipper.
6- Testing and completion.
See the cura profiles folder for all the cura profiles needed for the TL-D3 Pro. Very useful for getting cura setup. Works with Cura 5.9.0
The STL's posted here are very useful for making your TL-D3 Pro more compatible of doing better cleaner prints. Plus a few extra STL files that will be good add-ons to the final build as well.
The Images folder will have pictures in it of the build in progress. Before & after pictures also.