This application fetches realtime(not sure) traffic data from İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Trafik Kontrol Merkezi (TKM)
Application is Instable and Not fully documented
TKM data was encrypted with unknown algorithm. Searched the internet to access this data but no out of luck. Then I found eoner's application.It was written in C#. I used to write it very long time ago.
Decided to convert it's functions into my favorite language which is JavaScript to use in a Nodejs. Conversion was successful as it seen here as a repo.
Converting functions and decryptors were so hard and at some points impossible Due to lack of language properties (Converting binary chars from binary codes, char codes , etc..)
Bridge.NET library helped me a lot. Picked up some C# spesific functions to aid conversion.It worked like a Polyfill for JavaScript.This app comes wit a Bridge.NET javascript file due to no npm libraries.
I re-writed the data decryption library libTKM with aid of Bridge.NET into JavaScript
yarn install
yarn start
tkmLib eoner
MIT © Semih Onay