chess on a hexagonal board that is not patented
bun i && bun start
note however, that you need to host the frontend if you want to play in your local network
(e.g. by adding server: { host: true },
to the vite.config.ts
- add tutorial / move info
- enable mirrored starting positions
- enable randomised starting positions
- enable WeGo mechanic
- enable clock games
- enable different boards
- enable different color themes
- enable concurrent games (maybe even accounts)
- make socket protocol more robust
if the technical side of this project tickles your fancy, here are some things I should have done differently:
- use zustand instead of shoving preacts signals around
- the subscriptions would have probably played nicer with phaser
- would have lead to less duplications of state in phaser vs preact
- having "type safe" sockets might not be worth having an unholy wrapper for client and server sockets
- phasers (stateful) object based approach to rendering is not my cup of tea
- turns out, I prefer libraries like raylib, LÖVE 2D, libGDX or MonoGame (maybe even in that order)