and FormAutoCompleteTextView
are predefined TextView
widgets that implement validatable
Attribute | Description |
validationType | see TextView validationType Values |
errorMessage | message if the field is invalid |
requiredErrorMessage | message if the field is empty |
customValidationType | a string for custom validation (see usage below) |
Type | Description | Required attributes |
required | validates required fields | _ |
numeric | validates numeric only | _ |
alpha | validates alpha only | _ |
alphaNumeric | validates alpha numeric | _ |
validates email | _ | |
creditCard | validates credit card using Luhn Algorithm |
_ |
phone | validates phone | _ |
domainName | validates domain name | _ |
ipAddress | validates IP address | _ |
webUrl | validates web URL | _ |
personName | validates person name | _ |
personFullName | validates person full name | _ |
regex | validates a REGEX | - regex |
numericRange | validates numeric range | - minNumber - maxNumber . |
floatNumericRange | validates floating-point ranges | - floatMinNumber - floatMaxNumber |
date | validates date | - dateFormat |
There are 2 approaches to create a cutom validator
- Extend
to use the validator programmatically. - Extend
to use the validator in XML.
class SuffixValidator(private val suffix: String, errorMessage: String) : TextValidator(errorMessage) {
override fun isValid(text: String): Boolean = text.endsWith(suffix)
Use the validator
formEditText.addValidator(SuffixValidator("Must start with d."))
Note SuffixValidator
is predefined in the library.
is a validator that enables you create a custom validator to be used in XML using customValidationType
Define the custom validator by extending CustomValidator
class NumberOneCustomValidator(errorMessage: String) : CustomValidator(errorMessage) {
override fun customValidationType(context: Context): String {
// use the type defined using non-translatable string to avoid mistakes
return context.getString(R.string.custom_validator_number_one)
override fun isValid(text: String) = text == "1"
Declare NumberOneCustomValidator
in XML
<!-- use the type defined using non-translatable string to avoid mistakes -->
Register custom validators. Note that it's mandatory to register custom validators to be recognized by FormValidator.
class App : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
TextViewValidators.customValidators = listOf(NumberOneCustomValidator("Value doesn't equal 1"))