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Google lighthouse provides 2 tools that execute accessibility (and other) testing from the command line as described below.
The Lighthouse CLI provides flexibility in how Lighthouse runs and provides the tester with this flexibility within a command line interface (command window).
Supports executing Lighthouse analysis over a number of sites in sequence and generating a summary report including all of their scores. Scores are calculated from the average score between Performance, PWA, Accessibility and Best Practice and SEO sections.
Also writes out the full json
report for each site and optionally an html
This tool allows the user to pick and choose the individual, underlying rules for testing. Not all automated tool rulesets on the market perfectly align with the pass/fail success criteria as expressed by the DHS standard. However upon analysis, DHS OAST has identified specific rules, for specific vendor accessibility ruleset libraries, that provide value in identifying accessibility to the DHS Standard.
Those analyses of vendor accessibility rulesets and the OAST ruleset recommendations reside in rulesets folder (/rulesets) on this site.
This example uses the following technology stack:
- Chrome desktop browser installed
- Nodejs 12+
- Git (Bash window)
- Google lighthouse
- Lighthouse Batch Reporter
- Install Chrome Desktop (if not already installed)
- Install Nodejs 12+
- Install lighthouse:
npm install -g lighthouse
- or use yarn:
yarn global add lighthouse
- or use yarn:
- Install Chrome Desktop (if not already installed)
- Install Nodejs 12+
- Install lighthouse-batch globally:
npm install lighthouse-batch -g
Review the examples below of implementing the lighthouse CLI.
lighthouse <url>
See flag descriptions below.
--verbose Displays verbose logging [boolean] [default: false]
--quiet Displays no progress, debug logs, or errors [boolean] [default: false]
--save-assets Save the trace contents & devtools logs to disk [boolean] [default: false]
--list-all-audits Prints a list of all available audits and exits [boolean] [default: false]
--list-trace-categories Prints a list of all required trace categories and exits [boolean] [default: false]
--print-config Print the normalized config for the given config and options, then exit. [boolean] [default: false]
--additional-trace-categories Additional categories to capture with the trace (comma-delimited). [string]
--config-path The path to the config JSON.
An example config file: lighthouse-core/config/lr-desktop-config.js [string]
--preset Use a built-in configuration.
WARNING: If the --config-path flag is provided, this preset will be ignored. [string] [choices: "perf", "experimental", "desktop"]
--chrome-flags Custom flags to pass to Chrome (space-delimited). For a full list of flags, see https://bit.ly/chrome-flags
Additionally, use the CHROME_PATH environment variable to use a specific Chrome binary. Requires Chromium version 66.0 or later. If omitted, any detected Chrome Canary or Chrome stable will be used. [string] [default: ""]
--port The port to use for the debugging protocol. Use 0 for a random port [number] [default: 0]
--hostname The hostname to use for the debugging protocol. [string] [default: "localhost"]
--form-factor Determines how performance metrics are scored and if mobile-only audits are skipped. For desktop, --preset=desktop instead. [string] [choices: "mobile", "desktop"]
--screenEmulation Sets screen emulation parameters. See also --preset. Use --screenEmulation.disabled to disable. Otherwise set these 4 parameters individually: --screenEmulation.mobile --screenEmulation.width=360 --screenEmulation.height=640 --screenEmulation.deviceScaleFactor=2
--emulatedUserAgent Sets useragent emulation [string]
--max-wait-for-load The timeout (in milliseconds) to wait before the page is considered done loading and the run should continue. WARNING: Very high values can lead to large traces and instability [number]
--enable-error-reporting Enables error reporting, overriding any saved preference. --no-enable-error-reporting will do the opposite. More: https://git.io/vFFTO [boolean]
--gather-mode, -G Collect artifacts from a connected browser and save to disk. (Artifacts folder path may optionally be provided). If audit-mode is not also enabled, the run will quit early.
--audit-mode, -A Process saved artifacts from disk. (Artifacts folder path may be provided, otherwise defaults to ./latest-run/)
--only-audits Only run the specified audits [array]
--only-categories Only run the specified categories. Available categories: accessibility, best-practices, performance, pwa, seo [array]
--skip-audits Run everything except these audits [array]
--budget-path The path to the budget.json file for LightWallet. [string]
--output Reporter for the results, supports multiple values. choices: "json", "html", "csv" [array] [default: ["html"]]
--output-path The file path to output the results. Use 'stdout' to write to stdout.
If using JSON output, default is stdout.
If using HTML or CSV output, default is a file in the working directory with a name based on the test URL and date.
If using multiple outputs, --output-path is appended with the standard extension for each output type. "reports/my-run" -> "reports/my-run.report.html", "reports/my-run.report.json", etc.
Example: --output-path=./lighthouse-results.html [string]
--view Open HTML report in your browser [boolean] [default: false]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--cli-flags-path The path to a JSON file that contains the desired CLI flags to apply. Flags specified at the command line will still override the file-based ones.
--locale The locale/language the report should be formatted in
--blocked-url-patterns Block any network requests to the specified URL patterns [array]
--disable-storage-reset Disable clearing the browser cache and other storage APIs before a run [boolean]
--throttling-method Controls throttling method [string] [choices: "devtools", "provided", "simulate"]
--throttling.rttMs Controls simulated network RTT (TCP layer)
--throttling.throughputKbps Controls simulated network download throughput
--throttling.requestLatencyMs Controls emulated network RTT (HTTP layer)
--throttling.downloadThroughputKbps Controls emulated network download throughput
--throttling.uploadThroughputKbps Controls emulated network upload throughput
--throttling.cpuSlowdownMultiplier Controls simulated + emulated CPU throttling
--extra-headers Set extra HTTP Headers to pass with request
--precomputed-lantern-data-path Path to the file where lantern simulation data should be read from, overwriting the lantern observed estimates for RTT and server latency. [string]
--lantern-data-output-path Path to the file where lantern simulation data should be written to, can be used in a future run with the `precomputed-lantern-data-path` flag. [string]
--plugins Run the specified plugins [array]
--channel [string] [default: "cli"]
--chrome-ignore-default-flags [boolean] [default: false]
lighthouse <url> --view Opens the HTML report in a browser after the run completes
lighthouse <url> --config-path=./myconfig.js Runs Lighthouse with your own configuration: custom audits, report generation, etc.
lighthouse <url> --output=json --output-path=./report.json --save-assets Save trace, screenshots, and named JSON report.
lighthouse <url> --screenEmulation.disabled --throttling-method=provided --no-emulatedUserAgent Disable device emulation and all throttling
lighthouse <url> --chrome-flags="--window-size=412,660" Launch Chrome with a specific window size
lighthouse <url> --quiet --chrome-flags="--headless" Launch Headless Chrome, turn off logging
lighthouse <url> --extra-headers "{\"Cookie\":\"monster=blue\", \"x-men\":\"wolverine\"}" Stringify'd JSON HTTP Header key/value pairs to send in requests
lighthouse <url> --extra-headers=./path/to/file.json Path to JSON file of HTTP Header key/value pairs to send in requests
lighthouse <url> --only-categories=performance,pwa Only run the specified categories. Available categories: accessibility, best-practices, performance, pwa, seo
lighthouse-batch [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --sites [sites] a comma delimited list of site urls to analyze with Lighthouse
-f, --file [path] an input file with a site url per-line to analyze with Lighthouse
-p, --params <params> extra parameters to pass to lighthouse cli for each execution e.g. -p "--perf --quiet"
-h, --html generate an html report alongside the json report
--csv generate a csv report alongside the json report
-o, --out [out] the output folder to place reports, defaults to './report/lighthouse'
--score <threshold> average score for each site to meet (1-100)
--accessibility <threshold> accessibility score for each site to meet (1-100)
--best-practices <threshold> best practices score for each site to meet (1-100)
--seo <threshold> seo score for each site to meet (1-100)
--pwa <threshold> pwa score for each site to meet (1-100)
--fail-fast fail as soon as a budget threshold is not met
-g, --use-global use a global lighthouse install instead of the dependency version
-v, --verbose enable verbose logging
--no-report remove individual json reports for each site
--print print the final summary to stdout
-h, --help output usage information
Description: Runs only the audit (test) for accessibility only against one URL, launches a visual instance of Chrome briefly while testing the page then closes chrome and writes a report to your local machine file system. All the while the command window scrolls progress log of all processing going on as it happens:
Command: lighthouse https://section508coordinators.github.io/BaselineTestPages2/test-cases/TC1005C001.html --only-categories=accessibility
Console window output:
Report that is written to file system:
Description: Runs only the audits (tests) for accessibility against one URL, runs a headless instance of Chrome, sends no processing feedback to command window, and automatically opens the report written to the file system in your browser when done:
Command: lighthouse https://section508coordinators.github.io/BaselineTestPages2/test-cases/TC1005C001.html --only-categories=accessibility --quiet --chrome-flags="--headless" --view
Console window output:
Report that opens automatically in browser:
Description: Runs only the audits (tests) for accessibility against multiple URLs, runs a headless instance of Chrome, sends no processing feedback to command window, and automatically opens all reports written to the file system in your browser as they finish:
Command: Lighthouse-batch -s https://section508coordinators.github.io/BaselineTestPages2/test-cases/TC1005C001.html,https://section508coordinators.github.io/BaselineTestPages2/test-cases/TC1005C004.html --html --params "--only-categories=accessibility --quiet --view"
Console window output:
Subsequent HTML results files with URLs in top left to indicate which site URL it is the results for:
Description: Runs a batch of multiple URLs that are pulled from a separate *siteFile.txt* file of URLs, only the audits (tests) for accessibility, runs a headless instance of Chrome, sends no processing feedback to command window, and automatically opens all reports written to the file system in your browser as they finish:
Command: Lighthouse-batch --file siteFile.txt --html --params "--only-categories=accessibility --quiet --view"
Console window output:
Contents of siteFile.txt (5 URLs):
- https://section508coordinators.github.io/BaselineTestPages2/test-cases/TC1112A001.html
- https://section508coordinators.github.io/BaselineTestPages2/test-cases/TC1112A002.html
- https://section508coordinators.github.io/BaselineTestPages2/test-cases/TC0813C001.html
- https://section508coordinators.github.io/BaselineTestPages2/test-cases/TC1005C004.html
- https://section508coordinators.github.io/BaselineTestPages2/test-cases/TC1005C005.html
Chrome is run with the following flags to support the widest set of execution environments, including docker containers --chrome-flags="--no-sandbox --headless --disable-gpu"
. You can replace these with your own by passing --chrome-flags
as extra parameters. e.g.
--params "--chrome-flags=\"--no-sandbox --disable-gpu\""
For more information on Lighthouse, see https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse/.
For more information on Lighthouse batch, see: https://www.npmjs.com/package/lighthouse-batch
03/02/2021 | 05:05p