Library for statistics extraction from texts in Russian.
Run the following command:
$ pip install ruts
- python 3.8-3.10
- nltk
- pymorphy2
- razdel
- scipy
- spaCy
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- graphviz
The main functions are based on the textacy statistics adapted to Russian language. The library allows working both with raw texts and Doc-objects of the spaCy library.
API to explore the available functions.
The library allows creating your own tools for sentence and word extraction from a text, which can be further employed for counting statistics.
import re
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from ruts import SentsExtractor, WordsExtractor
text = "Не имей 100 рублей, а имей 100 друзей"
se = SentsExtractor(tokenizer=re.compile(r', '))
('Не имей 100 рублей', 'а имей 100 друзей')
we = WordsExtractor(use_lexemes=True, stopwords=stopwords.words('russian'), filter_nums=True, ngram_range=(1, 2))
('иметь', 'рубль', 'иметь', 'друг', 'иметь_рубль', 'рубль_иметь', 'иметь_друг')
[('иметь', 2), ('рубль', 1), ('друг', 1)]
The library allows extracting the following statistics from a text:
- the number of sentences
- the number of words
- the number of unique words
- the number of long words
- the number of complex words
- the number of simple words
- the number of monosyllabic words
- the number of polysyllabic words
- the number of symbols
- the number of letters
- the number of spaces
- the number of syllables
- the number of punctuation marks
- word distribution by the number of letters
- word distribution by the number of syllables
from ruts import BasicStats
text = "Существуют три вида лжи: ложь, наглая ложь и статистика"
bs = BasicStats(text)
{'c_letters': {1: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3, 6: 1, 10: 2},
'c_syllables': {1: 5, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 2},
'n_chars': 55,
'n_complex_words': 2,
'n_letters': 45,
'n_long_words': 3,
'n_monosyllable_words': 5,
'n_polysyllable_words': 4,
'n_punctuations': 2,
'n_sents': 1,
'n_simple_words': 7,
'n_spaces': 8,
'n_syllables': 18,
'n_unique_words': 8,
'n_words': 9}
Статистика | Значение
Предложения | 1
Слова | 9
Уникальные слова | 8
Длинные слова | 3
Сложные слова | 2
Простые слова | 7
Односложные слова | 5
Многосложные слова | 4
Символы | 55
Буквы | 45
Пробелы | 8
Слоги | 18
Знаки препинания | 2
The library allows counting the following readability metrics:
- Flesch Reading Ease
- Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level
- Coleman-Liau Index
- SMOG Index
- Automated Readability Index
- LIX readability measure
Coefficients for Russian language were borrowed from the Plain Russian Language project dedicated to counting readability coefficients based on a special corpus of texts with age labels.
from ruts import ReadabilityStats
text = "Ног нет, а хожу, рта нет, а скажу: когда спать, когда вставать, когда работу начинать"
rs = ReadabilityStats(text)
{'automated_readability_index': 0.2941666666666656,
'coleman_liau_index': 0.2941666666666656,
'flesch_kincaid_grade': 3.4133333333333304,
'flesch_reading_easy': 83.16166666666666,
'lix': 48.333333333333336,
'smog_index': 0.05}
Метрика | Значение
Тест Флеша-Кинкайда | 3.41
Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша | 83.16
Индекс Колман-Лиау | 0.29
Индекс SMOG | 0.05
Автоматический индекс удобочитаемости | 0.29
Индекс удобочитаемости LIX | 48.33
The library allows counting the following lexical diversity metrics for a text:
- Type-Token Ratio (TTR)
- Root Type-Token Ratio (RTTR)
- Corrected Type-Token Ratio (CTTR)
- Herdan Type-Token Ratio (HTTR)
- Summer Type-Token Ratio (STTR)
- Mass Type-Token Ratio (MTTR)
- Dugast Type-Token Ratio (DTTR)
- Moving Average Type-Token Ratio (MATTR)
- Mean Segmental Type-Token Ratio (MSTTR)
- Measure of Textual Lexical Diversity (MTLD)
- Moving Average Measure of Textual Lexical Diversity (MAMTLD)
- Hypergeometric Distribution D (HD-D)
- Simpson's Diversity Index
- Hapax Legomena Index
Some of the implementations were borrowed from the lexical_diversity project.
from ruts import DiversityStats
text = "Ног нет, а хожу, рта нет, а скажу: когда спать, когда вставать, когда работу начинать"
ds = DiversityStats(text)
{'ttr': 0.7333333333333333,
'rttr': 2.840187787218772,
'cttr': 2.008316044185609,
'httr': 0.8854692840710253,
'sttr': 0.2500605793160845,
'mttr': 0.0973825075623254,
'dttr': 10.268784661968104,
'mattr': 0.7333333333333333,
'msttr': 0.7333333333333333,
'mtld': 15.0,
'mamtld': 11.875,
'hdd': -1,
'simpson_index': 21.0,
'hapax_index': 431.2334616537499}
Метрика | Значение
Type-Token Ratio (TTR) | 0.92
Root Type-Token Ratio (RTTR) | 7.17
Corrected Type-Token Ratio (CTTR) | 5.07
Herdan Type-Token Ratio (HTTR) | 0.98
Summer Type-Token Ratio (STTR) | 0.96
Mass Type-Token Ratio (MTTR) | 0.01
Dugast Type-Token Ratio (DTTR) | 85.82
Moving Average Type-Token Ratio (MATTR) | 0.91
Mean Segmental Type-Token Ratio (MSTTR) | 0.94
Measure of Textual Lexical Diversity (MTLD) | 208.38
Moving Average Measure of Textual Lexical Diversity (MTLD) | 1.00
Hypergeometric Distribution D (HD-D) | 0.94
Индекс Симпсона | 305.00
Гапакс-индекс | 2499.46
The library allows extracting the following morphological features:
- part of speech
- animacy
- aspect
- case
- gender
- involvement
- mood
- number
- person
- tense
- transitivity
- voice
Morphological analysis is made using pymorphy2. Descriptions of morphological features were borrowed from OpenCorpora.
from ruts import MorphStats
text = "Постарайтесь получить то, что любите, иначе придется полюбить то, что получили"
ms = MorphStats(text)
('VERB', 'INFN', 'CONJ', 'CONJ', 'VERB', 'ADVB', 'VERB', 'INFN', 'CONJ', 'CONJ', 'VERB')
{'animacy': {None: 11},
'aspect': {None: 5, 'impf': 1, 'perf': 5},
'case': {None: 11},
'gender': {None: 11},
'involvement': {None: 10, 'excl': 1},
'mood': {None: 7, 'impr': 1, 'indc': 3},
'number': {None: 7, 'plur': 3, 'sing': 1},
'person': {None: 9, '2per': 1, '3per': 1},
'pos': {'ADVB': 1, 'CONJ': 4, 'INFN': 2, 'VERB': 4},
'tense': {None: 8, 'futr': 1, 'past': 1, 'pres': 1},
'transitivity': {None: 5, 'intr': 2, 'tran': 4},
'voice': {None: 11}}
{'aspect': 'perf',
'involvement': 'excl',
'mood': 'impr',
'number': 'plur',
'pos': 'VERB',
'transitivity': 'intr'}),
('получить', {'aspect': 'perf', 'pos': 'INFN', 'transitivity': 'tran'}),
('то', {'pos': 'CONJ'}),
('что', {'pos': 'CONJ'}),
{'aspect': 'impf',
'mood': 'indc',
'number': 'plur',
'person': '2per',
'pos': 'VERB',
'tense': 'pres',
'transitivity': 'tran'}),
('иначе', {'pos': 'ADVB'}),
{'aspect': 'perf',
'mood': 'indc',
'number': 'sing',
'person': '3per',
'pos': 'VERB',
'tense': 'futr',
'transitivity': 'intr'}),
('полюбить', {'aspect': 'perf', 'pos': 'INFN', 'transitivity': 'tran'}),
('то', {'pos': 'CONJ'}),
('что', {'pos': 'CONJ'}),
{'aspect': 'perf',
'mood': 'indc',
'number': 'plur',
'pos': 'VERB',
'tense': 'past',
'transitivity': 'tran'}))
ms.print_stats('pos', 'tense')
---------------Часть речи---------------
Глагол (личная форма) | 4
Союз | 4
Глагол (инфинитив) | 2
Наречие | 1
Неизвестно | 8
Настоящее | 1
Будущее | 1
Прошедшее | 1
Library allows working with a number of preprocessed datasets:
- sov_chrest_lit - soviet reading-books for literature classes
- stalin_works - the collected works of Stalin
One can work solely with texts (without title info) or texts with metadata. There is also an opportunity to filter texts on different criteria.
from ruts.datasets import SovChLit
sc = SovChLit()
{'description': 'Корпус советских хрестоматий по литературе',
'url': '',
'Наименование': 'sov_chrest_lit'}
for i in sc.get_records(max_len=100, category='Весна', limit=1):
{'author': 'Е. Трутнева',
'book': 'Родная речь. Книга для чтения в I классе начальной школы',
'category': 'Весна',
'file': PosixPath('../ruTS/ruts_data/texts/sov_chrest_lit/grade_1/155'),
'grade': 1,
'subject': 'Дождик',
'text': 'Дождик, дождик, поливай, будет хлеба каравай!\n'
'Дождик, дождик, припусти, дай гороху подрасти!',
'type': 'Стихотворение',
'year': 1963}
for i in sc.get_texts(text_type='Басня', limit=1):
('— Соседка, слышала ль ты добрую молву? — вбежавши, крысе мышь сказала:\n'
'— Ведь кошка, говорят, попалась в когти льву. Вот отдохнуть и нам пора '
'— Не радуйся, мой свет,— ей крыса говорит в ответ,— и не надейся '
'Коль до когтей у них дойдёт, то, верно, льву не быть живому: сильнее кошки '
'зверя нет.')
Library allows visualizing text with the help of the following graphs:
- Zipf's law
- Literature Fingerprinting
- Word Tree
from collections import Counter
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from ruts import WordsExtractor
from ruts.datasets import SovChLit
from ruts.visualizers import zipf
sc = SovChLit()
text = '\n'.join([text for text in sc.get_texts(limit=100)])
we = WordsExtractor(use_lexemes=True, stopwords=stopwords.words('russian'), filter_nums=True)
tokens_with_count = Counter(we.extract(text))
zipf(tokens_with_count, num_words=100, num_labels=10, log=False, show_theory=True, alpha=1.1)
Library allows creating the following classes of spaCy components:
- BasicStats
- DiversityStats
- MorphStats
- ReadabilityStats
Russian-language spaCy model can be downloaded by running the command:
$ python -m spacy download ru_core_news_sm
import ruts
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('ru_core_news_sm')
nlp.add_pipe('basic', last=True)
doc = nlp("Существуют три вида лжи: ложь, наглая ложь и статистика")
{1: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3, 6: 1, 10: 2}
{'c_letters': {1: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3, 6: 1, 10: 2},
'c_syllables': {1: 5, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 2},
'n_chars': 55,
'n_complex_words': 2,
'n_letters': 45,
'n_long_words': 3,
'n_monosyllable_words': 5,
'n_polysyllable_words': 4,
'n_punctuations': 2,
'n_sents': 1,
'n_simple_words': 7,
'n_spaces': 8,
'n_syllables': 18,
'n_unique_words': 8,
'n_words': 9}
- docs - project documentation
- ruts:
- - basic text statistics
- - spaCy components
- - main constants
- - lexical diversity metrics
- - tools for object extraction from a text
- - morphological statistics
- - readability metrics
- - subsidiary tools
- datasets:
- - basic class for working with datasets
- - soviet reading-books for literature classes
- - the collected works of Stalin
- visualizers - tools for text visualization:
- - Literature Fingerprinting
- - Word Tree
- - Zipf's law
- tests:
- - tests for basic text statistics
- - tests for spaCy components
- - tests for lexical diversity metrics
- - tests for object extraction tools
- test_morph_stats - tests for morphological statistics
- - tests for readability metrics
- datasets - tests for datasets:
- - tests for basic class for working with datasets
- - tests for dataset soviet reading-books for literature classes
- - tests for dataset the collected works of Stalin
- visualizers - tests for tools for text visualization:
- - tests for visualization Literature Fingerprinting
- - tests for visualization Word Tree
- - tests for visualization Zipf's law
- Sergey Shkarin (
- Ekaterina Smirnova (
Please use the following BibTeX entry for citing ruTS if you use it in your research or software. Citations are helpful for the continued development and maintenance of this library.
author = {Sergey Shkarin},
title = {{ruTS, a library for statistics extraction from texts in Russian}},
year = 2023,
publisher = {Moscow},
url = {}