Releases: SeekyCt/spm-rel-loader
elf2rel Rewritten Parsing
Slightly cleaner and more robust LST parsing than in the last release. Will be backwards compatible with any LST not using leading zeros to align either the section id or module id columns, as they'd now be parsed as octal by stoul (if alignment is needed, spaces can be used). Also includes a dynamically linked (elf2rel
) and a statically linked (elf2rel_static
) Linux release built on WSL Ubuntu.
elf2rel External Rel Linking Fixes
Not backwards-compatible with external module symbols from the 24-6-2021 update
- Changes the LST syntax of external module symbols from
- Fixes compatibility with OSLinkFixed
Loader GCTs
Pre-build GCTs of the rel loader gecko code
elf2rel External Rel Linking
A fork of elf2rel with support for linking against external rel modules in the format offset:symbolName?moduleId,sectionId
Warning: the changes currently have issues with OSLinkFixed and the lst syntax is likely to change soon, see this discussion for more.
Loader Gecko Code
Pre-assembled copy of the rel loader gecko code (the final version, which loads "mod/mod.rel" rather than "rel/mod.rel" like the initial version, and loads the rel after the game's rel instead of before to preserve the game rel's load location, unlike the version distributed with the desert bus mod)