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What is PikaJS?

PikaJS is like jQuery or PrototypeJS, only smaller, lighter, and more efficient.

Jump down to the How To!


Try the PikaJS Demo!

But wait - There's more!

PikaJS v3 also comes with 5 handy plugins to help you create new user experiences quickly:

  • Animate - animate darn near anything
  • Hotkeys - bind any keystroke to any function
  • Sortable - drag-n-drop sorting made easy
  • DatePicker - clean, simple, and uniform datepicker
  • MultiSelect - powerful SELECT:multiple lists

How do you say "Pika"?

However you want.

I say PEEK-ah, which is a Slovene word meaning "dot" or "period". This is appropriate since PikaJS is very small.

The name has a double-meaning since a pika (PIKE-uh) is a small lagomorph related to rabbits. Pikas are small, cute, and furry, much like PikaJS.

Therefore, you can say it either way - or make up your own pronunciation.

PHEW! Now that that's out of the way...

Why PikaJS?

I had been using jQuery and PrototypeJS, and I needed to ditch PrototypeJS at long last. My colleague said, "Hey! Check out this Balalaika thing!" So I did.

BOOYAH! That's pretty sassy. Well done, sir.

PikaJS evolved from Balalaika, which itself is simply a very, very small "jQuery" that's only 986 bytes in size. When you look at its source code, first you weep. Then, after awhile, you realize that it's actually quite simple. It's just nicely optimized.

At this point, browsers have all the functions they need to do fancy jQuery-like stuff without all kinds of hacks. So, PikaJS simply leverages this built-in functionality in a nice, small, jQuery-like "wrapper".

For example, AJAX requests of all kinds should be easy to do without digging into XMLHttpRequest. Now, I realize that we're in a brave new world where everything is "Web 4.0 Push Notification Mobile Cloud Blockchain Fabulous™", but back here in the real world, we still need to send and receive data from a server with JavaScript from a simple web page. Yeah, THAT real world.

Anyhoo, the idea was to include the best of jQuery and the best of PrototypeJS (yes, it exists) - but in a much smaller package.

PrototypeJS 1.7.3 + = 120 kB minified

jQuery 3.7.1 = 85.4 KB

PikaJS v3.2.3 = 12.6 KB

That's just minified... PikaJS is only 5.0 KB gzipped!!

Okay, but how compatible is PikaJS?

Pika will work with all modern browsers, including IE10+, Edge, and the majority of mobile browsers. It is being used on - which gets millions of pageviews a month - with no complaints. So, I guess that means it works!

PikaJS also includes a few things to improve compatibility with various browsers, but not TOO much. For the most part, I just made sure that what I used wasn't cutting edge, but instead widely supported and generally fast and small.

IE < 10 is not supported, but this shouldn't be a big deal. Note also that jQuery 3.x no longer supports ancient versions of IE out of the box, either.

End users who have IE8 or IE9 and cannot upgrade to an actual, real web browser may wish to simply dowse their puters in gasoline and set them on fire.

Or, you can include a shim, shiv, polyfill, shimmy, shaky, or chimichanga - whichever you prefer.

Okay, but how did you make it so small?

It's quite simple, actually.

Dig into the source for jQuery or Prototype, and you'll find that both do a lot of what I call "fluffy stuff".

They tend to compensate for poor programming, fix things for you, and generally they extend the living poop out of everything.

This is all great for ease of use, but it also results in bloat.

PikaJS takes a very different approach: You're a programmer. Learn how to program! 😱

PikaJS does not hold your hand. It's not forgiving. If what you write doesn't work, you need to figure out why.

For example, Pika doesn't clean up after you. If you attach an event listener, it's up to you to remove it before you remove the element the listener is attached to from the DOM. jQuery and Prototype do this for you, but PikaJS does not.

Most of the time, it isn't needed if you pay attention to how you code - and use delegated event listeners.

In recent years, there is an air of, "I want it to just work". That's nice and all, but it doesn't result in efficient, fast code. It results in bloated, slow code. Not everyone is running your JS on a Core i7 in the latest browser!

PikaJS is small, furry, and fast, but it's not very smart - much like a lagomorph. So, you have to be the smart one when you use it. And don't forget to feed it.

Wow, that sounds awful!

It's just a "new" way of working. Most of the functionality you've come to expect from jQuery exists already in PikaJS, and it works. There is also a TON of functionality in other libraries that either you don't use, or you don't need!

There are benefits to doing things this way. When your library isn't extending every object out the wazoo, memory usage drops.

When it doesn't hold your hand, you are forced to code better, to think about performance and stability, and to think about exactly what your event listeners are doing and how they are working. You learn more, and you write better code.

Historically, programmers tend to use some framework that is, "the latest thing". They never actually bother to look at source code and see if they can improve upon what has been done. Need some new functionality? There's a gem/library/node/photon for that!

I don't use any code without knowing exactly what it's doing. This is unusual, I admit, but PikaJS is the result.

Well, but, but... Okay, so what does PikaJS give me?

First of all, note carefully which methods are chainable, and which aren't. The most normally-chained methods ARE chainable.

Also, note that in some cases, you must use .each to iterate over a series of selected elements. But again, most often-used methods like .show, .hide, .css, .addClass, and .removeClass automatically iterate over selectors that return multiple results from the DOM tree.

This was a simple question of minimizing code and complexity. Also, methods involving modifying content in the DOM generally require .each so that you're sure that you're doing what you think you're doing.

In those cases where you do have to use .each, you will find it isn't really that inconvenient!

So how do I use it?

First, include the minifed pika-min.js in the head of your page.

Be sure to also remove jQuery, PrototypeJS, or whatever else you're using that commandeers window.$, or you'll be in big trouble!

Alternatively, you can call: var $ = Pika.noConflict(); (use whatever var you want instead of $ if necessary)

PikaJS v3 coexists peacefully with any other library you're using that may want to use window.$. That means you can even use jQuery and PikaJS at the same time!

And then, get crackin':

DOM Ready

$(function() {
	// Do stuff here


$('body') ->  Object [ <body> ]

$('img.pic_class') ->  Object [ <img>, <img> ]

$('#some_div')  ->  Object [ <div> ]

$('#some_div ul')  ->  Object [ <ul> ]

$('div.thisclass')  ->  Object [ <div> ]

$('#container div.thisclass span')  ->  Object [ <span>, <span>, <span> ]

$('#this_doesnt_exist')  ->  Object [ ]

$('form[name=myForm]')  ->  Object [ <form#my-form-id> ]

The return object is basically a quasi-array of DOM elements. You can check for existence however you want:

$('#this_doesnt_exist').length > 0  ->  false

It's important to note that the return value is NOT a traditional array, so Array functions like .pop() won't work. But you can do a for/forEach loop and iterate as usual.

Note that you can also do pure JS stuff very easily like this:

$('#container div.thisclass span')  ->  Object [ <span>, <span>, <span> ]

$('#container div.thisclass span')[0]  ->  <span>

$('#container div.thisclass span')[0].innerHTML  ->  'Some text/html inside the SPAN tag'

$('#search-form')[0].submit()  ->  Submit the form

$('#some-div')[0].childNodes  ->  Child nodes of DIV#some-div; pass each back in to $( ) to Pikafy it

Advanced selectors

$('#container div.thisclass').select('span')  ->  Object [ <span1>, <span2>, <span3> ]

$('#container div.thisclass').eq(1)  ->  Object [ <span2> ]  (this is CHAINABLE! Indexing starts at 0)

$('#container div.thisclass')[1]  ->  <span2>   (this is NOT chainable!)

To make any DOM element chainable, just pass it in to $():

var el = document.getElementById('main');  // el = <div#main>
$(el)	  ->  Object [ <div#main> ]

var el = $('#container div.thisclass')[1];	// el = <span2>
$(el)  ->  Object [ <span2> ]

All the goodies


var myObject = {a:1};
	b: 2

This is not magic. It's a simple loop that adds the passed-in object parameters to myObject.


$('#container div').is('.thisclass')

Returns true if DIV has class "thisclass", false otherwise


// Simple event listener

$('.my-selector').on('click.namespace', function() {
	alert('I love pizza');

// Submit a form
$('#my-form').on('submit', function(event) {
	// Stop event bubbling/HTML form submission (this happens automagically in ._on, but not here)
	// Do stuff here
	// Do AJAX, or you can submit form like so:
	// Note that this is the DOM object, NOT $(el) like in ._on()


// Delegated event listener
// You can pass event in to your function() if you want to do stuff with it, but it's not required
// In the following example, this inside function() = the A element clicked on

$('.my-selector')._on('mousedown.namespace', 'a', function(event) {
	// Ignore right-click
	if (event.which != 1) {return true;}
	// Do stuff

Why delegated event handlers?

When you just use .on(), you have more work to do. You need to call .off() if you're going to remove that element from the DOM. PikaJS does NOT do this for you.

With a delegated event listener, that becomes unnecessary.

For example, say you have a <UL> and you want to listen for clicks on each <LI>. You're also going to be adding/removing <LI> elements on the fly. In that case, it's far more efficient (and easier) to just do this:

$('ul.mylist')._on('click', 'li', function() {
	// Do stuff with this, which is the <LI> clicked on

Note here that with ._on(), you can add/remove <LI>'s at will, and you won't have memory leaks or need to add/remove click listeners.

The reason is that the delegated event listener is attached to 'ul.mylist', and this listener filters clicks by checking to see if the clicked element .is('li'). If it is, your function() is executed. If not, it does nothing.

So you can add/remove <LI> like crazy, and it will "just work". One listener is all you need!

Four other important notes:

  1. The event bubble/propagation is stopped by ._on() by default. You can override this default behavior by setting $.Bubble = true; in your code to make PikaJS work like jQuery.
  2. ._on() checks to make sure that $('ul.mylist') exists first. If it doesn't, it does NOT attach a listener. This means you can use ._on() to create a whole bunch of listeners in 1 JS file, and if that element doesn't exist on the page, nothing will break because nothing will happen.
  3. If you pass false as the 4th parameter (bubble), ._on() will NOT prevent the event from bubbling. This is handy in certain situations.
  4. Mouseenter events are converted to Mouseover, and Mouseleave to Mouseout. This is to make such events work consistently since these events normally do not bubble. You can still override bubbling if you want!

Pay attention to certain gotchas, like the paste event. Let's say you want to do something to content pasted into a textarea. You'd have to do this:

// Do myOnPasteFunction() when you paste something into textarea with ID=stuff:
$('div.container')._on('paste', 'textarea#stuff', function() {
  setTimeout(function() { myOnPasteFunction(); }, 1);
}, false);

// If you don't pass `false` as the 4th param, `._on` cancels bubbling and stops event propagation
// That means the browser will never perform the actual paste operation!
// So your onPaste function won't do anything
// Most of the time, you don't want/need bubbling/propagation, but sometimes you do!!
// The `setTimeout` just puts `myOnPastefunction` at the end of the JS stack, so
// the function will be called AFTER the paste happens


// For those non-delegated event handlers that you only want to happen **once**:
$('.my-selector').one('click', function() {
	alert('This will happen only once, and then remove itself!');


// This works with both `.on()` and `._on()` - just be sure to add the same namespace to each event name


** .onChange HAS BEEN REMOVED in v3.2.3. INSTEAD, DO THIS: **

$('input#search').on('input', $.debounce(
	function() {
		// If the value of the input element has changed and been constant for
		// 500ms, do something here, like AJAX call to search form
	}, 500, false)


// Do an AJAX request (with all options below set to default - can omit most of them)
// This simply leverages XMLHttpRequest
	url: null,
	type: 'GET',
	data: null,
	processData: true,
	returnType: null,
	contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
	headers: {
  'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
  'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'
	timeout: 0,
	before: null,
	done: null,
	fail: null,
	always: null		

url: a string (REQUIRED)

type: 'GET' or 'POST' usually, defaults to 'GET'

data: optional even for 'POST', can be any of the following:

  • FormData()
  • serialized query string (DIY)
  • string (assumed to be serialized already)
  • Object (will be serialized automagically)
  • Typically, when submitting a form via ajax, you'll just use data: $('#myForm).formData(), which will give you a FormData object. DONE!

processData: if true, data will be serialized; always true for GET requests; ignored if FormData is passed in as data (!!)


  • if set to 'script', entire response will be parsed and executed as JavaScript immediately
  • if default null, any JS in the response will be extracted and executed WHEN the remainder of the response is inserted into the DOM via another PikaJS method like .html() or .update()... This works differently than jQuery!!


  • default is for serialized data
  • automatically ignored if data is FormData(), which allows for multipart uploads and the like


  • Defaults are often needed, so if you add your own custom headers, you may need to also specify the defaults:
    'X-Your-Header': 'Stuff',
    'X-Your-Other-Header': 'More Stuff',
    // Don't forget to add the defaults!
    'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
    'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'


  • Default is 0, or "let the browser handle it"
  • If set to 5000, for example, will call XMLHttpRequest.abort() after 5000ms. This will simply call the fail() function inside the .ajax() call

before: function to execute before the AJAX request; called with no arguments

done: function to execute on SUCCESS

  • function arguments you can add to your callback if you need them: response, responseType, status, statusText
  • Note that these arguments are XMLHttpRequest standard return variables
  • If all you want is response, define your done function like this: function(res) { // res = response }
  • If you want response and status, define your done function like so: function(res, resType, status) { // etc }

fail: function to execute on FAIL or ABORT/timeout if set

  • function arguments you can add to your callback if you need them: response, responseType, status, statusText

always: function to execute always on SUCCESS or FAIL

  • function arguments you can add to your callback if you need them: response, responseType, status, statusText

What about a jQuery-like dataFilter option?

Don't need one. dataFilter in jQuery is simply called on the returned data before it is passed to done, so you can just implement/call it yourself in:

done: function(response, responseType, status, statusText) {
	// Do your data filter stuff here somehow
	// Carry on

Why not use fetch()?

fetch() uses promises, which is nice. BUT... It's experimental, cookieless by default, the promise doesn't reject on an HTTP error, timeouts are not supported, aborting is complicated, and there is no progress tracking...

In short, it's not quite 'there' yet, so you can just use it yourself if you want/need.



Returns FormData object containing values of all fields in FORM element with id #myForm


Returns string that is the serialized values of all fields in FORM with id #myForm

** Note that unless otherwise noted in the follow functions: - 'html' = string of text that is HTML code to be converted into DOM nodes by Pika - el = Pika-selected object/element, such as $('div.this-div')


See above in Selectors section


Alias of .select



Returns parent of #mydiv as: Object [ <BLAH> ], and is thus chainable



Removes element from DOM and returns element's HTML as string; For multiple elements, use .each



Returns element's innerHTML as string

$('#mydiv').html('<em>Some text!</em>');

Sets element's contents to passed-in HTML; Any JS is executed; Chainable;
For updating multiple elements, use .each



Returns element's innerText as string

$('#mydiv').text('Some text!');

Sets element's innerText contents to passed-in string; Chainable;
For updating multiple elements, use .each


$('#mydiv').update('<em>Some text!</em>');

See second .html usage example above



Replaces element's contents with 'html' or Pika-selected element and returns the replaced element; Chainable; JS executed;
For replacing multiple elements, use .each



Insert 'html' or Pika-selected element as last child element inside #mydiv; Chainable; JS executed;
For multiple elements, use .each



Insert 'html' or Pika-selected element as first child element inside #mydiv; Chainable; JS executed;
For multiple elements, use .each



Insert 'html' or Pika-selected element as new sibling element before #mydiv; Chainable; JS executed;
For multiple elements, use .each



Insert 'html' or Pika-selected element as new sibling element after #mydiv; Chainable; JS executed;
For multiple elements, use .each



Get the 1st node up the DOM tree; Chainable

$('#mydiv').up('div.thingy', 2);

Get the 3rd node up the DOM tree that matches 'div.thingy'; Indexing starts at 0; Chainable;



Get the 1st node down the DOM tree; Chainable

$('#mydiv').down('div.thingy', 2);

Get the 3rd node down the DOM tree that matches 'div.thingy'; Indexing starts at 0; Chainable



Get the previous sibling in the DOM tree; Chainable

$('#mydiv').previous('div.stuff', 1);

Get the 2nd previous sibling in the DOM tree matching 'div.stuff'; Indexing starts at 0; Chainable



Get the next sibling in the DOM tree; Chainable

$('#mydiv').next('div.stuff', 1);

Get the 2nd next sibling in the DOM tree matching 'div.stuff'; Indexing starts at 0; Chainable


$('div.some_class').first();	->	Object [ <div> ]

Get the first element from the selected elements; Chainable
If you don't need the result to be chainable, you can simply do:
  $('div.some_class')[0]  ->  <div>



Get the last element from the selected elements; Chainable


$('div.some_class').eq(2);	->	Object [ <div> ]

Get the THIRD DIV with class 'some_class' from the selected elements; Indexing starts at 0; Chainable



Get the children of the selected element; Returns Pika object/array of elements; Chainable


Get the children of the selected element that match the given selector; Returns Pika object/array of elements; Chainable



Get the siblings of the selected element; Returns Pika object/array of elements; Chainable


Get the siblings of the selected element that match the given selector; Returns Pika object/array of elements; Chainable



Replaces 'div.some_class' with new 'html', and inserts 'div.some_class' as a child; Returns node that was wrapped; Chainable



Replace 'div.some_class' parent with 'div.some_class'; Returns node that was unwrapped; Chainable



Does 'div.some_class' (one or more) contain Pika selected el? Returns boolean



Get the id attribute of div.crazy

$('div.crazy').attr('id', 'my-super-id');

Set the id attribute of div.crazy to 'my-super-id'; Chainable;
For multiple elements, use .each



Remove the id attribute of div.crazy; Chainable;
For multiple elements, use .each



Does first element matching selector have class 'red'? Returns boolean



Adds class 'red' to ALL divs that have class 'crazy'; Chainable; No .each required!



Removes class 'red' from ALL divs that have class 'crazy'; Chainable; No .each required!



Adds or removes class 'red' from ALL divs that have class 'crazy'; Chainable; No .each required!



Get the value of input#cheese. This also works on SELECT lists and RADIO buttons to 
get the currently selected option value


Set the value of input#cheese; Chainable;
For multiple elements, use .each



Sets ALL divs with class 'red' to visible; Chainable
By default, `.show` will check for an inline style `display: none` attribute and use 
the defined CSS behind it if possible.
Or, you can specify the `display` value yourself.



Sets ALL divs with class 'red' to hidden; Chainable



Is first matched instance of visible or hidden? Returns boolean



Returns CSS opacity value for

	opacity: '0.5',
	'background-color': '#fff'

Sets CSS for ALL as specified; Chainable; Note that values like 'background-color' need 
to be passed as a string due to the hyphen. Note also that rgb values and short hex color values 
like #fff will be automagically converted into #aabbcc hex format for both getting and setting. 

You can also set 1 param without the { } like so:

$('').css('opacity', '0.5');

.css can also find getComputedStyle values for you automatically. In other words, you do NOT have
to do this:


Just do this:


Finally, it's up to you to compensate for any 'background-color' vs 'backgroundColor' problems. 
Note that if you get this wrong, .css may be returning a getComputedStyle value, and not the
defined CSS value! So, yeah - don't get it wrong.



Returns position of on the page relative to the top left corner of the window (aka cumulative offset position).
It turns an object with: top, left, x, and y:
	Object {
		top: 340,
		left: 367,
		x: 367,
		y: 240



Returns object with position of relative to document like so:
	Object { top: 340, left: 367 }



Returns offsetParent of; Chainable



Returns position of relative to offsetParent like so:
	Object { top: 420, left: 310 }



Returns object with dimensions of like so:
	Object { width: 340, height: 367 }


Alias of .getDimensions



Returns number equal to width of; Convenience wrapper for .getDimensions


Alias of .getWidth



Returns number equal to height of; Convenience wrapper for .getDimensions


Alias of .getHeight


$('').each(function() {

Iterates over each instance of and sets the innerHTML of each to 'Uh-oh!'; JS executed
Inside the .each function passed in, this = the current element
If the passed-in function returns false, the loop is aborted.



Returns true if value (for form elements) or innerHTML of selected element is empty, false otherwise



Focus browser on input#firstName; Chainable



Remove browser's focus on input#firstName; Chainable



Returns data attribute 'data-snausage' on 2nd

$('').data('snausage', 'this is some stuff');

Sets data attribute data-snausage on ALL divs with class='blue'; Chainable;
For multiple elements, use .each



Removes attribute 'data-snausage' from; Chainable

Animations and fun effects:

These have been improved and moved into the Pika Animate plugin. Check it out as it's now quite powerful!

Special methods NOT tied to Pika objects:


var $p = Pika.noConflict();

Make PikaJS work via variable $p instead of the default $.
This means you can use PikaJS and jQuery at the same time (or any other library that uses $)


Default is false; Set to true if you want ._on and .one events to ALWAYS bubble - aka 'jQuery mode'


$.each (obj, function(key, value) {
	console.log("key =", key, ", ", value = ", value);

This is NOT the same as $.fn.each, which is for iterating over Pika selector results.
This .each iterates over ANY JavaScript object you pass to it.
The passed-in function will have:
	key = name of object property
	value = value of object property
	this = the object itself
If the passed-in function returns false, the loop is aborted.



Used internally by .replace, .append, .prepend, .before, and .after
When el is a PikaJS object, it returns el[0] (the first selected result)
When el is an HTML string, the string is converted to HTML by $.H (and any JS is executed)


Used internally to improve on Balalaika's conversion from text -> HTML. Uses
document.createRange().createContextualFragment('some HTML') to convert from a string of HTML
into actual DOM nodes to be inserted.

This also extracts any and all SCRIPT tags, attaches a unique ID, and the extracted JS is then 
executed at the appropriate time when the HTML nodes are inserted into the page via .html(), 
.update(), etc.


Used internally by $.H to create a 7-char unique ID string for extracted JS execution at the appropriate time


$.S(event)  ->  
Calls event.preventDefault() and event.stopPropagation(); 
Uses window.event if event is undefined


$.t(obj)	->  return typeof obj === 'undefined';
!$.t(obj)	->  return typeof obj !== 'undefined';
$.t(obj, 'f')	->  return typeof obj === 'function';
!$.t(obj, 's')	->  return typeof obj !== 'string';

Second argument can be:
	'b' = boolean
	'n' = number
	'i' = bigint
	's' = string
	'y' = symbol
	'f' = function
	'o' = object

BE CAREFUL! Checking for undefined doesn't always work like you think depending on the variable scope and context...


$.T('div#my_div')  ->  Like Toggle.display(el) in PrototypeJS (VERY handy!)


This is used internally to attach JS code to the document <HEAD> for execution. If for some 
odd reason you want to use it, you can like so:

$.JS('some javascript code here', document);

The second param document can be omitted, or it can be included if you want to use a different 
context. The JS is executed immediately.


Debouncing function to prevent, say, rapid-fire mouse events from overloading the JS engine.
You use it like this:

$.debounce(func, delay, now);

`delay` defaults to 100ms, and `now` defaults to `false`.

So instead of doing this:

$(window).on('resize', function() {
  console.log("window resize!");

Which will fire 80 gajillion times, you can do this:

function resize() {
  console.log("window resize!");
$(window).on('resize', $.debounce(resize));

Which will only fire 100ms after the window resizing events have stopped.
You can also customize the delay by adding `delay` in ms, and you can trigger the function to 
happen immediately (before the `delay`) by passing `now` = true.

$.debounce is merely a wrapper around your `func`, so you can pass arguments including `event`
just like in a normal `.on` event handler.

Note that if you want to do multiple things in your debounce function, or if you want to pass
in a callback function with arguments, you should do this:

$(window).on('resize', $.debounce(
  function(event) {
    // event = resize Event data
    if (something) { OtherStuff(); }
  }, 50, false)

The key here is that the event listener callback MUST be $.debounce(fn); otherwise it won't work.

Finally, miscellaneous variables and methods

$ includes the following default values for PikaJS:

$.Version = '3.2.3'
$.Ajax = {
	url: null,
	type: 'GET',
	data: null,
	processData: true,
	returnType: null,
	contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
	headers: {
		'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
		'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'
	timeout: 0,
	before: null,
	done: null,
	fail: null,
	always: null

You can override these if you want for AJAX calls, or just for fun because you're nuts.

Also included are several other internal methods, which you can check out and use if you want. I'll just summarize them below.

$.merge(first, second)

Like Array.concat, but also modifies the first array to be the result of the merge.

$.getTags(context, tag)

Extracts content <tag> from context; Used for extracting JS from AJAX-returned HTML


Executes the JS returned from an AJAX call that matches the proper ID


Returns first descendant node of el.
Note this is different from $(...).first(), which is technically $.fn.first()!!

$.findR(el, prop, expr, index)

Recursive find used for .up, .previous, and .next


Returns cumulative offset of el in the document; Returns {left: x, top: y}


For CSS. Does what it sounds like!


Converts short 3-digit hex color codes into full 6-digit color codes

$.doToS(prefix, obj, add)

Builder for $.toS


Object -> to query string

Can you make it so that...

Maybe, but don't hold your breath.

Fortunately, it's very easy to write your own functions Balalaika-style, like so:

$.fn.superfunc = function(options) {
	// this = the result of $('...')
	// Do whatever with options
	return this; // For chainable

You would call the above function like:


If you want to add multiple functions, you can also do this:

$.extend($, {
	superfunc: function(a){
		// blah
	megafunc: function(a){
		// bluh
	hyperfunc: function(a){
		// blih

That's all, folks!