This guide provides information to get the HA component ready.
The following prerequisites must be met to install the HA component.
- Yum repositories must be available. To setup yum repos, run the following command:
- $ curl -o; chmod a+x
Note: If is not accessible, navigate to and click RAW. Then, copy the URL and use it for deployment.
- Run the below mentioned commands to install Python 3+, PIP, Kernel-devel (3.10.0-1062) as they are mandatory.
- $ yum install python36
- $ yum install python36-devel
- $ yum install openssl-devel
- $ yum install libffi-devel
- $ yum install bzip2-devel
- $ yum install systemd-devel
- $ yum group install "Development Tools"
- The cortx-py-utils rpm must be installed. To install the same, run the following command:
- $ git clone --recursive
- $ cd cortx-py-utils
- $ python3 bdist_rpm
- $ yum install dist/cortx-py-utils-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
Perform the procedure mentioned below to setup corosync and pacemaker. To complete the setup successfully, two Virtual Machines (VMs) are required. In the below mentioned procedure, the first five steps must be performed on both the nodes and the remaining steps must be performed on the primary node.
- Setup the yum repos. Refer the Prerequisites section above to know about the process of setting up.
- Run the below mentioned commands to disable selinux and firewall.
- $ systemctl stop firewalld
- $ systemctl disable firewalld
- $ sestatus
- $ setenforce 0
- $ sed 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/sysconfig/selinux
- $ shutdown -r now
- $ getenforce (It must show Disabled)
- Add eth0 IP address of both nodes in the /etc/hosts file by running the following command. Ensure that /etc/hosts file is reflected properly by running the following command.
- $ cat /etc/hosts
Also, ensure that DNS is updated to resolve host names.
- Install the required software by running the following command.
- $ yum -y install corosync pacemaker pcs
- Configure Pacemaker, Corosync, and, Pcsd by running the following commands.
- $ systemctl enable pcsd
- $ systemctl enable corosync
- $ systemctl enable pacemaker
To start the Pcsd service, run the following command.
- $ systemctl start pcsd
Configure a password for the hacluster user by running the following command.
- $ echo <new-password> | passwd --stdin hacluster
- Enter the new password in the <new-password> field.
Perform the remaining steps on the primary node.
- Create and configure the cluster by running the following command.
$ pcs cluster auth node1 node2
Username: hacluster
Password: .............
- Setup the cluster, by defining the name and servers that would be part of the cluster. Run the below command.
- $ pcs cluster setup --name CORTX_cluster node1 node2
- Start the cluster services and enable them. Run the following commands.
- $ pcs cluster start --all
- $ pcs cluster enable --all
- Disable Stonith and ignore the Quorum Policy by running the following commands.
- $ pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
- $ pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
- $ pcs property list
The example of the output is displayed below.
[root@ssc-vm-c-0208 534380]# pcs property list Cluster Properties: cluster-infrastructure: corosync cluster-name: CORTX_cluster dc-version: 1.1.21-4.el7-f14e36fd43 have-watchdog: false no-quorum-policy: ignore stonith-enabled: false
- Check the cluster status by running the following command.
- $ pcs status cluster
Example of the output is given below.
[root@ssc-vm-c-0208 534380]# pcs status cluster Cluster Status: Stack: corosync Current DC: node1 (version 1.1.21-4.el7-f14e36fd43) - partition with quorum Last updated: Wed Aug 19 02:04:43 2020 Last change: Wed Aug 19 02:03:57 2020 by root via cibadmin on node1 2 nodes configured 0 resources configured PCSD Status: node2: Online node1: Online
To clone the source code, run the following commands:
- $ git clone --recursive
- $ cd cortx-ha
Note: To clone the source code, it is necessary to generate the SSH public key. To generate the key, refer SSH Public Key.
To build the source code, perform the following:
- Install the pip packages by running the following commands:
- $ bash jenkins/cicd/ -e dev -t <github-token>
- Refer GitHub Token to know the process that must be followed to create a GitHub token.
- Build the RPMs by navigating to the directory where the HA component has been cloned, and running one of the following commands:
- $ jenkins/
- jenkins/ -b <BUILD-NO>
To install HA perform the following procedure.
- On both the nodes, run the following command.
$ yum install -y dist/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/cortx-ha-XXXX.rpm
For example, yum install -y dist/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/cortx-ha-1.0.0-368034b.x86_64.rpm
- Refer HA, and execute the following.
- post_install
- /opt/seagate/cortx/ha/conf/script/ha_setup post_install
- config
- /opt/seagate/cortx/ha/conf/script/ha_setup config
- init
- /opt/seagate/cortx/ha/conf/script/ha_setup init
- ha
- /opt/seagate/cortx/ha/conf/script/ha_setup test
- On the salt primary node, run the following command.
- **$ /opt/seagate/cortx/ha/conf/script/build-cortx-ha init **
Note: To configure HA, the CORTX stack or salt, pacemaker, and consul must be configured on the development box. Please note that HA is supported only on the hardware.
To reset HA, run the relevant commands mentioned below.
- On the salt primary node, run the following command:
- **$ /opt/seagate/cortx/ha/conf/script/build-cortx-ha cleanup **
- Run the following commands on the two nodes.
- $ /opt/seagate/cortx/ha/conf/script/ha_setup reset
- $ yum remove -y cortx-ha-XXXX.rpm
To perform the required tests, run the following commands:
- $ cd cortx-ha/ha/test/
- $ python3