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TextView Validation

FormEditText and FormAutoCompleteTextView are predefined TextView widgets that implement validatable interface.


Attribute Description
validationType see TextView validationType Values
errorMessage message if the field is invalid
requiredErrorMessage message if the field is empty
customValidationType a string for custom validation
(see usage below)

TextView validationType Values

Type Description Required attributes
required validates required fields _
numeric validates numeric only _
alpha validates alpha only _
alphaNumeric validates alpha numeric _
email validates email _
creditCard validates credit card
using Luhn Algorithm
phone validates phone _
domainName validates domain name _
ipAddress validates IP address _
webUrl validates web URL _
personName validates person name _
personFullName validates person full name _
regex validates a REGEX - regex
numericRange validates numeric range - minNumber
- maxNumber .
floatNumericRange validates floating-point ranges - floatMinNumber
- floatMaxNumber
date validates date - dateFormat

Custom Validators

There are 2 approaches to create a cutom validator

  • Extend TextValidator to use the validator programmatically.
  • Extend CustomValidator to use the validator in XML.


class SuffixValidator(private val suffix: String, errorMessage: String) : TextValidator(errorMessage) {
    override fun isValid(text: String): Boolean = text.endsWith(suffix)

Use the validator

formEditText.addValidator(SuffixValidator("Must start with d."))

Note SuffixValidator is predefined in the library.


CustomValidator is a validator that enables you create a custom validator to be used in XML using customValidationType attribute.

Define the custom validator by extending CustomValidator.

class NumberOneCustomValidator(errorMessage: String) : CustomValidator(errorMessage) {
    override fun customValidationType(context: Context): String {
    // use the type defined using non-translatable string to avoid mistakes
        return context.getString(R.string.custom_validator_number_one)
    override fun isValid(text: String) = text == "1"

Declare NumberOneCustomValidator in XML

    <!-- use the type defined using non-translatable string to avoid mistakes  -->

Register custom validators. Note that it's mandatory to register custom validators to be recognized by FormValidator.

class App : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {
      TextViewValidators.customValidators = listOf(NumberOneCustomValidator("Value doesn't equal 1"))