- Documentation Guide
- Variable Declaration
- Comments
- Expressions
- Conditionals
- Loops
- Routines
- Input/Output
The following rules are used in sections presenting language syntax:
Bold text indicates a language literal (keyword or operator).
Underlined text can be safely replaced with an equivalent syntax defined somewhere else in the document.
Italic text is just for explanation and is not part of the syntax.
- integer: supports integer numbers (8 bytes signed integers)
- real: supports real values (4 bytes)
- boolean: can only be true or false (1 byte)
- array: for grouping variables (“array elements”) of the same type together.
- record: for grouping logically related variables into a single construct.
- var Identifier : Type is Expression;
- var Identifier : Type;
- var Identifier is Expression;
- Can be any string containing capital or small English letters, as well as digits (0-9) and underscore (_)
- Should not start with a digit.
- integer
- real
- boolean
- record { Variable declarations separated by a semicolon } end
- array Type
- array [ Expression ] Type
- Expression should be reducible to an integer representing array size
- A place in memory is reserved for a variable of Type identified by Identifier and assigned an initial value of Expression
- Identifier is a string of capital or small English letters, digits, or the underscore (_), it cannot start with a digit.
- Expression and Type are discussed in the corresponding section of the document.
- If the initial value is specified in the declaration then the type can be omitted. In such a case, the type can be unambiguously deduced (“inferred”) from the expression that specifies the initial value.
- Compound types such as arrays of records and multidimensional arrays are not supported.
- Records containing an array/record field are however supported.
var a : integer is 20;
var b : boolean is false;
var c : real is 1.5;
var d : integer; # will not be initialized unless global
var x is 5; # x becomes integer automatically
var y is true; # y becomes boolean automatically
var z is 0.5; # z becomes real automatically
- type keyword allows introducing aliases for primitive or user data types.
- After a type declaration, the identifier following the keyword type is considered as a synonym for the type specified after the is keyword. The name introduced by such a declaration can be used everywhere in the program.
- Type declarations are only allowed in the global scope
type int is integer; # int and integer can now be used interchangably
var x : int is 5;
type Point2D is record { var x : integer; var y : integer } end;
var p : Point2D;
p.x := 1;
p.y := 2;
var numbers : array[3] integer;
numbers[1] := 5; # sets the first element of the array
var y is numbers[5]; # gets the last element of the array
- Arrays in C+ are 1-indexed (First element is at index 1)
You can use the # symbol to mark the rest of a line as a comment.
# This is a comment
var x : integer; # This is also a comment
- +
- -
- *
- /
- %
var x is 5 + 5; # 10
- <
- <=
- >
- >=
- =
- /=
var y is 3 > 1; # true
var z is 4 = 5; # false
- (
- )
var x is 1 - 4 + 5; # 2
var y is 1 - (4 + 5); # -8
var z is 1 + 4 * 5; # 21
- :=
- ModifiablePrimary := Expression
- ModifiablePrimary
- Identifier variable name
- Identifier . Identifier record member access
- Identifier [ Expression ] array element access
var x : integer;
var y : real;
var z : boolean;
x := 5.9; # 5
x := true; # 1
y := 1; # 1.0
y := false; # 0.0
z := 4; # 1 (true)
z := 0.0; # 0 (false)
if Expression then Body end
if Expression then Body else Body end
- Executes Body if Expression evaluates to true.
- Integer or real expressions are compared with 0 and 0.0 respectively to get a boolean expression.
var x : integer is 1;
if x then
x := x * -1; # x becomes -1
var isNegative : boolean;
if x < 0 then
isNegative := true;
isNegative := false;
- while Expression loop Body end
- Keeps executing Body until Expression evaluate to false.
- Integer and real expressions are compared with 0 and 0.0 respectively to get a boolean expression.
var x is 10;
while x > 0 loop
x := x - 1;
println x; # 0
for Identifier in Expression .. Expression loop Body end
for Identifier in reverse Expression .. Expression loop body end
- Creates a variable of type inferred from Expression and identified by Identifier
- Initial value for variable is set to the first Expression (default)
- Keeps running Body as long as the variable is between the two Expressions
- After each iteration, the variable gets incremented by 1 (default)
- If reverse keyword is used:
- Initial value of the variable is set to the second Expression
- The variable is decremented by 1 after each iteration.
# Normal for loop
var x is 0;
for i in 0 .. 4 loop
x := x + i;
# Values of i and x during execution:
# i x
# 0 0
# 1 1
# 2 3
# 3 6
# 4 10
# For loop with reverse
var x is 0;
for i in reverse 0 .. 4 loop
x := x + i;
# Values of i and x during execution:
# i x
# 4 4
# 3 7
# 2 9
# 1 10
# 0 10
- routine Identifier ( parameter decelerations ) is Body end
- Parameter declarations have the form Identifier : Type and are separated by a comma
- A routine can have no parameters
- routine Identifier ( parameter decelerations ) : Type is Body end
A routine with no return Type specified is a procedure, it can be called from other routines and must be terminated with return;
A routine with a return Type specified is a function, it can be called from other routines and can appear in Expressions and must be terminated with return rval;
- rval is a variable or literal of type Type
Program starts execution from the main routine.
routine main() : integer is # Variable declarations and statements return 0; # it may return other integer values as well. end
Recursive routines are not supported
Working Program Example:
type int is integer;
var PI is 3.14159;
routine say_hi() is
println "Hello C+";
routine power(a: int, b: int) : int is
var result is 1;
for i in 0 .. b - 1 loop
result := result * a;
return result;
routine circle_area(radius: real) : real is
return PI * radius * radius;
routine main(r : real) : int is
var area is circle_area(r);
println power(2, 4) + area;
return 0;
Hello C+
- Input can be done through parameters to the main routine.
- The print and println keywords are used to evaluate and print expressions to
- print Expression;
- print "any string";
- println Expression;
- println "any string";
- println is the same as print but prints an empty line after it's output.
- Only primitive types (integer, real, boolean) are printable.
- Special characters and escapes inside strings have no special meaning.
println true;
var y is 5;
print y;
print " ";
println y * 10;
print "\n"\t";
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