From 6e7901106e98a79086f19223ad025e2ca3f7443e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: semantic-release-bot Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2023 13:59:26 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] chore(release): 1.0.0-alpha.1 [skip ci] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit # 1.0.0-alpha.1 (2023-09-19) ### Bug Fixes * a missed argument in a debug message ([#3009]( ([af8c6e4]( * **adapter.requirejs:** do not configure baseUrl automatically ([63f3f40](, closes [#291]( [#292]( [#291]( * **adapter.requirejs:** show error if no timestamp defined for a file ([59dbdbd]( * Add crossorigin attribute to script HTML tags ([5690ffe]( * add emscripten memory image as binary suffix ([f6b2b56]( * add missing dep flatted ([#3223]( ([655d4d2]( * avoid ES6+ syntax in client scripts ([#3629]( ([6629e96](, closes [#3630]( * **BaseReporter:** log message correctly with just one browser ([#3045]( ([c1eb236]( * better error reporting when loading plugins ([d9078a8]( * better serialization in dump/console.log ([fd46365](, closes [#640]( * **browser:** allow updating total specs count ([#3264]( ([d5df723]( * **browser:** don't add already active socket again on reconnect ([37a7958]( * **browser:** emit 'browsers_change' in collection ([#3183]( ([7634e71]( * **browser:** ensure browser state is EXECUTING when tests start ([#3074]( ([dc7265b](, closes [#1640]( * **browser:** filter browser logging by level ([35965d9](, closes [#2228]( * **browser:** make sure that empty results array is still recognized ([#3486]( ([fa95fa3]( * **browser:** nicer "disconnect" - no more "Disconnectedundefined" ([a987d63]( * **browser:** reply "start" event ([4fde43d]( * **browser:** report errors to console during singleRun=false ([#3209]( ([30ff73b](, closes [#3131]( * browsers_change event always has collection as arg ([42bf787]( * **build:** pin npm version in appveyor to v3, compat with node 4 ([#2983]( ([bc1453e]( * **build:** switch from yarn to package-lock.json ([#3351]( ([6c5add2]( * bump production dependencies within SemVer ranges ([#3682]( ([36467a8](, closes [#3680]( * bump vulnerable ua-parser-js version ([6f2b2ec](, closes [#3713]( * call .resume to prevent browser output streams filling up ([107cd02]( * capturing console.log on IE ([fa4b686](, closes [#329]( * catch exceptions from SourceMapConsumer ([5d42e64]( * Change timing on test ([0cb6204]( * **changelog:** remove release which does not exist ([#3214]( ([4e87902]( * **ci:** abandon browserstack tests for Safari and IE ([#3615]( ([04a811d]( * **ci:** echo travis env that gates release after_success ([#3446]( ([b8b2ed8]( * **ci:** poll every 10s to avoid rate limit. ([#3388]( ([91e7e00]( * **ci:** Repaired AppVeyor for Node.js@0.12 ([cbfd98c]( * **ci:** stop the proxy before killing the child, handle errors ([#3472]( ([abe9af6](, closes [#3464]( * **cli:** Always pass an instance of fs to processArgs. ([06532b7](, closes [#677]( * **client.html:** always open debug.html in a new browser process ([d176bcf]( * **client:** add ES5 shim ([14c30b7](, closes [#1529]( * **client:** add proxy support to stringify ([be10116]( * **client:** avoid race between execute and clearContext ([#3452]( ([8bc5b46](, closes [#3424]( * **client:** check in bundled client code into version control ([#3524]( ([6cd5a3b](, closes [/]( * **client:** clearContext after complete sent ([#3657]( ([c0962e3]( * **client:** do not reset karmaNavigating in unload handler ([#3591]( ([4a8178f](, closes [#3482]( * **client:** does not throws an error for non DOM object that has `tagName` property ([ba55afb](, closes [#2139]( * **client:** don't crash if receive array-like results ([e095411](, closes [#2061]( * **client:** dynamic protocol for ([c986eef](, closes [#1400]( * **client:** Enable loading different file types when running in parent mode without iframe ([#3289]( ([7968db6]( * **client:** error out when opening a new tab fails ([099b85e]( * **client:** fix a false positive page reload error in Safari ([#3643]( ([2a57b23]( * **client:** fix issue with loaded on safari 10 ([#3252]( ([571191c](, closes [#3198]( * **client:** Fix stringify serializing objects ([0d0972a]( * **client:** flush resultsBuffer on engine upgrade ([#3212]( ([e44ca94](, closes [#3211]( * **client:** Only create the funky object if message is not a string ([#3298]( ([ce6825f](, closes [#3296]( * **client:** prevent from hanging due to mocked clocks ([#3695]( ([105da90]( * **client:** redirect to redirect_url after all messages are sent ([4d05602]( * **client:** Revert back to old reloading detection ([f1c22d6](, closes [#1656]( * **client:** serialise DOM objects ([1f73be4](, closes [#1106]( * **client:** show error if an adapter is removed ([a8b250c]( * **client:** Update location detection for ([7a23fa5]( * **client:** Use supported shim path. ([184f12e]( * **client:** Wait for childwindow to load ([c1bb15a]( * **client:** Wait for iframe to be loaded ([1631474](, closes [#1652]( * **cli:** override if an arg is defined multiple times ([31eb2c2](, closes [#1192]( * **cli:** print UserAgent string verbatim if from an unknown browser ([9d97226]( * **cli:** restore command line help contents ([#3502]( ([e99da31](, closes [#3474]( * **cli:** restore shell completion in the npm package ([f56b5a5](, closes [#2351]( * **cli:** temporarily disable strict parameters validation ([#3641]( ([9c755e0](, closes [#3625]( * **cli:** Use `bin` field in package.json ([6823926](, closes [#1351]( * **commitlint:** skip task on master ([#3650]( ([3fc6fda]( * **common:** fix AppVeyor build ([6c5e7d0]( * **common:** more detailed info about error ([424aacc]( * **common:** Proxy function toString does not contain Proxy. ([4fb3484]( * **common:** stringify error on 'Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string' ([#2990]( ([65b658a](, closes [#2856]( * **completion:** add missin --log-level for karma init ([1e79eb5]( * **config:** [#1113]( Watching is not working properly on linux ([c91ffbc]( * **config:** add crossOriginAttribute config option ([1e465b1]( * **config:** add test:unit npm script ([#3242]( ([02f071d]( * **config:** allow CoffeeScript 1.7 to be used ([a1583de]( * **config:** allow parsing the config multiple times ([78a7094]( * **config:** apply CLI logger options as soon as we can ([16179b0]( * **config:** better errors if file invalid or does not exist ([74b533b]( * **config:** Call debug log methods after setting the loglevel based upon config/cli-options. ([99fd3f0]( * **config:** Call debug log methods after setting the loglevel based upon config/cli-options. ([a340dae]( * **config:** check extension before ts-node register ([#3651]( ([474f4e1](, closes [#3329]( * **config:** Check if configFilePath is a string. ([98724b6](, closes [#447]( * **config:** corrects spelling in example config template ([9fafc60]( * **config:** Default remaining client options if any are set ([632dd5e](, closes [#961]( * **config:** do not change urlRoot even if proxied ([8c138b5]( * **config:** ensure basePath is always resolved ([2e5c5aa]( * **config:** Error when browers option isn't array ([b695460]( * **config:** fail if client.args is set to a non array ([fe4eaec]( * **config:** fix the warning when using old syntax ([5e55d79]( * **config:** frameworks spelling ([9259740]( * **config:** ignore empty string patterns ([66c86a6]( * **config:** Log the final config just before use. ([#3041]( ([05dd09a]( * **config:** make the config changes backwards compatible ([593ad85]( * **config:** move puppeteer from dependency to dev-dependency ([#3193]( ([f0d52ad](, closes [#3191]( * **config:** not append empty module if no custom launcher/rep/prep ([ee15a4e]( * **config:** remove phantomjs in favor of chrome headless ([#3175]( ([0f8b2b1]( * **config:** Retry install with appveyor-retry. ([17d5791]( * **config:** Separate ENOENT error handler from others ([e49dabe]( * **config:** Simpilfy error proceesing. ([#3345]( ([582a406](, closes [#3339]( * **config:** use polling by default ([53978c4]( * **config:** wait 20s for browser activity. ([#3087]( ([88b977f]( * **config:** Wait 30s for browser activity per Travis. ([#3091]( ([f6d2f0e]( * **config:** Workaround npm 5.4 windows bug ([ec47d81]( * **context:** do not error when karma is navigating ([#3565]( ([05dc288](, closes [#3560]( * **context:** Updated postMessage listener to stop validating non-Karma messages ([306e565]( * **coverage:** always send a result object ([62c3c67](, closes [#365]( * **cve:** update ua-parser-js to 0.7.23 to fix CVE-2020-7793 ([#3584]( ([f819fa8]( * **cve:** update yargs to 16.1.1 to fix cve-2020-7774 in y18n ([#3578]( ([3fed0bc](, closes [#3577]( * **debug-runner:** support asynchronous tests in the debug runner ([a36f3eb](, closes [#2811]( * **debug.html:** Added whitespace after 'SKIPPED' ([218ee85]( * **dep:** Bump useragent to fix HeadlessChrome version ([#3201]( ([240209f](, closes [#2762]( * **dependencies:** update and unlock dependency ([#3513]( ([b60391f]( * **dependencies:** update dependencies ([#3543]( ([5db46b7]( * **dependencies:** update production dependencies ([#3512]( ([0cd696f]( * **dependencies:** update to latest log4js major ([#3514]( ([47f1cb2]( * **dependencies:** update to safe version of http-proxy ([#3519]( ([00347bb](, closes [#3510]( * **deps:** back to karma-browserstack-launcher 1.4 ([#3361]( ([1cd87ad]( * **deps:** bump log4js to resolve security issue ([5bf2df3](, closes [#3751]( * **deps:** bump socket-io to v3 ([#3586]( ([1b9e1de](, closes [#3569]( * **deps:** freeze version ([73e300d]( * **deps:** freeze useragent version ([a8c8530]( * **deps:** lodash update. ([#3341]( ([5614c04]( * **deps:** pin colors package to 1.4.0 due to security vulnerability ([a5219c5]( * **deps:** remove babel-core and babel call in wallaby. ([#3044]( ([7da8ca0]( * **deps:** update colors to maintained version ([#3763]( ([fca1884]( * **deps:** Update dependencies ([b9a4ce9](, closes [#1410]( * **deps:** Update log4js in package.json ([#2996]( ([667b47e]( * **deps:** update to version 2.0.3. ([3b7b019](, closes [#2821]( [#2777]( * **deps:** Upgrade connect 3. ([b490985](, closes [#1410]( * **deps:** upgrade sinon-chai 2.x -> 3.x ([#3207]( ([dc5f5de]( * **deps:** upgrade to v4.4.1 ([52a30bb]( * detect a full page reload, show error and recover ([15d80f4](, closes [#27]( * detect type for URLs with query parameter or fragment identifier ([#3509]( ([f399063](, closes [#3497]( * do not execute already executing browsers ([00136cf]( * **doc:** Document release steps for admins ([#3063]( ([a701732]( * **docs:** fix stopper.stop wrong variable name. closes [#2244]( ([0745a00]( * **docs:** Remove mention of pre 1.0.0 version ([#3010]( ([6847ca0]( * **docs:** Update ([#3539]( ([e7cf7b1]( * don't crash/terminate upon errors within chokidar ([2c38931](, closes [#959]( * don't mark a browser captured if already being killed/timeouted ([2123097](, closes [#88]( * ensure that Karma supports running tests on IE 11 ([#3642]( ([dbd1943]( * eslint rules ([afb466d]( * **eslint:** Fix formatting for the new ESLint 1.8.0 ([dc1bbab]( * **events:** bind emitters with ([#3059]( ([b99f03f](, closes [#3057]( * **events:** resolve async events without any listener ([4e4bba8]( * **executor:** ensure run_complete is emitted last ([9c894f9](, closes [#2210]( * few typos ([c6a4271]( * **file_list:** follow symlinks ([ee26748]( * **file_list:** Incorrect response after remove and add file ([0dbc020]( * **file-list:** always use file from first matcher ([74bfdf3]( * **file-list:** do not define fs.statAsync ([#3467]( ([55a59e7]( * **file-list:** do not preprocess up-to-date files ([#3196]( ([5334d1a](, closes [#2829]( * **file-list:** Ensure autowatchDelay is working. ([655599a](, closes [#1520]( * **file-list:** Ensure files are sorted and unique ([9dc5f8b](, closes [#1498]( [#1499]( * **file-list:** ensure patterns are comparable ([4d1bf3e](, closes [#2194]( * **file-list:** Normalize glob patterns ([fb841a7](, closes [#1494]( * **file-list:** refresh resolves before 'file_list_modified' event ([65f1eca](, closes [#1550]( * **file-list:** revert "do not preprocess up-to-date files" ([#3226]( ([#3230]( ([bb022a7]( * **file-list:** Stop polluting global environment with core-js ([0988022]( * **file-list:** Use correct find function ([4cfaae9]( * **file-list:** use lodash find() ([3bd15a7](, closes [#1533]( * **file-list:** Use modified throttle instead of debounce ([cb2aafb](, closes [#1545]( * **filelist:** correct logger name. ([#3262]( ([375bb5e]( * **files:** Ignore included:false pattern ([db42a7f](, closes [#1530]( * filter browser logging by level of LOG ([89a7a1c](, closes [#2228]( * fix running tests in IE9 ([#3668]( ([0055bc5](, closes [/]( [#3665]( * **flaky-test:** Add time to beforeEach() to allow plugins to load on first pass. ([#3025]( ([31d9a08]( * global error handler should propagate errors ([dec0c19](, closes [#368]( * **helper:** Ensure browser detection is handled in the unkown case ([9328f67]( * **helper:** make mkdirIfNotExists helper resilient to concurrent calls ([d9dade2](, closes [/]( * **helper:** Patched replaceWinPath from choking on `null` values ([caa4d21]( * if preprocessor is async function and doesn't return a content then await donePromise ([#3387]( ([f91be24]( * ignore jsVersion configuration property in Firefox 59+ ([2694d54](, closes [#2957]( * improve error msg when bin is a directory ([#3231]( ([584dddc]( * **init:** add "ChromeHeadless" to the browsers' options ([#3096]( ([56fda53]( * **init:** add missing browsers (Opera, IE) ([f39e564]( * **init:** clean the terminal if killed ([e2aa749]( * **init:** fix for failing "testacular init" on Windows ([0b5b385]( * **init:** fix logger configuration ([557922d]( * **init:** fix test-main.(js/coffee) generation ([d8521ef](, closes [#1120]( [#896]( * **init:** fix the logger configuration ([481dc3f](, closes [#340]( * **init:** Fix type in init text ([e34465b](, closes [#954]( * **init:** generate config with the new syntax ([6b27fee]( * **init:** generate correct indentation ([5fc1795]( * **init:** generate plugins and frameworks config ([17798d5]( * **init:** install plugin as dev dependency ([46b7a40]( * **init:** Make the requirejs config template normalize paths ([54dcce3](, closes [/]( * **init:** set default filename ([34d49b1](, closes [#680]( [#681]( * **init:** Support ChromeHeadless in `validateBrowser` ([#3110]( ([eeadcf2]( * **init:** to not give false warning about missing requirejs ([562607a]( * **init:** trim the inputs ([b72355c](, closes [#663]( * install semantic-release as a regular dev dependency ([#3455]( ([1eaf35e]( * invalid characters in the headers on Node 5.6.0 ([152337d]( * **karma:** Escape quotes for file names. This fixes issue [#1876]( ([9dff3f3]( * keep all sockets in the case an old socket will survive ([a5945eb]( * launcher kill method which was throwing an error if no callback was specified ([5439f1c]( * **launcher:** Allow dynamic browser launches ([2b7d703]( * **launcher:** better errors when loading launchers ([504e848]( * **launcher:** cancel kill timeout when process exits cleanly ([bd66274](, closes [#946]( * **launcher:** compatibility with Node v0.8 ([6a46be9]( * **launcher:** compatibility with old launchers ([df557ce]( * **launcher:** compatibility with old launchers ([ffb7480]( * **launcher:** Continue with exit when SIGKILL fails ([1eaccb4]( * **launcher:** Debug Child Processes exit signal ([#3259]( ([c277a6b]( * **launcher:** exclude concurrent browser on launcher restart ([96f8f14](, closes [#2280]( * **launcher:** handle ENOENT error, do not retry ([7d790b2](, closes [#452]( * **launcher:** ignore exit code when killing/timeouting ([1029bf2](, closes [#444]( * **launcher:** Log state transitions in debug ([#3294]( ([6556ab4](, closes [#3290]( * **launcher:** Only markCaptured browsers that are launched. ([#3047]( ([f8f3ebc]( * **launcher:** send sigkill on timeout when force killing ([c615c1f]( * **launchers:** Listen to the correct error event. ([45a6922]( * **lint:** exempt built files ([#3024]( ([bc9acd3]( * **logger:** configure the logger as soon as possible ([0607d67]( * **logger:** create parent folders if they are missing ([0d24bd9](, closes [#3734]( * **logging:** Summarize SKIPPED tests in debug.html. ([a01100f](, closes [#1111]( * **logging:** Upgrade to log4js 2.x API. ([#2868]( ([f6f8707](, closes [#2858]( * **logging:** Util inspect for logging the config. ([#3332]( ([70b72a9]( * make window.parent.karma available in debugged context ([3e7eaeb]( * Merge config child nodes on config.set() ([65b688a](, closes [karma-runner/grunt-karma#165]( [karma-runner/grunt-karma#166]( * **middleware/runner:** handle file list rejections ([#3400]( ([80febfb](, closes [#3396]( [#3396]( * **middleware:** Actually serve the favicon. ([f12db63]( * **middleware:** add file type to absolute urls ([bd1f799]( * **middleware:** avoid using deprecated Buffer API ([018e6be](, closes [/]( * **middleware:** catch errors when loading a module ([#3605]( ([fec972f](, closes [#3572]( * **middleware:** change to use vanilla for loop ([ac62cc0](, closes [#2671]( * **middleware:** Correct spelling of middleware logger name ([9e9e7e6]( * **middleware:** does not work with mootools ([#2591]( ([2685e13]( * **middleware:** ensure Range headers adhere more closely to RFC 2616 ([8b1b4b1](, closes [#2310]( * **middleware:** fix WARN log when passing undefined error handler to promise.then ([20b87de](, closes [#2227]( * **middleware:** Inject `config.urlRoot`. ([569ca0e](, closes [#1516]( * **middleware:** log invalid filetype ([#3292]( ([7eb48c5](, closes [#3291]( * **middleware:** Obey the Promise API. ([93ba05a]( * **middleware:** replace %X_UA_COMPATIBLE% marker anywhere in the file ([f1aeaec](, closes [#3711]( * **middleware:** simplify stripHost. ([#3115]( ([d65e911]( * **middleware:** update `Buffer` usage ([3d94b8c]( * **package.json:** sinon-chai 2.13 is not compatible with sinon 4.x ([#2977]( ([e095b05]( * **package:** bump lodash version ([#3203]( ([d38f344](, closes [#3177]( * pass integrity value ([63d86be]( * patch karma to allow loading virtual packages ([#3663]( ([5bfcf5f]( * **plugins:** refactor instantiatePlugin from preproprocessor ([#3628]( ([e02858a]( * prefer IPv4 addresses when resolving domains ([e17698f](, closes [#3730]( * **preprocessor:** better errors when loading preprocessors ([3390a00]( * **preprocessor:** calculate sha1 on content returned from a preprocessor ([6cf7955](, closes [#1204]( * **preprocessor:** consider SVG files as text files, not binary files ([ff28803](, closes [#1026]( * **preprocessor:** Directory names with dots ([4b5e094]( * **preprocessor:** do not show duplicate warnings ([47c641f]( * **preprocessor:** Improve handling of failed preprocessors ([e726d1c](, closes [#1521]( * **preprocessor:** Lookup patterns once invoked ([00a2781](, closes [#1340]( * **preprocessor:** remove ts from binary extensions ([8269852]( * **preprocessor:** renamed handeFile to readFileCallback ([92a8c81]( * **preprocessor:** resolve relative patterns to basePath ([c608a9e](, closes [#382]( * **preprocessor:** retry if fs.readFile fails ([4b60513]( * **preprocessor:** serve NaCl binaries ([1cc6a1e]( * **preprocessor:** Throw error if can't open file ([bb4edde]( * **preprocessor:** throw if retry fails ([2789bf5]( * **preprocessor:** treat *.gz files as binary ([1b56932]( * **preprocessor:** treat *.swf files as binary ([62d7d38]( * **preprocessor:** treat *.tgz, *.tbz2, *.txz & *.xz as binary ([7b64244]( * **preprocessor:** use graceful-fs to prevent EACCESS errors ([279bcab](, closes [#566]( * **preprocess:** set correct extension for the preprocessed path ([c9a64d2](, closes [#843]( * **proxy:** fix crashing proxy when browser hangs connection ([1c78a01]( * **proxy:** handle proxied websocket transport upgrade ([fcc2a98]( * **proxy:** More useful proxyError log message ([96640a7]( * **proxy:** Pass protocol in target object to enable https requests ([142db90]( * **proxy:** Port mixup and infinite loop ([05616a2](, closes [#1987]( * **proxy:** proxy to correct port ([a483636]( * remove broken link from docs - ([#3555]( ([da2f307]( * remove circular reference in Browser ([518cb11](, closes [#3075]( * remove depreciation warning from log4js ([41bed33]( * Remove inadvertently added dependency to mock-fs ([ad5f6b5]( * remove string template from client code ([91d5acd]( * remove support of jsVersion configuration property ([#3002]( ([2bb4e36](, closes [#2911]( * remove unused JSON utilities and flatted dependency ([#3550]( ([beed255]( * remove vulnerable dependency combine-lists ([#3273]( ([c43f584](, closes [#3265]( * remove vulnerable dependency expand-braces ([#3270]( ([4ec4f6f](, closes [#3268]( [#3269]( * report launcher process error when exit event is not emitted ([#3647]( ([7ab86be]( * **reporter.junit:** Add browser log output to JUnit.xml ([f108799](, closes [#302]( * **reporter:** better errors when loading reporters ([c645c06]( * **reporter:** Better handling of non string error ([82f1c12](, closes [#1969]( [#1988]( * **reporter:** Disable source maps for URLs without line number ([2080221](, closes [#1274]( * **reporter:** do not allow URL domains to span new lines ([2c13404]( * **reporter:** Enable sourcemaps for errors that without column # ([086a542]( * **reporter:** Ensure errors use the source map. ([0407a22](, closes [#1495]( * **reporter:** Fix issue causing error stack not to be parsed correctly ([ac4e1a9](, closes [#2930]( * **reporter:** format stack with 1-based column ([#3325]( ([182c04d](, closes [#3324]( * **reporter:** inject correct config option ([80bd726]( * **reporter:** keep users exact formatError result ([17c2c43]( * **reporter:** preserve base/absolute word in error ([b3798df]( * **reporter:** prevent throwing exception when null is sent to formatter ([3b49c38]( * **reporter:** print browser stats immediately after it finishes ([65202d8]( * **reporter:** remove console.log ([b4e3694]( * **reporter:** remove newline from base reporter browser dump ([dfae18b](, closes [#297]( * **reporter:** remove SHAs from stack traces ([d7c31f9]( * **reporters:** cannot read property map of undefined ([305df2c](, closes [#1662]( * **reporters:** Fix results not being reported ([6303566]( * **reporters:** format fix for console log ([d2d1377](, closes [#934]( * **reporter:** show file path correctly when urlRoot specified ([34dc7d3](, closes [#2897]( * **reporter:** sourcemap not working in windows ([a9516af](, closes [#1200]( * **reporters:** Revert the backwards-incompatible log priority order changes ([316b944](, closes [#2582]( * **reporters:** Throwing error without loosing stack trace ([8a515ae]( * **reporter:** strip only hostname/port ([fbbeccf](, closes [#2209]( * **reporter:** warning if stack trace contains generated code invocation ([4f23b14]( * restarted browsers not running tests ([#3233]( ([cc2eff2]( * restartOnFileChange option not restarting the test run ([92ffe60](, closes [#27]( [#3724]( * restore `customFileHandlers` provider ([#3624]( ([25d9abb]( * restore backward compatibility for karma@0.13 ([648b357]( * reuse browser instance when restarting disconnected browser ([1f1a8eb]( * revert source-map update ([#3559]( ([d9ba284](, closes [#3557]( * **runner:** do not confuse client args with the config file ([6f158ab]( * **runner:** Do not persist grep option across runs ([#3121]( ([c91cb81]( * **runner:** Fix typo in CSS class name for .idle ([fc5a7ce]( * **runner:** Karma hangs when file paths have \u in them [#924]( ([1199fc4]( * **runner:** Make exit code configurable when tests are failing ([#3116]( ([74da748](, closes [#1300]( * **runner:** Make process kill timeout configurable ([ffaa054](, closes [#2447]( * **runner:** Make process kill timeout configurable - Fix Build ([a128e5c](, closes [#2447]( * **runner:** Merge config.client.args with client.args provided by run ([91de383](, closes [#1746]( * **runner:** remove explicit error on all tests failed ([#3369]( ([f8005c6](, closes [#3367]( * **runner:** Remove null characters from terminal output ([3481500](, closes [#1343]( * **runner:** send exit code as string ([ca75aaf](, closes [#403]( * **runner:** Test process kill timeout config ([99a1d48](, closes [#2447]( * **runner:** Wait for file list refresh to finish before running ([94cddc0]( * Safeguard IE against console.log ([0b5ff8f](, closes [#1209]( * **security:** mitigate the "Open Redirect Vulnerability" ([ff7edbb]( * **security:** remove XSS vulnerability in `returnUrl` query param ([839578c]( * **server:** actually call stert(). ([#3062]( ([40d836a]( * **server:** Add error handler for webserver socket. ([#3300]( ([fe9a1dd]( * **server:** Add test coverage for config.singleRun true branch. ([#3384]( ([259be0d]( * **server:** check available port before start server (fix [#1476](, fix [#3011]( ([a19b8d4]( * **server:** clean up close-server logic ([#3607]( ([3fca456]( * **server:** clean up vestigial code from proxy ([#3640]( ([f4aeac3](, closes [/]( * **server:** cleanup import of the removed method ([#3439]( ([cb1bcbf]( * **server:** clear web server close timeout on clean close ([34123fe]( * **server:** complete acknowledgment ([f4144b0]( * **server:** createPreprocessor was removed ([#3435]( ([5c334f5]( * **server:** detection new MS Edge Chromium ([#3440]( ([7166ce2]( * **server:** don't wait for store expiration timeout ([cd30a42]( * **server:** echo the hostname rather than listenAddress ([#3532]( ([ebe7ce4]( * **server:** Exit clean on unhandledRejections. ([#3092]( ([02f54c6](, closes [#3064]( * **server:** exit with code 1 when failing due to missing browser ([86e2ef2](, closes [#2403]( * **server:** Force clients disconnect on Windows ([28239f4](, closes [#1109]( * **server:** Handle new internal format. ([3ab78d6](, closes [#1782]( * **server:** log browser messages to the terminal ([d1f924c](, closes [#2187]( * **server:** log error when file loading or preprocessing fails ([#3540]( ([fc2fd61]( * **server:** pass bound port to prevent`EADDRINUSE` issue. ([#3065]( ([850a90b]( * **server:** properly close flash transport ([de89cd3]( * **server:** Remove Socket.IO listeners ([c3f05ef](, closes [#2980]( * **server:** replace optimist on yargs lib ([#3451]( ([ec1e69a](, closes [#2473]( * **server:** Report original error message ([#3415]( ([79ee331](, closes [#3414]( * **server:** Resurrect static function Server.start() lost in 2.0.3 ([#3055]( ([c88ebc6]( * **server:** set maxHttpBufferSize to the v2 default ([#3626]( ([69baddc](, closes [#3621]( * **server:** Simplify 'dom' inclusion. ([#3356]( ([5f13e11]( * **server:** Start webserver and browsers after preprocessing completed ([e0d2d23]( * **server:** switch to sync write ([6ec74ee]( * **server:** Update timers for limited execution environments ([9cfc1cd](, closes [#1519]( * **server:** use flatted for json.stringify ([#3220]( ([fb05fb1](, closes [#3215]( * serving binary files ([8a30cf5](, closes [#864]( [#885]( * Setting default value for config in runner and stopper ([414db89]( * **** Force 0.9.16 which works with Chrome ([840ee5f]( * **static:** Use full height for the iFrame. ([f95daf3](, closes [#714]( * **stringify:** guard Symobl from IE ([#3023]( ([538081c]( * support reconnecting for manually captured browsers ([a8ac6d2]( * Switch all requires from fs to graceful-fs ([1e21aaa]( * **test/client:** revert const/let changes. ([c097ecf]( * **test:** `test:client` silently failing on Travis ([#3343]( ([1489e9a](, closes [/]( * **test:** clear up clearContext ([#3597]( ([8997b74]( * **test:** locale in Expire header ([db04cf0](, closes [#1741]( * **test:** mark all second connections reconnects ([#3598]( ([1c9c2de]( * **test:** update bundleResource test timeout ([#3038]( ([d6060d4]( * **travis_ci:** converted node versions as string ([25ee6fc]( * **travis:** Pin to trusty ([#3347]( ([1c6c690]( * **travis:** Up the socket timeout 2->20s. ([#3103]( ([732396a](, closes [#3102]( * **travis:** use the value not the key name. ([#3097]( ([90f5546]( * **travis:** validate TRAVIS_COMMIT if TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA is not set. ([#3094]( ([fba5d36]( * **travis:** Validate TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA rather than TRAVIS_COMMIT. ([#3093]( ([a58fa45]( * update us-parser-js dependency ([#3564]( ([500ed25]( * **updater:** Fix time unit on screen display from 'ms' to 'seconds'. ([f39dd04]( * upgrade and set closeOnBeforeunload option to true ([d533a22]( * upgrade http-proxy module for bug fixes ([09c75fe]( * Upgrade to 1.4.5 ([2f51a9f]( * **UTs:** Correct proxy listeners expectation ([af9c84a]( * warn when `singleRun` and `autoWatch` are `false` ([69cfc76]( * **watcher:** allow parentheses in a pattern ([438eb8d](, closes [#728]( * **watcher:** Close file watchers on exit event ([7181025]( * **watcher:** handle paths on Windows ([6164d86]( * **watcher:** ignore double "add" events ([6cbaac7]( * **watcher:** ignore fs.stat errors ([74ccc9a]( * **watcher:** improve watching efficiency ([6a272aa](, closes [#616]( * **watcher:** watch files that match watched directory ([3940117](, closes [#521]( * **web-server:** Allow karma to run in project which path contains HTML URL encoded characters. Karma fails on Jenkins when it checks out branches containing '/' as it converts it to '%2F'. Fixes errors seen on [#1751](, [#61]( ([da1930f]( * **web-server:** cache static files ([eb5bd53]( * **web-server:** close webserver after running ([f9dee46]( * **web-server:** correct caching headers for SHAs ([bf27e80]( * **web-server:** correct urlRegex in custom handlers ([a641c2c]( * **web-server:** Correctly update filesPromise on files updated ([32eec8d]( * **web-server:** detach listeners after running ([3baa8e1]( * **web-server:** Ensure `filesPromise` is always resolvable ([892fa89](, closes [#1544]( * **web-server:** implement a timeout on webServer.close() ([fe3dca7](, closes [#952]( * **web-server:** inline the config, when serving debug.html ([1eb3643]( * **web-server:** Restart disconnected browser in non-singleRun mode. ([f6587dc]( * **web-server:** strip scheme, host and port ([06a0da0]( * **web-server:** Update config on every request ([8ef475f](, closes [#1972]( * work around broken console methods ([873e4f9](, closes [/]( * Wrap url.parse to always return an object for query property ([72452e9](, closes [#1182]( ### chore * **deps:** Remove peer dependencies. ([e033d56](, closes [#767]( * drop Node 10, 12, 14 ([01f265f]( * remove support for node 6 ([#3246]( ([8a83990](, closes [#3151]( * rename this shit to Karma ([2b2044e]( ### Code Refactoring * **context:** Future-proofed context.html and debug.html for modularity ([43f6a1a](, closes [#1984]( * **runner:** remove runnerPort ([ca4c4d8]( * use native Promise instead of Bluebird ([#3436]( ([33a069f](, closes [/]( ### Continuous Integration * drop Node 16 ([747c20a]( * drop node 8, adopt node 12 ([#3430]( ([a673aa8]( * Remove custom launcher (constructor) ([c2f8c9d]( * Change "reporter" config to "reporters" ([fd837a7]( ### Features * **adapter.jasmine:** remove only last failed specs anti-feature ([435bf72](, closes [#148]( * **adapter.requirejs:** normalize paths before appending timestamp ([94889e7]( * add "debug" button to easily open debugging window ([da85aab]( * add `browserDisconnectTolerance` config option ([19590e1](, closes [#777]( * Add `stopper` to the public API ([3d4fa00]( * add an option to run the tests by dynamically loading test scripts without iframe ([aa42c41]( * Add engine support for iojs@3. ([eb1c8d2]( * Add possibility to stop a karma server ([66ae80b]( * add support for node 6 ([0b8dc2c]( * add support for node@7 ([eb407ab](, closes [#2559]( * add Teamcity reporter ([03e700a]( * adding support for before middleware ([51b4206]( * allow browser to reconnect during the test run ([cbe2851](, closes [#82]( [#590]( * Allow custom browser names ([60ba85f]( * allow frameworks to add preprocessors ([f6f5eec]( * Allow frameworks to inject middleware ([d972f3d]( * allow inlined plugins ([3034bcf]( * allow multiple preprocessors ([1d17c1a]( * allow plugins ([125ab4f]( * **api:** add constants to the public api ([ee10977](, closes [#2361]( * **api:** expose `config.parseConfig` on the public api ([7d2c1ae]( * **async:** frameworks can be loaded asynchronously ([#3297]( ([177e2ef](, closes [#851]( * basic bash/zsh completion ([9dc1cf6]( * better string representation of errors ([c9e1ca9]( * **browser:** add browser_info event ([09ac7d7](, closes [#2192]( * **browser:** add browserNoActivity configuration ([bca8faa]( * **browser:** Emit a browser error when a disconnect occurs. ([e36ba6c]( * **browser:** improve logging ([71b542a]( * buffer result messages when polling ([c4ad697]( * capture window.alert ([284c4f5]( * **ci:** disable testing of node versions below 4 ([ec92ea9]( * **cli:** Add .config/karma.conf.js to the default lookup path ([49bf1aa](, closes [#1387]( * **cli:** Better CLI args validation ([73d31c2](, closes [#603]( * **client:** Add trusted types support ([#3360]( ([019bfd4]( * **client:** capture all `console.*` log methods ([683e6dc]( * **client:** capture confirm & prompt ([3a618b3](, closes [#694]( * **client:** log global error stack trace ([523d608](, closes [#2812]( * **client:** show error if no adapter is included ([7213877]( * **client:** update banner with connection, test status, ping times ([#3611]( ([4bf90f7]( * **cli:** error out on unexpected options or parameters ([#3589]( ([603bbc0]( * **cli:** Warn on commands with underscores. ([0801a7f]( * **config:** Add `forceJSONP` option ([8627d67]( * **config:** Add a clearContext config to prevent clearing of context. ([5fc8ee7]( * **config:** Add config option for browser socket timeout ([#3102]( ([11e3a9d](, closes [#2927]( * **config:** Add configuration for adding javascript version. ([0239c75](, closes [#1719]( * **config:** add failOnSkippedTests option. ([#3374]( ([4ed3af0]( * **config:** add nocache option for file patterns ([6ef7e7b]( * **config:** add restartOnFileChange option ([1082f35]( * **config:** add support for ES modules ([e811adb]( * **config:** add support for TypeScript ([6445310]( * **config:** Add the abillity to supress the client console. ([4734962](, closes [#744]( * **config:** add usePolling config ([18514d6]( * **config:** add warning if old constants are used ([7233c5f]( * **config:** allow config to be a default export ([9976dce]( * **config:** allow configurable launchers, preprocessors, reporters ([76bdac1](, closes [#317]( * **config:** Allow custom context and debug files, with feature test and some specs. ([225c0e5]( * **config:** allow empty config file when called programmatically ([f3d7742](, closes [#358]( * **config:** Allow tests be to run in a new window instead of iframe ([471e3a8]( * **config:** allow to use newer versions of CoffeeScript ([c1fcf42]( * **config:** always ignore the config file itself ([103bc0f]( * **config:** better error when Coffee/Live Script not installed ([aca84dc]( * **config:** clientDisplayNone sets client elements display none. ([#3348]( ([6235e68]( * **config:** default config can be karma.conf.js or ([d4a06f2]( * **config:** improve `karma.config.parseConfig` error handling ([#3635]( ([9dba1e2]( * **config:** log if no config file is specified ([ce4c564]( * **config:** make transports configurable ([bbd5eb8]( * **config:** mime config option support ([d562383](, closes [#1735]( * **config:** normalize string preprocessors into an array ([4dde160]( * **config:** Pass CLI arguments to `karma.config.js`. ([70cf903](, closes [#1561]( * **config:** pass the config object rather than a wrapper ([d2a3c85]( * **config:** remove default preprocessors (coffee, html2js) ([ada74d5]( * **config:** remove polling usage ([b0f41c7](, closes [#2669]( * **config:** require config as a regular module ([a37fd6f](, closes [#304]( * **config:** set default host/port from env vars ([0a6a0ee]( * **config:** server pingTimeout config option. ([#3355]( ([817fbbd]( * **config:** support running on a custom hostname ([b8c5fe8]( * **debug:** show skipped specs and failure details in the console ([42ab936]( * deprecate helper._ ([5c6b151](, closes [#1812]( * **deps:** add support for node@8 ([ea32194](, closes [#2754]( * **deps:** add support for node@8 ([7feaee3](, closes [#2754]( * **deps:** Remove core-js dependency. ([#3379]( ([0d70809]( * **deps:** update all deps ([355a762](, closes [#794]( * **deps:** update to `1.7.4` to avoid issue with `ws@1.1.2` ([264442b](, closes [#2593]( * display the version when starting ([3961739](, closes [#391]( * Do not fail on empty test suite ([8004763](, closes [#926]( * **docs:** callout the key debug strategies. ([#3219]( ([2682bff]( * **docs:** document `DEFAULT_LISTEN_ADDR` constant ([#3443]( ([057d527](, closes [#2479]( * don't wait for all browsers and start executing immediately ([8647266](, closes [#57]( * drop core-js and babel where possible ([60dfc5c]( * drop IE support ([a832dd5]( * fail if zero tests executed ([5670415](, closes [#468]( * Fail on launcher-, reporter-, plugin-, or preprocessor-load errors. ([fca930e](, closes [#855]( * **file-list:** Upgrade bluebird to v.3 ([f5c252f]( * **file-list:** Use glob.sync for better speed ([1b65cde]( * **frameworks:** report start() errors back to server. ([#3126]( ([8257375]( * **grunt:** run check_clean before starting release. ([#2978]( ([a3ff6c8]( * **helper:** Improve useragent detection. ([eb58768](, closes [#373]( [#318]( * **init:** add nodeunit, nunit frameworks ([b4da1a0]( * **init:** generate coffee config files ([d217371]( * **init:** generate test-main.(js/coffee) for RequireJS projects ([85900c9]( * **init:** improve the questions a bit ([baecadb]( * **init:** install coffee-script automatically ([e876db6](, closes [#1152]( * **init:** install karma-coffee-preprocessor ([29f5cf2]( * **init:** install missing plugins (frameworks, launchers) ([1ba70a6]( * **karma-server:** added log to the server.js for uncaught exception ([#3399]( ([adc6a66]( * **launcher:** Add concurrency limit ([1741deb](, closes [#1465]( * **launcher:** Enable specification of retry-limit ([cc5547c](, closes [#1126]( * **launcher:** log how long it took each browser to capture ([8dd5436]( * **launcher:** normalize quoted paths ([f2155e0](, closes [#491]( * **launcher:** output stderr for failing launchers ([7d33398]( * **launcher:** send SIGKILL if SIGINT does not kill the browser ([c0fa49a]( * **launcher:** trim whitespace in browser name ([871d46f]( * **launcher:** trim whitespace in browser name ([334f9fb]( * **logger:** Add date/time stamp to log output ([a4b5cdd]( * **logger:** Add date/time stamp to log output ([4a59443]( * **logging:** Add colors and log-level options to run-command ([9d4e234](, closes [#1067]( * **logging:** Add colors and log-level options to run-command ([2d29165](, closes [#1067]( * **logging:** Add logging-setup function ([d14bd62]( * **logging:** Send color option to server ([287d0db](, closes [#1067]( * **logging:** Send color option to server ([486c4f3](, closes [#1067]( * make autoWatch true by default ([8454898]( * **middleware:** added manual file type option ([0330cd1](, closes [#2824]( * pass command line opts through to browser ([00d63d0]( * patch console.log() ([21ebfb5]( * **plugins:** add support wildcard config for scoped package plugin ([#3659]( ([39831b1]( * **plugins:** ignore some non-plugins package names ([0177603]( * Preprocessor can return Promise ([#3376]( ([3ffcd83]( * **preprocessor:** add 'mp3' and 'ogg' as binary formats to avoid media corruption in the browser. ([65a0767]( * **preprocessor:** Adding the `dat` file extension as a recognised binary. ([be92357]( * **preprocessor:** allow preprocessor to cancel test run ([4d669bf](, closes [#550]( * **preprocessor:** Allow preprocessor to handle binary files ([#3054]( ([7b66e18]( * **preprocessor:** Capital letters in binary files extenstions ([1688689](, closes [#1508]( * **preprocessor:** Instantiate preprocessors early to avoid race conditions ([8a9c8c7]( * **preprocessor:** obey Pattern.isBinary when set ([#3422]( ([708ae13](, closes [#3405]( * **preprocessor:** preprocessor_priority execution order. ([#3303]( ([c5f3560]( * **preprocessors:** if a file matches multiple preprocessor patterns, intelligently merge the list of preprocessors, deduping and trying to preserve the order ([59642a6]( * **proxy:** add https proxy support ([be878dc](, closes [#293]( * **proxy:** add proxy events to config ([f5d99fb]( * **proxy:** Allow proxies configuration to be an object ([ad94356]( * **proxy:** Allow to configure changeOrigin option of http-proxy ([ae05ea4](, closes [#1729]( * **proxy:** use keepAlive agent ([#3527]( ([b77f94c]( * redirect client to "return_url" if specified ([6af2c89]( * remove `karma` binary in favor of karma-cli ([c7d4627]( * remove dependency on coffee-script ([af2d0e7]( * remove support for running dart code in the browser ([#3592]( ([7a3bd55]( * **reporter.junit:** add a 'skipped' tag for skipped testcases ([6286406](, closes [#321]( * **reporter:** add config formatError function ([98a4fbf](, closes [#2119]( * **reporter:** cache SourceMapConsumer ([fe6ed7e]( * **reporter:** improve source map handling and reporting. ([cf0be47]( * **reporter:** Replace way-too-big memoizee with a trivial solution. ([d926fe3]( * **reporter:** Replace way-too-big memoizee with a trivial solution. ([58340b1]( * **reporters:** Look for color-reporter ([fd9262d]( * **reporter:** support source maps (rewrite stack traces) ([70e4abd](, closes [#594]( * **reporter:** use spaces rather than tabs when formatting errors ([112becf]( * revert default usePolling to false ([e88fbc2]( * **runner:** feat(runner): ([62d4c5a](, closes [#2121]( [#2799]( [#2121]( [#2799]( * **runner:** add --no-refresh to disable re-globbing ([b9c670a]( * **runner:** allow passing changed/added/removed files ([b598106]( * **runner:** Buffer stdout and stderr for output when errors occur ([460d423](, closes [karma-runner/karma#2663]( * **runner:** provide error code on 'ECONNREFUSED' callback ([439bddb]( * **runner:** serve context in JSON format for JS-only environments ([189feff]( * **runner:** support config files ([449e4a1](, closes [#625]( * **runner:** Use favicon in static runner pages ([6cded4f]( * serve ePub as binary files ([82ed0c6]( * **server:** .dom files include HTML tags in page. ([#3178]( ([4651524]( * **server:** add 'listening' event with port number ([82cd0df]( * **server:** add listen address option so that IPv6 and loopback interfaces can be used ([8e5bee6](, closes [#2477]( * **server:** Add public api to force a file list refresh. ([b3c462a]( * **server:** Add public API to force a file refresh ([dab8a82]( * **server:** Add stop method ([#3153]( ([6d96d8e](, closes [#3149]( * **server:** Add support for encoded source files ([#3123]( ([68b37d3]( * **server:** allow 'exit' listeners to set exit code ([#3541]( ([7a94d33]( * **server:** improve public api ([82cbbad](, closes [#1037]( [#1482]( [#1467]( * **server:** print stack of unhandledrejections ([#3593]( ([35a5842]( * **server:** remove deprecated static methods ([#3595]( ([1a65bf1]( * set urlRoot to /__testacular__/ when proxying the root ([8b4fd64]( * ship coffee-preprocessor and requirejs as default plugins ([f34e30d]( * ship html2js preprocessor as a default plugin ([37ecf41]( * simplify loading plugins using patterns like `karma-*` ([405a5a6]( * **static:** Support media queries ([94e7b50]( * **stopper:** Enable programically detached server ([f10fd81]( * support asynchronous `config.set()` call in karma.conf.js ([#3660]( ([4c9097a]( * support LiveScript configuration ([88deebe]( * support SRI verification of link tags ([dc51a2e]( * support SRI verification of script tags ([6a54b1c]( * sync page unload (disconnect) ([ac9b3f0]( * udpate glob to last version ([fdac871]( * update of supported node versions ([e79463b]( * upgrade dependencies to their latest versions ([08242a0]( * Upgrade to 1.3 ([603872c](, closes [#1257]( [#1258]( [#1220]( * upstreamProxy config option to deal with proxies that adjust the base path, etc ([55755e4]( * **watcher:** Allow using braces in watcher ([e046379](, closes [#1249]( * **watcher:** Debounce autoWatchBatchDelay ([2f8c049](, closes [#2331]( * **watcher:** ignore initial "add" events ([dde1da4]( * **watcher:** make the batching delay configurable ([fa13931]( * **watcher:** use polling on Mac ([66f50d7]( * **web-server:** add support for custom headers in files served ([4301bea]( * **web-server:** allow custom file handlers and mime types ([2df8828]( * **web-server:** allow injection of custom middleware. ([2e963c3](, closes [#1612]( * **web-server:** allow overriding of default http module ([1e7514d](, closes [#2424]( * **web-server:** Allow Range headers in web server. ([a567b6f](, closes [#2140]( * **web-server:** Allow running on https ([1696c78]( * **web-server:** cache preprocessed files ([c786ee2]( * **web-server:** compress responses (gzip/deflate) ([8e8a2d4]( * **web-server:** disable gzip compression ([5ee886b]( * **web-server:** include html files as ([03d7b10]( * **web-server:** run karma using multiple emulation modes ([b9a2930](, closes [#936]( [#631]( * **web-server:** Serve all files under urlRoot ([1319b32]( * **web-server:** serve css files ([4e30554](, closes [#431]( * **web-server:** Use isbinaryfile for binary file detection ([f938a8e](, closes [#1070]( * **web-server:** use SHA hash instead of timestamps ([6e31cb2](, closes [#520]( ### Reverts * Revert "[feature] Add the abillity to chain multiple preprocessors. (Closes #161)" ([b22ab77](, closes [#161]( * "Merge pull request [#1791]( from budde377/feature-adding-no-colors-to-run-command" ([96ebdc4](, closes [#1894]( [#1895]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * Drop not supported Node js version 16 * Drop IE Support * Drop not supported Node js versions 10,12,14 * **server:** Deprecated `require('karma').server.start()` and `require('karma').Server.start()` variants were removed from the public API. Instead use canonical form: ``` const { Server } = require('karma'); const server = new Server(); server.start(); ``` * **cli:** Karma is more strict and will error out if unknown option or argument is passed to CLI. * Using Karma to run Dart code in the browser is no longer supported. Use your favorite Dart-to-JS compiler instead. `dart` file type has been removed without a replacement. `customFileHandlers` DI token has been removed. Use [`middleware`]( to achieve similar functionality. `customScriptTypes` DI token has been removed. It had no effect, so no replacement is provided. * **deps:** Some projects have tests that are version sensitive. * Karma plugins which rely on the fact that Karma uses Bluebird promises may break as Bluebird-specific API is no longer available on Promises returned by the Karma core * **server:** Deprecated createPreprocessor removed, karma-browserify < 7 version doesn't work * no more testing on node 8. * Drop Support for Node 6, to make it possible to use async/await in karma codebase. * **context:** Our `context.html` and `debug.html` structures have changed to lean on `context.js` and `debug.js`. * **server:** The public api interface has changed to a constructor form. To upgrade change ```javascript var server = require(‘karma’).server server.start(config, done) ``` to ```javascript var Server = require(‘karma’).Server var server = new Server(config, done) server.start() ``` * **deps:** Karma does not ship with any plugin. You need to explicitly install all the plugins you need. `karma init` can help with this. Removed plugins that need to be installed explicitly are: * karma-jasmine * karma-requirejs * karma-coffee-preprocessor * karma-html2js-preprocessor * karma-chrome-launcher * karma-firefox-launcher * karma-phantomjs-launcher * karma-script-launcher * `autoWatch` is `true` by default. If you rely on the default value being `false`, please set it in `karma.conf.js` explicitly to `false`. * The `karma` module does not export `karma` binary anymore. The recommended way is to have local modules (karma and all the plugins that your project needs) stored in your `package.json`. You can run that particular Karma by `./node_modules/karma/bin/karma`. Or you can have `karma-cli` installed globally on your system, which enables you to use the `karma` command. The global `karma` command (installed by `karma-cli`) does look for local version of Karma (including parent directories) first and fall backs to a global one. The `bin/karma` binary does not look for any other instances of Karma and just runs the one that it belongs to. * **runner:** `runnerPort` is merged with `port` if you are using `karma run` with custom `--runer-port`, please change that to `--port`. * **config:** please update your karma.conf.js as follows: // before: module.exports = function(karma) { karma.configure({port: 123}); karma.defineLauncher('x', 'Chrome', { flags: ['--disable-web-security'] }); karma.definePreprocessor('y', 'coffee', { bare: false }); karma.defineReporter('z', 'coverage', { type: 'html' }); }; // after: module.exports = function(config) { config.set({ port: 123, customLaunchers: { 'x': { base: 'Chrome', flags: ['--disable-web-security'] } }, customPreprocessors: { 'y': { base: 'coffee', bare: false } }, customReporters: { 'z': { base: 'coverage', type: 'html' } } }); }; * **config:** Update your karma.conf.js to export a config function. ````javascript module.exports = function(karma) { karma.configure({ autoWatch: true, // ... }); }; * this breaks in couple of ways - whenever you call the "testacular" binary, change it to "karma", eg. `testacular start` becomes `karma start`. - if you rely on default name of the config file, change it to `karma.conf.js`. - if you access `__testacular__` object in the client code, change it to `__karma__`, eg. `window.__testacular__.files` becomes `window.__karma__.files`. Conflicts: Testacular.sublime-project adapter/angular-scenario.wrapper adapter/jasmine.wrapper adapter/mocha.wrapper adapter/qunit.wrapper adapter/require.wrapper lib/init.js lib/server.js static/testacular.src.js test/client/jasmine.spec.js test/e2e/basic/karma.conf.js test/e2e/mocha/karma.conf.js test/e2e/qunit/karma.conf.js test/unit/ * Passing a constructor in config is not supported anymore. The solution with custom shell script is imho better. [changelog] * Please update your configurations. [changelog] --- | 796 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ package-lock.json | 4 +- package.json | 2 +- 3 files changed, 799 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 0b372f22..f977883f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,3 +1,799 @@ +# 1.0.0-alpha.1 (2023-09-19) + + +### Bug Fixes + +* a missed argument in a debug message ([#3009]( ([af8c6e4]( +* **adapter.requirejs:** do not configure baseUrl automatically ([63f3f40](, closes [#291]( [#292]( [#291]( +* **adapter.requirejs:** show error if no timestamp defined for a file ([59dbdbd]( +* Add crossorigin attribute to script HTML tags ([5690ffe]( +* add emscripten memory image as binary suffix ([f6b2b56]( +* add missing dep flatted ([#3223]( ([655d4d2]( +* avoid ES6+ syntax in client scripts ([#3629]( ([6629e96](, closes [#3630]( +* **BaseReporter:** log message correctly with just one browser ([#3045]( ([c1eb236]( +* better error reporting when loading plugins ([d9078a8]( +* better serialization in dump/console.log ([fd46365](, closes [#640]( +* **browser:** allow updating total specs count ([#3264]( ([d5df723]( +* **browser:** don't add already active socket again on reconnect ([37a7958]( +* **browser:** emit 'browsers_change' in collection ([#3183]( ([7634e71]( +* **browser:** ensure browser state is EXECUTING when tests start ([#3074]( ([dc7265b](, closes [#1640]( +* **browser:** filter browser logging by level ([35965d9](, closes [#2228]( +* **browser:** make sure that empty results array is still recognized ([#3486]( ([fa95fa3]( +* **browser:** nicer "disconnect" - no more "Disconnectedundefined" ([a987d63]( +* **browser:** reply "start" event ([4fde43d]( +* **browser:** report errors to console during singleRun=false ([#3209]( ([30ff73b](, closes [#3131]( +* browsers_change event always has collection as arg ([42bf787]( +* **build:** pin npm version in appveyor to v3, compat with node 4 ([#2983]( ([bc1453e]( +* **build:** switch from yarn to package-lock.json ([#3351]( ([6c5add2]( +* bump production dependencies within SemVer ranges ([#3682]( ([36467a8](, closes [#3680]( +* bump vulnerable ua-parser-js version ([6f2b2ec](, closes [#3713]( +* call .resume to prevent browser output streams filling up ([107cd02]( +* capturing console.log on IE ([fa4b686](, closes [#329]( +* catch exceptions from SourceMapConsumer ([5d42e64]( +* Change timing on test ([0cb6204]( +* **changelog:** remove release which does not exist ([#3214]( ([4e87902]( +* **ci:** abandon browserstack tests for Safari and IE ([#3615]( ([04a811d]( +* **ci:** echo travis env that gates release after_success ([#3446]( ([b8b2ed8]( +* **ci:** poll every 10s to avoid rate limit. ([#3388]( ([91e7e00]( +* **ci:** Repaired AppVeyor for Node.js@0.12 ([cbfd98c]( +* **ci:** stop the proxy before killing the child, handle errors ([#3472]( ([abe9af6](, closes [#3464]( +* **cli:** Always pass an instance of fs to processArgs. ([06532b7](, closes [#677]( +* **client.html:** always open debug.html in a new browser process ([d176bcf]( +* **client:** add ES5 shim ([14c30b7](, closes [#1529]( +* **client:** add proxy support to stringify ([be10116]( +* **client:** avoid race between execute and clearContext ([#3452]( ([8bc5b46](, closes [#3424]( +* **client:** check in bundled client code into version control ([#3524]( ([6cd5a3b](, closes [/]( +* **client:** clearContext after complete sent ([#3657]( ([c0962e3]( +* **client:** do not reset karmaNavigating in unload handler ([#3591]( ([4a8178f](, closes [#3482]( +* **client:** does not throws an error for non DOM object that has `tagName` property ([ba55afb](, closes [#2139]( +* **client:** don't crash if receive array-like results ([e095411](, closes [#2061]( +* **client:** dynamic protocol for ([c986eef](, closes [#1400]( +* **client:** Enable loading different file types when running in parent mode without iframe ([#3289]( ([7968db6]( +* **client:** error out when opening a new tab fails ([099b85e]( +* **client:** fix a false positive page reload error in Safari ([#3643]( ([2a57b23]( +* **client:** fix issue with loaded on safari 10 ([#3252]( ([571191c](, closes [#3198]( +* **client:** Fix stringify serializing objects ([0d0972a]( +* **client:** flush resultsBuffer on engine upgrade ([#3212]( ([e44ca94](, closes [#3211]( +* **client:** Only create the funky object if message is not a string ([#3298]( ([ce6825f](, closes [#3296]( +* **client:** prevent from hanging due to mocked clocks ([#3695]( ([105da90]( +* **client:** redirect to redirect_url after all messages are sent ([4d05602]( +* **client:** Revert back to old reloading detection ([f1c22d6](, closes [#1656]( +* **client:** serialise DOM objects ([1f73be4](, closes [#1106]( +* **client:** show error if an adapter is removed ([a8b250c]( +* **client:** Update location detection for ([7a23fa5]( +* **client:** Use supported shim path. ([184f12e]( +* **client:** Wait for childwindow to load ([c1bb15a]( +* **client:** Wait for iframe to be loaded ([1631474](, closes [#1652]( +* **cli:** override if an arg is defined multiple times ([31eb2c2](, closes [#1192]( +* **cli:** print UserAgent string verbatim if from an unknown browser ([9d97226]( +* **cli:** restore command line help contents ([#3502]( ([e99da31](, closes [#3474]( +* **cli:** restore shell completion in the npm package ([f56b5a5](, closes [#2351]( +* **cli:** temporarily disable strict parameters validation ([#3641]( ([9c755e0](, closes [#3625]( +* **cli:** Use `bin` field in package.json ([6823926](, closes [#1351]( +* **commitlint:** skip task on master ([#3650]( ([3fc6fda]( +* **common:** fix AppVeyor build ([6c5e7d0]( +* **common:** more detailed info about error ([424aacc]( +* **common:** Proxy function toString does not contain Proxy. ([4fb3484]( +* **common:** stringify error on 'Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string' ([#2990]( ([65b658a](, closes [#2856]( +* **completion:** add missin --log-level for karma init ([1e79eb5]( +* **config:** [#1113]( Watching is not working properly on linux ([c91ffbc]( +* **config:** add crossOriginAttribute config option ([1e465b1]( +* **config:** add test:unit npm script ([#3242]( ([02f071d]( +* **config:** allow CoffeeScript 1.7 to be used ([a1583de]( +* **config:** allow parsing the config multiple times ([78a7094]( +* **config:** apply CLI logger options as soon as we can ([16179b0]( +* **config:** better errors if file invalid or does not exist ([74b533b]( +* **config:** Call debug log methods after setting the loglevel based upon config/cli-options. ([99fd3f0]( +* **config:** Call debug log methods after setting the loglevel based upon config/cli-options. ([a340dae]( +* **config:** check extension before ts-node register ([#3651]( ([474f4e1](, closes [#3329]( +* **config:** Check if configFilePath is a string. ([98724b6](, closes [#447]( +* **config:** corrects spelling in example config template ([9fafc60]( +* **config:** Default remaining client options if any are set ([632dd5e](, closes [#961]( +* **config:** do not change urlRoot even if proxied ([8c138b5]( +* **config:** ensure basePath is always resolved ([2e5c5aa]( +* **config:** Error when browers option isn't array ([b695460]( +* **config:** fail if client.args is set to a non array ([fe4eaec]( +* **config:** fix the warning when using old syntax ([5e55d79]( +* **config:** frameworks spelling ([9259740]( +* **config:** ignore empty string patterns ([66c86a6]( +* **config:** Log the final config just before use. ([#3041]( ([05dd09a]( +* **config:** make the config changes backwards compatible ([593ad85]( +* **config:** move puppeteer from dependency to dev-dependency ([#3193]( ([f0d52ad](, closes [#3191]( +* **config:** not append empty module if no custom launcher/rep/prep ([ee15a4e]( +* **config:** remove phantomjs in favor of chrome headless ([#3175]( ([0f8b2b1]( +* **config:** Retry install with appveyor-retry. ([17d5791]( +* **config:** Separate ENOENT error handler from others ([e49dabe]( +* **config:** Simpilfy error proceesing. ([#3345]( ([582a406](, closes [#3339]( +* **config:** use polling by default ([53978c4]( +* **config:** wait 20s for browser activity. ([#3087]( ([88b977f]( +* **config:** Wait 30s for browser activity per Travis. ([#3091]( ([f6d2f0e]( +* **config:** Workaround npm 5.4 windows bug ([ec47d81]( +* **context:** do not error when karma is navigating ([#3565]( ([05dc288](, closes [#3560]( +* **context:** Updated postMessage listener to stop validating non-Karma messages ([306e565]( +* **coverage:** always send a result object ([62c3c67](, closes [#365]( +* **cve:** update ua-parser-js to 0.7.23 to fix CVE-2020-7793 ([#3584]( ([f819fa8]( +* **cve:** update yargs to 16.1.1 to fix cve-2020-7774 in y18n ([#3578]( ([3fed0bc](, closes [#3577]( +* **debug-runner:** support asynchronous tests in the debug runner ([a36f3eb](, closes [#2811]( +* **debug.html:** Added whitespace after 'SKIPPED' ([218ee85]( +* **dep:** Bump useragent to fix HeadlessChrome version ([#3201]( ([240209f](, closes [#2762]( +* **dependencies:** update and unlock dependency ([#3513]( ([b60391f]( +* **dependencies:** update dependencies ([#3543]( ([5db46b7]( +* **dependencies:** update production dependencies ([#3512]( ([0cd696f]( +* **dependencies:** update to latest log4js major ([#3514]( ([47f1cb2]( +* **dependencies:** update to safe version of http-proxy ([#3519]( ([00347bb](, closes [#3510]( +* **deps:** back to karma-browserstack-launcher 1.4 ([#3361]( ([1cd87ad]( +* **deps:** bump log4js to resolve security issue ([5bf2df3](, closes [#3751]( +* **deps:** bump socket-io to v3 ([#3586]( ([1b9e1de](, closes [#3569]( +* **deps:** freeze version ([73e300d]( +* **deps:** freeze useragent version ([a8c8530]( +* **deps:** lodash update. ([#3341]( ([5614c04]( +* **deps:** pin colors package to 1.4.0 due to security vulnerability ([a5219c5]( +* **deps:** remove babel-core and babel call in wallaby. ([#3044]( ([7da8ca0]( +* **deps:** update colors to maintained version ([#3763]( ([fca1884]( +* **deps:** Update dependencies ([b9a4ce9](, closes [#1410]( +* **deps:** Update log4js in package.json ([#2996]( ([667b47e]( +* **deps:** update to version 2.0.3. ([3b7b019](, closes [#2821]( [#2777]( +* **deps:** Upgrade connect 3. ([b490985](, closes [#1410]( +* **deps:** upgrade sinon-chai 2.x -> 3.x ([#3207]( ([dc5f5de]( +* **deps:** upgrade to v4.4.1 ([52a30bb]( +* detect a full page reload, show error and recover ([15d80f4](, closes [#27]( +* detect type for URLs with query parameter or fragment identifier ([#3509]( ([f399063](, closes [#3497]( +* do not execute already executing browsers ([00136cf]( +* **doc:** Document release steps for admins ([#3063]( ([a701732]( +* **docs:** fix stopper.stop wrong variable name. closes [#2244]( ([0745a00]( +* **docs:** Remove mention of pre 1.0.0 version ([#3010]( ([6847ca0]( +* **docs:** Update ([#3539]( ([e7cf7b1]( +* don't crash/terminate upon errors within chokidar ([2c38931](, closes [#959]( +* don't mark a browser captured if already being killed/timeouted ([2123097](, closes [#88]( +* ensure that Karma supports running tests on IE 11 ([#3642]( ([dbd1943]( +* eslint rules ([afb466d]( +* **eslint:** Fix formatting for the new ESLint 1.8.0 ([dc1bbab]( +* **events:** bind emitters with ([#3059]( ([b99f03f](, closes [#3057]( +* **events:** resolve async events without any listener ([4e4bba8]( +* **executor:** ensure run_complete is emitted last ([9c894f9](, closes [#2210]( +* few typos ([c6a4271]( +* **file_list:** follow symlinks ([ee26748]( +* **file_list:** Incorrect response after remove and add file ([0dbc020]( +* **file-list:** always use file from first matcher ([74bfdf3]( +* **file-list:** do not define fs.statAsync ([#3467]( ([55a59e7]( +* **file-list:** do not preprocess up-to-date files ([#3196]( ([5334d1a](, closes [#2829]( +* **file-list:** Ensure autowatchDelay is working. ([655599a](, closes [#1520]( +* **file-list:** Ensure files are sorted and unique ([9dc5f8b](, closes [#1498]( [#1499]( +* **file-list:** ensure patterns are comparable ([4d1bf3e](, closes [#2194]( +* **file-list:** Normalize glob patterns ([fb841a7](, closes [#1494]( +* **file-list:** refresh resolves before 'file_list_modified' event ([65f1eca](, closes [#1550]( +* **file-list:** revert "do not preprocess up-to-date files" ([#3226]( ([#3230]( ([bb022a7]( +* **file-list:** Stop polluting global environment with core-js ([0988022]( +* **file-list:** Use correct find function ([4cfaae9]( +* **file-list:** use lodash find() ([3bd15a7](, closes [#1533]( +* **file-list:** Use modified throttle instead of debounce ([cb2aafb](, closes [#1545]( +* **filelist:** correct logger name. ([#3262]( ([375bb5e]( +* **files:** Ignore included:false pattern ([db42a7f](, closes [#1530]( +* filter browser logging by level of LOG ([89a7a1c](, closes [#2228]( +* fix running tests in IE9 ([#3668]( ([0055bc5](, closes [/]( [#3665]( +* **flaky-test:** Add time to beforeEach() to allow plugins to load on first pass. ([#3025]( ([31d9a08]( +* global error handler should propagate errors ([dec0c19](, closes [#368]( +* **helper:** Ensure browser detection is handled in the unkown case ([9328f67]( +* **helper:** make mkdirIfNotExists helper resilient to concurrent calls ([d9dade2](, closes [/]( +* **helper:** Patched replaceWinPath from choking on `null` values ([caa4d21]( +* if preprocessor is async function and doesn't return a content then await donePromise ([#3387]( ([f91be24]( +* ignore jsVersion configuration property in Firefox 59+ ([2694d54](, closes [#2957]( +* improve error msg when bin is a directory ([#3231]( ([584dddc]( +* **init:** add "ChromeHeadless" to the browsers' options ([#3096]( ([56fda53]( +* **init:** add missing browsers (Opera, IE) ([f39e564]( +* **init:** clean the terminal if killed ([e2aa749]( +* **init:** fix for failing "testacular init" on Windows ([0b5b385]( +* **init:** fix logger configuration ([557922d]( +* **init:** fix test-main.(js/coffee) generation ([d8521ef](, closes [#1120]( [#896]( +* **init:** fix the logger configuration ([481dc3f](, closes [#340]( +* **init:** Fix type in init text ([e34465b](, closes [#954]( +* **init:** generate config with the new syntax ([6b27fee]( +* **init:** generate correct indentation ([5fc1795]( +* **init:** generate plugins and frameworks config ([17798d5]( +* **init:** install plugin as dev dependency ([46b7a40]( +* **init:** Make the requirejs config template normalize paths ([54dcce3](, closes [/]( +* **init:** set default filename ([34d49b1](, closes [#680]( [#681]( +* **init:** Support ChromeHeadless in `validateBrowser` ([#3110]( ([eeadcf2]( +* **init:** to not give false warning about missing requirejs ([562607a]( +* **init:** trim the inputs ([b72355c](, closes [#663]( +* install semantic-release as a regular dev dependency ([#3455]( ([1eaf35e]( +* invalid characters in the headers on Node 5.6.0 ([152337d]( +* **karma:** Escape quotes for file names. This fixes issue [#1876]( ([9dff3f3]( +* keep all sockets in the case an old socket will survive ([a5945eb]( +* launcher kill method which was throwing an error if no callback was specified ([5439f1c]( +* **launcher:** Allow dynamic browser launches ([2b7d703]( +* **launcher:** better errors when loading launchers ([504e848]( +* **launcher:** cancel kill timeout when process exits cleanly ([bd66274](, closes [#946]( +* **launcher:** compatibility with Node v0.8 ([6a46be9]( +* **launcher:** compatibility with old launchers ([df557ce]( +* **launcher:** compatibility with old launchers ([ffb7480]( +* **launcher:** Continue with exit when SIGKILL fails ([1eaccb4]( +* **launcher:** Debug Child Processes exit signal ([#3259]( ([c277a6b]( +* **launcher:** exclude concurrent browser on launcher restart ([96f8f14](, closes [#2280]( +* **launcher:** handle ENOENT error, do not retry ([7d790b2](, closes [#452]( +* **launcher:** ignore exit code when killing/timeouting ([1029bf2](, closes [#444]( +* **launcher:** Log state transitions in debug ([#3294]( ([6556ab4](, closes [#3290]( +* **launcher:** Only markCaptured browsers that are launched. ([#3047]( ([f8f3ebc]( +* **launcher:** send sigkill on timeout when force killing ([c615c1f]( +* **launchers:** Listen to the correct error event. ([45a6922]( +* **lint:** exempt built files ([#3024]( ([bc9acd3]( +* **logger:** configure the logger as soon as possible ([0607d67]( +* **logger:** create parent folders if they are missing ([0d24bd9](, closes [#3734]( +* **logging:** Summarize SKIPPED tests in debug.html. ([a01100f](, closes [#1111]( +* **logging:** Upgrade to log4js 2.x API. ([#2868]( ([f6f8707](, closes [#2858]( +* **logging:** Util inspect for logging the config. ([#3332]( ([70b72a9]( +* make window.parent.karma available in debugged context ([3e7eaeb]( +* Merge config child nodes on config.set() ([65b688a](, closes [karma-runner/grunt-karma#165]( [karma-runner/grunt-karma#166]( +* **middleware/runner:** handle file list rejections ([#3400]( ([80febfb](, closes [#3396]( [#3396]( +* **middleware:** Actually serve the favicon. ([f12db63]( +* **middleware:** add file type to absolute urls ([bd1f799]( +* **middleware:** avoid using deprecated Buffer API ([018e6be](, closes [/]( +* **middleware:** catch errors when loading a module ([#3605]( ([fec972f](, closes [#3572]( +* **middleware:** change to use vanilla for loop ([ac62cc0](, closes [#2671]( +* **middleware:** Correct spelling of middleware logger name ([9e9e7e6]( +* **middleware:** does not work with mootools ([#2591]( ([2685e13]( +* **middleware:** ensure Range headers adhere more closely to RFC 2616 ([8b1b4b1](, closes [#2310]( +* **middleware:** fix WARN log when passing undefined error handler to promise.then ([20b87de](, closes [#2227]( +* **middleware:** Inject `config.urlRoot`. ([569ca0e](, closes [#1516]( +* **middleware:** log invalid filetype ([#3292]( ([7eb48c5](, closes [#3291]( +* **middleware:** Obey the Promise API. ([93ba05a]( +* **middleware:** replace %X_UA_COMPATIBLE% marker anywhere in the file ([f1aeaec](, closes [#3711]( +* **middleware:** simplify stripHost. ([#3115]( ([d65e911]( +* **middleware:** update `Buffer` usage ([3d94b8c]( +* **package.json:** sinon-chai 2.13 is not compatible with sinon 4.x ([#2977]( ([e095b05]( +* **package:** bump lodash version ([#3203]( ([d38f344](, closes [#3177]( +* pass integrity value ([63d86be]( +* patch karma to allow loading virtual packages ([#3663]( ([5bfcf5f]( +* **plugins:** refactor instantiatePlugin from preproprocessor ([#3628]( ([e02858a]( +* prefer IPv4 addresses when resolving domains ([e17698f](, closes [#3730]( +* **preprocessor:** better errors when loading preprocessors ([3390a00]( +* **preprocessor:** calculate sha1 on content returned from a preprocessor ([6cf7955](, closes [#1204]( +* **preprocessor:** consider SVG files as text files, not binary files ([ff28803](, closes [#1026]( +* **preprocessor:** Directory names with dots ([4b5e094]( +* **preprocessor:** do not show duplicate warnings ([47c641f]( +* **preprocessor:** Improve handling of failed preprocessors ([e726d1c](, closes [#1521]( +* **preprocessor:** Lookup patterns once invoked ([00a2781](, closes [#1340]( +* **preprocessor:** remove ts from binary extensions ([8269852]( +* **preprocessor:** renamed handeFile to readFileCallback ([92a8c81]( +* **preprocessor:** resolve relative patterns to basePath ([c608a9e](, closes [#382]( +* **preprocessor:** retry if fs.readFile fails ([4b60513]( +* **preprocessor:** serve NaCl binaries ([1cc6a1e]( +* **preprocessor:** Throw error if can't open file ([bb4edde]( +* **preprocessor:** throw if retry fails ([2789bf5]( +* **preprocessor:** treat *.gz files as binary ([1b56932]( +* **preprocessor:** treat *.swf files as binary ([62d7d38]( +* **preprocessor:** treat *.tgz, *.tbz2, *.txz & *.xz as binary ([7b64244]( +* **preprocessor:** use graceful-fs to prevent EACCESS errors ([279bcab](, closes [#566]( +* **preprocess:** set correct extension for the preprocessed path ([c9a64d2](, closes [#843]( +* **proxy:** fix crashing proxy when browser hangs connection ([1c78a01]( +* **proxy:** handle proxied websocket transport upgrade ([fcc2a98]( +* **proxy:** More useful proxyError log message ([96640a7]( +* **proxy:** Pass protocol in target object to enable https requests ([142db90]( +* **proxy:** Port mixup and infinite loop ([05616a2](, closes [#1987]( +* **proxy:** proxy to correct port ([a483636]( +* remove broken link from docs - ([#3555]( ([da2f307]( +* remove circular reference in Browser ([518cb11](, closes [#3075]( +* remove depreciation warning from log4js ([41bed33]( +* Remove inadvertently added dependency to mock-fs ([ad5f6b5]( +* remove string template from client code ([91d5acd]( +* remove support of jsVersion configuration property ([#3002]( ([2bb4e36](, closes [#2911]( +* remove unused JSON utilities and flatted dependency ([#3550]( ([beed255]( +* remove vulnerable dependency combine-lists ([#3273]( ([c43f584](, closes [#3265]( +* remove vulnerable dependency expand-braces ([#3270]( ([4ec4f6f](, closes [#3268]( [#3269]( +* report launcher process error when exit event is not emitted ([#3647]( ([7ab86be]( +* **reporter.junit:** Add browser log output to JUnit.xml ([f108799](, closes [#302]( +* **reporter:** better errors when loading reporters ([c645c06]( +* **reporter:** Better handling of non string error ([82f1c12](, closes [#1969]( [#1988]( +* **reporter:** Disable source maps for URLs without line number ([2080221](, closes [#1274]( +* **reporter:** do not allow URL domains to span new lines ([2c13404]( +* **reporter:** Enable sourcemaps for errors that without column # ([086a542]( +* **reporter:** Ensure errors use the source map. ([0407a22](, closes [#1495]( +* **reporter:** Fix issue causing error stack not to be parsed correctly ([ac4e1a9](, closes [#2930]( +* **reporter:** format stack with 1-based column ([#3325]( ([182c04d](, closes [#3324]( +* **reporter:** inject correct config option ([80bd726]( +* **reporter:** keep users exact formatError result ([17c2c43]( +* **reporter:** preserve base/absolute word in error ([b3798df]( +* **reporter:** prevent throwing exception when null is sent to formatter ([3b49c38]( +* **reporter:** print browser stats immediately after it finishes ([65202d8]( +* **reporter:** remove console.log ([b4e3694]( +* **reporter:** remove newline from base reporter browser dump ([dfae18b](, closes [#297]( +* **reporter:** remove SHAs from stack traces ([d7c31f9]( +* **reporters:** cannot read property map of undefined ([305df2c](, closes [#1662]( +* **reporters:** Fix results not being reported ([6303566]( +* **reporters:** format fix for console log ([d2d1377](, closes [#934]( +* **reporter:** show file path correctly when urlRoot specified ([34dc7d3](, closes [#2897]( +* **reporter:** sourcemap not working in windows ([a9516af](, closes [#1200]( +* **reporters:** Revert the backwards-incompatible log priority order changes ([316b944](, closes [#2582]( +* **reporters:** Throwing error without loosing stack trace ([8a515ae]( +* **reporter:** strip only hostname/port ([fbbeccf](, closes [#2209]( +* **reporter:** warning if stack trace contains generated code invocation ([4f23b14]( +* restarted browsers not running tests ([#3233]( ([cc2eff2]( +* restartOnFileChange option not restarting the test run ([92ffe60](, closes [#27]( [#3724]( +* restore `customFileHandlers` provider ([#3624]( ([25d9abb]( +* restore backward compatibility for karma@0.13 ([648b357]( +* reuse browser instance when restarting disconnected browser ([1f1a8eb]( +* revert source-map update ([#3559]( ([d9ba284](, closes [#3557]( +* **runner:** do not confuse client args with the config file ([6f158ab]( +* **runner:** Do not persist grep option across runs ([#3121]( ([c91cb81]( +* **runner:** Fix typo in CSS class name for .idle ([fc5a7ce]( +* **runner:** Karma hangs when file paths have \u in them [#924]( ([1199fc4]( +* **runner:** Make exit code configurable when tests are failing ([#3116]( ([74da748](, closes [#1300]( +* **runner:** Make process kill timeout configurable ([ffaa054](, closes [#2447]( +* **runner:** Make process kill timeout configurable - Fix Build ([a128e5c](, closes [#2447]( +* **runner:** Merge config.client.args with client.args provided by run ([91de383](, closes [#1746]( +* **runner:** remove explicit error on all tests failed ([#3369]( ([f8005c6](, closes [#3367]( +* **runner:** Remove null characters from terminal output ([3481500](, closes [#1343]( +* **runner:** send exit code as string ([ca75aaf](, closes [#403]( +* **runner:** Test process kill timeout config ([99a1d48](, closes [#2447]( +* **runner:** Wait for file list refresh to finish before running ([94cddc0]( +* Safeguard IE against console.log ([0b5ff8f](, closes [#1209]( +* **security:** mitigate the "Open Redirect Vulnerability" ([ff7edbb]( +* **security:** remove XSS vulnerability in `returnUrl` query param ([839578c]( +* **server:** actually call stert(). ([#3062]( ([40d836a]( +* **server:** Add error handler for webserver socket. ([#3300]( ([fe9a1dd]( +* **server:** Add test coverage for config.singleRun true branch. ([#3384]( ([259be0d]( +* **server:** check available port before start server (fix [#1476](, fix [#3011]( ([a19b8d4]( +* **server:** clean up close-server logic ([#3607]( ([3fca456]( +* **server:** clean up vestigial code from proxy ([#3640]( ([f4aeac3](, closes [/]( +* **server:** cleanup import of the removed method ([#3439]( ([cb1bcbf]( +* **server:** clear web server close timeout on clean close ([34123fe]( +* **server:** complete acknowledgment ([f4144b0]( +* **server:** createPreprocessor was removed ([#3435]( ([5c334f5]( +* **server:** detection new MS Edge Chromium ([#3440]( ([7166ce2]( +* **server:** don't wait for store expiration timeout ([cd30a42]( +* **server:** echo the hostname rather than listenAddress ([#3532]( ([ebe7ce4]( +* **server:** Exit clean on unhandledRejections. ([#3092]( ([02f54c6](, closes [#3064]( +* **server:** exit with code 1 when failing due to missing browser ([86e2ef2](, closes [#2403]( +* **server:** Force clients disconnect on Windows ([28239f4](, closes [#1109]( +* **server:** Handle new internal format. ([3ab78d6](, closes [#1782]( +* **server:** log browser messages to the terminal ([d1f924c](, closes [#2187]( +* **server:** log error when file loading or preprocessing fails ([#3540]( ([fc2fd61]( +* **server:** pass bound port to prevent`EADDRINUSE` issue. ([#3065]( ([850a90b]( +* **server:** properly close flash transport ([de89cd3]( +* **server:** Remove Socket.IO listeners ([c3f05ef](, closes [#2980]( +* **server:** replace optimist on yargs lib ([#3451]( ([ec1e69a](, closes [#2473]( +* **server:** Report original error message ([#3415]( ([79ee331](, closes [#3414]( +* **server:** Resurrect static function Server.start() lost in 2.0.3 ([#3055]( ([c88ebc6]( +* **server:** set maxHttpBufferSize to the v2 default ([#3626]( ([69baddc](, closes [#3621]( +* **server:** Simplify 'dom' inclusion. ([#3356]( ([5f13e11]( +* **server:** Start webserver and browsers after preprocessing completed ([e0d2d23]( +* **server:** switch to sync write ([6ec74ee]( +* **server:** Update timers for limited execution environments ([9cfc1cd](, closes [#1519]( +* **server:** use flatted for json.stringify ([#3220]( ([fb05fb1](, closes [#3215]( +* serving binary files ([8a30cf5](, closes [#864]( [#885]( +* Setting default value for config in runner and stopper ([414db89]( +* **** Force 0.9.16 which works with Chrome ([840ee5f]( +* **static:** Use full height for the iFrame. ([f95daf3](, closes [#714]( +* **stringify:** guard Symobl from IE ([#3023]( ([538081c]( +* support reconnecting for manually captured browsers ([a8ac6d2]( +* Switch all requires from fs to graceful-fs ([1e21aaa]( +* **test/client:** revert const/let changes. ([c097ecf]( +* **test:** `test:client` silently failing on Travis ([#3343]( ([1489e9a](, closes [/]( +* **test:** clear up clearContext ([#3597]( ([8997b74]( +* **test:** locale in Expire header ([db04cf0](, closes [#1741]( +* **test:** mark all second connections reconnects ([#3598]( ([1c9c2de]( +* **test:** update bundleResource test timeout ([#3038]( ([d6060d4]( +* **travis_ci:** converted node versions as string ([25ee6fc]( +* **travis:** Pin to trusty ([#3347]( ([1c6c690]( +* **travis:** Up the socket timeout 2->20s. ([#3103]( ([732396a](, closes [#3102]( +* **travis:** use the value not the key name. ([#3097]( ([90f5546]( +* **travis:** validate TRAVIS_COMMIT if TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA is not set. ([#3094]( ([fba5d36]( +* **travis:** Validate TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA rather than TRAVIS_COMMIT. ([#3093]( ([a58fa45]( +* update us-parser-js dependency ([#3564]( ([500ed25]( +* **updater:** Fix time unit on screen display from 'ms' to 'seconds'. ([f39dd04]( +* upgrade and set closeOnBeforeunload option to true ([d533a22]( +* upgrade http-proxy module for bug fixes ([09c75fe]( +* Upgrade to 1.4.5 ([2f51a9f]( +* **UTs:** Correct proxy listeners expectation ([af9c84a]( +* warn when `singleRun` and `autoWatch` are `false` ([69cfc76]( +* **watcher:** allow parentheses in a pattern ([438eb8d](, closes [#728]( +* **watcher:** Close file watchers on exit event ([7181025]( +* **watcher:** handle paths on Windows ([6164d86]( +* **watcher:** ignore double "add" events ([6cbaac7]( +* **watcher:** ignore fs.stat errors ([74ccc9a]( +* **watcher:** improve watching efficiency ([6a272aa](, closes [#616]( +* **watcher:** watch files that match watched directory ([3940117](, closes [#521]( +* **web-server:** Allow karma to run in project which path contains HTML URL encoded characters. Karma fails on Jenkins when it checks out branches containing '/' as it converts it to '%2F'. Fixes errors seen on [#1751](, [#61]( ([da1930f]( +* **web-server:** cache static files ([eb5bd53]( +* **web-server:** close webserver after running ([f9dee46]( +* **web-server:** correct caching headers for SHAs ([bf27e80]( +* **web-server:** correct urlRegex in custom handlers ([a641c2c]( +* **web-server:** Correctly update filesPromise on files updated ([32eec8d]( +* **web-server:** detach listeners after running ([3baa8e1]( +* **web-server:** Ensure `filesPromise` is always resolvable ([892fa89](, closes [#1544]( +* **web-server:** implement a timeout on webServer.close() ([fe3dca7](, closes [#952]( +* **web-server:** inline the config, when serving debug.html ([1eb3643]( +* **web-server:** Restart disconnected browser in non-singleRun mode. ([f6587dc]( +* **web-server:** strip scheme, host and port ([06a0da0]( +* **web-server:** Update config on every request ([8ef475f](, closes [#1972]( +* work around broken console methods ([873e4f9](, closes [/]( +* Wrap url.parse to always return an object for query property ([72452e9](, closes [#1182]( + + +### chore + +* **deps:** Remove peer dependencies. ([e033d56](, closes [#767]( +* drop Node 10, 12, 14 ([01f265f]( +* remove support for node 6 ([#3246]( ([8a83990](, closes [#3151]( +* rename this shit to Karma ([2b2044e]( + + +### Code Refactoring + +* **context:** Future-proofed context.html and debug.html for modularity ([43f6a1a](, closes [#1984]( +* **runner:** remove runnerPort ([ca4c4d8]( +* use native Promise instead of Bluebird ([#3436]( ([33a069f](, closes [/]( + + +### Continuous Integration + +* drop Node 16 ([747c20a]( +* drop node 8, adopt node 12 ([#3430]( ([a673aa8]( + + +* Remove custom launcher (constructor) ([c2f8c9d]( +* Change "reporter" config to "reporters" ([fd837a7]( + + +### Features + +* **adapter.jasmine:** remove only last failed specs anti-feature ([435bf72](, closes [#148]( +* **adapter.requirejs:** normalize paths before appending timestamp ([94889e7]( +* add "debug" button to easily open debugging window ([da85aab]( +* add `browserDisconnectTolerance` config option ([19590e1](, closes [#777]( +* Add `stopper` to the public API ([3d4fa00]( +* add an option to run the tests by dynamically loading test scripts without iframe ([aa42c41]( +* Add engine support for iojs@3. ([eb1c8d2]( +* Add possibility to stop a karma server ([66ae80b]( +* add support for node 6 ([0b8dc2c]( +* add support for node@7 ([eb407ab](, closes [#2559]( +* add Teamcity reporter ([03e700a]( +* adding support for before middleware ([51b4206]( +* allow browser to reconnect during the test run ([cbe2851](, closes [#82]( [#590]( +* Allow custom browser names ([60ba85f]( +* allow frameworks to add preprocessors ([f6f5eec]( +* Allow frameworks to inject middleware ([d972f3d]( +* allow inlined plugins ([3034bcf]( +* allow multiple preprocessors ([1d17c1a]( +* allow plugins ([125ab4f]( +* **api:** add constants to the public api ([ee10977](, closes [#2361]( +* **api:** expose `config.parseConfig` on the public api ([7d2c1ae]( +* **async:** frameworks can be loaded asynchronously ([#3297]( ([177e2ef](, closes [#851]( +* basic bash/zsh completion ([9dc1cf6]( +* better string representation of errors ([c9e1ca9]( +* **browser:** add browser_info event ([09ac7d7](, closes [#2192]( +* **browser:** add browserNoActivity configuration ([bca8faa]( +* **browser:** Emit a browser error when a disconnect occurs. ([e36ba6c]( +* **browser:** improve logging ([71b542a]( +* buffer result messages when polling ([c4ad697]( +* capture window.alert ([284c4f5]( +* **ci:** disable testing of node versions below 4 ([ec92ea9]( +* **cli:** Add .config/karma.conf.js to the default lookup path ([49bf1aa](, closes [#1387]( +* **cli:** Better CLI args validation ([73d31c2](, closes [#603]( +* **client:** Add trusted types support ([#3360]( ([019bfd4]( +* **client:** capture all `console.*` log methods ([683e6dc]( +* **client:** capture confirm & prompt ([3a618b3](, closes [#694]( +* **client:** log global error stack trace ([523d608](, closes [#2812]( +* **client:** show error if no adapter is included ([7213877]( +* **client:** update banner with connection, test status, ping times ([#3611]( ([4bf90f7]( +* **cli:** error out on unexpected options or parameters ([#3589]( ([603bbc0]( +* **cli:** Warn on commands with underscores. ([0801a7f]( +* **config:** Add `forceJSONP` option ([8627d67]( +* **config:** Add a clearContext config to prevent clearing of context. ([5fc8ee7]( +* **config:** Add config option for browser socket timeout ([#3102]( ([11e3a9d](, closes [#2927]( +* **config:** Add configuration for adding javascript version. ([0239c75](, closes [#1719]( +* **config:** add failOnSkippedTests option. ([#3374]( ([4ed3af0]( +* **config:** add nocache option for file patterns ([6ef7e7b]( +* **config:** add restartOnFileChange option ([1082f35]( +* **config:** add support for ES modules ([e811adb]( +* **config:** add support for TypeScript ([6445310]( +* **config:** Add the abillity to supress the client console. ([4734962](, closes [#744]( +* **config:** add usePolling config ([18514d6]( +* **config:** add warning if old constants are used ([7233c5f]( +* **config:** allow config to be a default export ([9976dce]( +* **config:** allow configurable launchers, preprocessors, reporters ([76bdac1](, closes [#317]( +* **config:** Allow custom context and debug files, with feature test and some specs. ([225c0e5]( +* **config:** allow empty config file when called programmatically ([f3d7742](, closes [#358]( +* **config:** Allow tests be to run in a new window instead of iframe ([471e3a8]( +* **config:** allow to use newer versions of CoffeeScript ([c1fcf42]( +* **config:** always ignore the config file itself ([103bc0f]( +* **config:** better error when Coffee/Live Script not installed ([aca84dc]( +* **config:** clientDisplayNone sets client elements display none. ([#3348]( ([6235e68]( +* **config:** default config can be karma.conf.js or ([d4a06f2]( +* **config:** improve `karma.config.parseConfig` error handling ([#3635]( ([9dba1e2]( +* **config:** log if no config file is specified ([ce4c564]( +* **config:** make transports configurable ([bbd5eb8]( +* **config:** mime config option support ([d562383](, closes [#1735]( +* **config:** normalize string preprocessors into an array ([4dde160]( +* **config:** Pass CLI arguments to `karma.config.js`. ([70cf903](, closes [#1561]( +* **config:** pass the config object rather than a wrapper ([d2a3c85]( +* **config:** remove default preprocessors (coffee, html2js) ([ada74d5]( +* **config:** remove polling usage ([b0f41c7](, closes [#2669]( +* **config:** require config as a regular module ([a37fd6f](, closes [#304]( +* **config:** set default host/port from env vars ([0a6a0ee]( +* **config:** server pingTimeout config option. ([#3355]( ([817fbbd]( +* **config:** support running on a custom hostname ([b8c5fe8]( +* **debug:** show skipped specs and failure details in the console ([42ab936]( +* deprecate helper._ ([5c6b151](, closes [#1812]( +* **deps:** add support for node@8 ([ea32194](, closes [#2754]( +* **deps:** add support for node@8 ([7feaee3](, closes [#2754]( +* **deps:** Remove core-js dependency. ([#3379]( ([0d70809]( +* **deps:** update all deps ([355a762](, closes [#794]( +* **deps:** update to `1.7.4` to avoid issue with `ws@1.1.2` ([264442b](, closes [#2593]( +* display the version when starting ([3961739](, closes [#391]( +* Do not fail on empty test suite ([8004763](, closes [#926]( +* **docs:** callout the key debug strategies. ([#3219]( ([2682bff]( +* **docs:** document `DEFAULT_LISTEN_ADDR` constant ([#3443]( ([057d527](, closes [#2479]( +* don't wait for all browsers and start executing immediately ([8647266](, closes [#57]( +* drop core-js and babel where possible ([60dfc5c]( +* drop IE support ([a832dd5]( +* fail if zero tests executed ([5670415](, closes [#468]( +* Fail on launcher-, reporter-, plugin-, or preprocessor-load errors. ([fca930e](, closes [#855]( +* **file-list:** Upgrade bluebird to v.3 ([f5c252f]( +* **file-list:** Use glob.sync for better speed ([1b65cde]( +* **frameworks:** report start() errors back to server. ([#3126]( ([8257375]( +* **grunt:** run check_clean before starting release. ([#2978]( ([a3ff6c8]( +* **helper:** Improve useragent detection. ([eb58768](, closes [#373]( [#318]( +* **init:** add nodeunit, nunit frameworks ([b4da1a0]( +* **init:** generate coffee config files ([d217371]( +* **init:** generate test-main.(js/coffee) for RequireJS projects ([85900c9]( +* **init:** improve the questions a bit ([baecadb]( +* **init:** install coffee-script automatically ([e876db6](, closes [#1152]( +* **init:** install karma-coffee-preprocessor ([29f5cf2]( +* **init:** install missing plugins (frameworks, launchers) ([1ba70a6]( +* **karma-server:** added log to the server.js for uncaught exception ([#3399]( ([adc6a66]( +* **launcher:** Add concurrency limit ([1741deb](, closes [#1465]( +* **launcher:** Enable specification of retry-limit ([cc5547c](, closes [#1126]( +* **launcher:** log how long it took each browser to capture ([8dd5436]( +* **launcher:** normalize quoted paths ([f2155e0](, closes [#491]( +* **launcher:** output stderr for failing launchers ([7d33398]( +* **launcher:** send SIGKILL if SIGINT does not kill the browser ([c0fa49a]( +* **launcher:** trim whitespace in browser name ([871d46f]( +* **launcher:** trim whitespace in browser name ([334f9fb]( +* **logger:** Add date/time stamp to log output ([a4b5cdd]( +* **logger:** Add date/time stamp to log output ([4a59443]( +* **logging:** Add colors and log-level options to run-command ([9d4e234](, closes [#1067]( +* **logging:** Add colors and log-level options to run-command ([2d29165](, closes [#1067]( +* **logging:** Add logging-setup function ([d14bd62]( +* **logging:** Send color option to server ([287d0db](, closes [#1067]( +* **logging:** Send color option to server ([486c4f3](, closes [#1067]( +* make autoWatch true by default ([8454898]( +* **middleware:** added manual file type option ([0330cd1](, closes [#2824]( +* pass command line opts through to browser ([00d63d0]( +* patch console.log() ([21ebfb5]( +* **plugins:** add support wildcard config for scoped package plugin ([#3659]( ([39831b1]( +* **plugins:** ignore some non-plugins package names ([0177603]( +* Preprocessor can return Promise ([#3376]( ([3ffcd83]( +* **preprocessor:** add 'mp3' and 'ogg' as binary formats to avoid media corruption in the browser. ([65a0767]( +* **preprocessor:** Adding the `dat` file extension as a recognised binary. ([be92357]( +* **preprocessor:** allow preprocessor to cancel test run ([4d669bf](, closes [#550]( +* **preprocessor:** Allow preprocessor to handle binary files ([#3054]( ([7b66e18]( +* **preprocessor:** Capital letters in binary files extenstions ([1688689](, closes [#1508]( +* **preprocessor:** Instantiate preprocessors early to avoid race conditions ([8a9c8c7]( +* **preprocessor:** obey Pattern.isBinary when set ([#3422]( ([708ae13](, closes [#3405]( +* **preprocessor:** preprocessor_priority execution order. ([#3303]( ([c5f3560]( +* **preprocessors:** if a file matches multiple preprocessor patterns, intelligently merge the list of preprocessors, deduping and trying to preserve the order ([59642a6]( +* **proxy:** add https proxy support ([be878dc](, closes [#293]( +* **proxy:** add proxy events to config ([f5d99fb]( +* **proxy:** Allow proxies configuration to be an object ([ad94356]( +* **proxy:** Allow to configure changeOrigin option of http-proxy ([ae05ea4](, closes [#1729]( +* **proxy:** use keepAlive agent ([#3527]( ([b77f94c]( +* redirect client to "return_url" if specified ([6af2c89]( +* remove `karma` binary in favor of karma-cli ([c7d4627]( +* remove dependency on coffee-script ([af2d0e7]( +* remove support for running dart code in the browser ([#3592]( ([7a3bd55]( +* **reporter.junit:** add a 'skipped' tag for skipped testcases ([6286406](, closes [#321]( +* **reporter:** add config formatError function ([98a4fbf](, closes [#2119]( +* **reporter:** cache SourceMapConsumer ([fe6ed7e]( +* **reporter:** improve source map handling and reporting. ([cf0be47]( +* **reporter:** Replace way-too-big memoizee with a trivial solution. ([d926fe3]( +* **reporter:** Replace way-too-big memoizee with a trivial solution. ([58340b1]( +* **reporters:** Look for color-reporter ([fd9262d]( +* **reporter:** support source maps (rewrite stack traces) ([70e4abd](, closes [#594]( +* **reporter:** use spaces rather than tabs when formatting errors ([112becf]( +* revert default usePolling to false ([e88fbc2]( +* **runner:** feat(runner): ([62d4c5a](, closes [#2121]( [#2799]( [#2121]( [#2799]( +* **runner:** add --no-refresh to disable re-globbing ([b9c670a]( +* **runner:** allow passing changed/added/removed files ([b598106]( +* **runner:** Buffer stdout and stderr for output when errors occur ([460d423](, closes [karma-runner/karma#2663]( +* **runner:** provide error code on 'ECONNREFUSED' callback ([439bddb]( +* **runner:** serve context in JSON format for JS-only environments ([189feff]( +* **runner:** support config files ([449e4a1](, closes [#625]( +* **runner:** Use favicon in static runner pages ([6cded4f]( +* serve ePub as binary files ([82ed0c6]( +* **server:** .dom files include HTML tags in page. ([#3178]( ([4651524]( +* **server:** add 'listening' event with port number ([82cd0df]( +* **server:** add listen address option so that IPv6 and loopback interfaces can be used ([8e5bee6](, closes [#2477]( +* **server:** Add public api to force a file list refresh. ([b3c462a]( +* **server:** Add public API to force a file refresh ([dab8a82]( +* **server:** Add stop method ([#3153]( ([6d96d8e](, closes [#3149]( +* **server:** Add support for encoded source files ([#3123]( ([68b37d3]( +* **server:** allow 'exit' listeners to set exit code ([#3541]( ([7a94d33]( +* **server:** improve public api ([82cbbad](, closes [#1037]( [#1482]( [#1467]( +* **server:** print stack of unhandledrejections ([#3593]( ([35a5842]( +* **server:** remove deprecated static methods ([#3595]( ([1a65bf1]( +* set urlRoot to /__testacular__/ when proxying the root ([8b4fd64]( +* ship coffee-preprocessor and requirejs as default plugins ([f34e30d]( +* ship html2js preprocessor as a default plugin ([37ecf41]( +* simplify loading plugins using patterns like `karma-*` ([405a5a6]( +* **static:** Support media queries ([94e7b50]( +* **stopper:** Enable programically detached server ([f10fd81]( +* support asynchronous `config.set()` call in karma.conf.js ([#3660]( ([4c9097a]( +* support LiveScript configuration ([88deebe]( +* support SRI verification of link tags ([dc51a2e]( +* support SRI verification of script tags ([6a54b1c]( +* sync page unload (disconnect) ([ac9b3f0]( +* udpate glob to last version ([fdac871]( +* update of supported node versions ([e79463b]( +* upgrade dependencies to their latest versions ([08242a0]( +* Upgrade to 1.3 ([603872c](, closes [#1257]( [#1258]( [#1220]( +* upstreamProxy config option to deal with proxies that adjust the base path, etc ([55755e4]( +* **watcher:** Allow using braces in watcher ([e046379](, closes [#1249]( +* **watcher:** Debounce autoWatchBatchDelay ([2f8c049](, closes [#2331]( +* **watcher:** ignore initial "add" events ([dde1da4]( +* **watcher:** make the batching delay configurable ([fa13931]( +* **watcher:** use polling on Mac ([66f50d7]( +* **web-server:** add support for custom headers in files served ([4301bea]( +* **web-server:** allow custom file handlers and mime types ([2df8828]( +* **web-server:** allow injection of custom middleware. ([2e963c3](, closes [#1612]( +* **web-server:** allow overriding of default http module ([1e7514d](, closes [#2424]( +* **web-server:** Allow Range headers in web server. ([a567b6f](, closes [#2140]( +* **web-server:** Allow running on https ([1696c78]( +* **web-server:** cache preprocessed files ([c786ee2]( +* **web-server:** compress responses (gzip/deflate) ([8e8a2d4]( +* **web-server:** disable gzip compression ([5ee886b]( +* **web-server:** include html files as ([03d7b10]( +* **web-server:** run karma using multiple emulation modes ([b9a2930](, closes [#936]( [#631]( +* **web-server:** Serve all files under urlRoot ([1319b32]( +* **web-server:** serve css files ([4e30554](, closes [#431]( +* **web-server:** Use isbinaryfile for binary file detection ([f938a8e](, closes [#1070]( +* **web-server:** use SHA hash instead of timestamps ([6e31cb2](, closes [#520]( + + +### Reverts + +* Revert "[feature] Add the abillity to chain multiple preprocessors. (Closes #161)" ([b22ab77](, closes [#161]( +* "Merge pull request [#1791]( from budde377/feature-adding-no-colors-to-run-command" ([96ebdc4](, closes [#1894]( [#1895]( + + +### BREAKING CHANGES + +* Drop not supported Node js version 16 +* Drop IE Support +* Drop not supported Node js versions 10,12,14 +* **server:** Deprecated `require('karma').server.start()` and `require('karma').Server.start()` variants were removed from the public API. Instead use canonical form: + +``` +const { Server } = require('karma'); +const server = new Server(); +server.start(); +``` +* **cli:** Karma is more strict and will error out if unknown option or argument is passed to CLI. +* Using Karma to run Dart code in the browser is no longer supported. Use your favorite Dart-to-JS compiler instead. + +`dart` file type has been removed without a replacement. + +`customFileHandlers` DI token has been removed. Use [`middleware`]( to achieve similar functionality. + +`customScriptTypes` DI token has been removed. It had no effect, so no replacement is provided. +* **deps:** Some projects have tests that are version sensitive. +* Karma plugins which rely on the fact that Karma uses Bluebird promises may break as Bluebird-specific API is no longer available on Promises returned by the Karma core +* **server:** Deprecated createPreprocessor removed, karma-browserify < 7 version doesn't work +* no more testing on node 8. +* Drop Support for Node 6, to make it possible to use async/await in karma codebase. +* **context:** Our `context.html` and `debug.html` structures have changed to lean on `context.js` and `debug.js`. +* **server:** The public api interface has changed to a constructor form. To upgrade +change + +```javascript +var server = require(‘karma’).server +server.start(config, done) +``` + +to + +```javascript +var Server = require(‘karma’).Server +var server = new Server(config, done) +server.start() +``` +* **deps:** Karma does not ship with any plugin. You need to explicitly install all the plugins you need. `karma init` can help with this. + +Removed plugins that need to be installed explicitly are: + +* karma-jasmine +* karma-requirejs +* karma-coffee-preprocessor +* karma-html2js-preprocessor +* karma-chrome-launcher +* karma-firefox-launcher +* karma-phantomjs-launcher +* karma-script-launcher +* `autoWatch` is `true` by default. If you rely on the default value being `false`, please set it in `karma.conf.js` explicitly to `false`. +* The `karma` module does not export `karma` binary anymore. The recommended way is to have local modules (karma and all the plugins that your project needs) stored in your `package.json`. You can run that particular Karma by `./node_modules/karma/bin/karma`. Or you can have `karma-cli` installed globally on your system, which enables you to use the `karma` command. + +The global `karma` command (installed by `karma-cli`) does look for local version of Karma (including parent directories) first and fall backs to a global one. + +The `bin/karma` binary does not look for any other instances of Karma and just runs the one that it belongs to. +* **runner:** `runnerPort` is merged with `port` +if you are using `karma run` with custom `--runer-port`, please change that to `--port`. +* **config:** please update your karma.conf.js as follows: +// before: +module.exports = function(karma) { + karma.configure({port: 123}); + karma.defineLauncher('x', 'Chrome', { + flags: ['--disable-web-security'] + }); + karma.definePreprocessor('y', 'coffee', { + bare: false + }); + karma.defineReporter('z', 'coverage', { + type: 'html' + }); +}; + +// after: +module.exports = function(config) { + config.set({ + port: 123, + customLaunchers: { + 'x': { + base: 'Chrome', + flags: ['--disable-web-security'] + } + }, + customPreprocessors: { + 'y': { + base: 'coffee', + bare: false + } + }, + customReporters: { + 'z': { + base: 'coverage', + type: 'html' + } + } + }); +}; +* **config:** Update your karma.conf.js to export a config function. +````javascript +module.exports = function(karma) { + karma.configure({ + autoWatch: true, + // ... + }); +}; +* this breaks in couple of ways +- whenever you call the "testacular" binary, change it to "karma", eg. `testacular start` becomes `karma start`. +- if you rely on default name of the config file, change it to `karma.conf.js`. +- if you access `__testacular__` object in the client code, change it to `__karma__`, eg. `window.__testacular__.files` becomes `window.__karma__.files`. +Conflicts: + + + + Testacular.sublime-project + adapter/angular-scenario.wrapper + adapter/jasmine.wrapper + adapter/mocha.wrapper + adapter/qunit.wrapper + adapter/require.wrapper + lib/init.js + lib/server.js + static/testacular.src.js + test/client/jasmine.spec.js + test/e2e/basic/karma.conf.js + test/e2e/mocha/karma.conf.js + test/e2e/qunit/karma.conf.js + test/unit/ +* Passing a constructor in config is not supported anymore. +The solution with custom shell script is imho better. + +[changelog] +* Please update your configurations. + +[changelog] + ## [6.4.2]( (2023-04-21) diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index a993f924..c6a0b23f 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "name": "karma-up", - "version": "6.4.2", + "version": "1.0.0-alpha.1", "lockfileVersion": 2, "requires": true, "packages": { "": { "name": "karma-up", - "version": "6.4.2", + "version": "1.0.0-alpha.1", "license": "MIT", "dependencies": { "@colors/colors": "1.6.0", diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 460d1bec..18a01e3f 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ "engines": { "node": ">= 18" }, - "version": "6.4.2", + "version": "1.0.0-alpha.1", "license": "MIT", "scripts": { "lint": "eslint . --ext js --ignore-pattern *.tpl.js",