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PM> Install-Package Shadynet

✔️ Shadynet — Class Library for .NET Framework.

Supports the following

  • proxy servers: HTTP, Socks4(a), Socks5, Chain.
  • protocols HTTP 1.0/1.1: keep-alive, gzip, deflate, chunked, SSL, proxies and more.


note: through out the wiki we will be using these namespaces

using Shadynet;
using Shadynet.Http;
using Shadynet.Threading;
using Shadynet.Other;
using Shadynet.Proxy;

HttpRequest & HttpResponse

Get requests:

Without query. Normal:

using (var request = new HttpRequest(""))
    request.UserAgent = HttpHelper.ChromeUserAgent();
    // Send the request, and receive the HttpResponse in the "response"
    HttpResponse response = request.Get("/");
    // Converts the http page source to string.
    string content = response.ToString();


using (var request = new HttpRequest(""))
    request.UserAgent = HttpHelper.ChromeUserAgent();
    // Send the request, and receive the HttpResponse in the "response"
    var response = await request.GetAsync("/");
    // Converts the http page source to string.
    string content = response.ToString();

With query. Normal:

using (var request = new HttpRequest(""))
    var urlParams = new RequestParams();
    // Adds each parameter and its value to the urlParams container.
    urlParams["param1"] = "value1";
    urlParams["key1"] = "value2";
    // Sends the "Get" request with our parameters in, and converts the message body to string.
    string content = request.Get("", urlParams).ToString();
    // Can also be used as following which does the same thing as above but it works with raw parameters.
   //string content = request.Get("/?param1=value1&key1=value2");
    // Another way to add the parameters into a request container as following which does the same job as "urlParams".
   //request.AddUrlParam("param1", "value1").AddUrlParam("key1", "value2");
   // after each request the parameters reset so if were to make another request here the parameter used above in the "content" wont be in here anymore.

Async, it will be the same as above but with await parameter:

using (var request = new HttpRequest(""))
    var urlParams = new RequestParams();
    urlParams["param1"] = "value1";
    urlParams["key1"] = "value2";
    string content = await request.GetAsync("", urlParams).ToString();



using (var request = new HttpRequest(""))
    var reqParams = new RequestParams();

    reqParams["username"] = "admin";
    reqParams["password"] = "admin123";
    // or with a request container
 //request.AddParam("username", "admin").AddParam("password", "admin123");

    // or with raw data
    var content = request.Post("/", reqParams);
    // the same applies to post request, the parameters reset after each request.


using (var request = new HttpRequest(""))
    var reqParams = new RequestParams();

    reqParams["username"] = "admin";
    reqParams["password"] = "admin123";
    var content = await request.PostAsync("/", reqParams);

Sending Multipart/Form data with Post:


using (var request = new HttpRequest(""))
    var multipartContent = new MultipartContent()
        {new StringContent("User"), "login"},
        {new StringContent(qwerty), "password"},
        {new FileContent(@"C:\windows_9_alpha.rar"), "file1", "1.rar"}
    // or from a field container
    //request.AddField("login", "User")
    //    .AddField("password", "qwerty")
    //    .AddFile("file1", @"C:\windows_9_alpha.rar");
    request.Post("/", multipartContent).None();


using (var request = new HttpRequest(""))
    var multipartContent = new MultipartContent()
        {new StringContent("User"), "login"},
        {new StringContent(qwerty), "password"},
        {new FileContent(@"C:\windows_9_alpha.rar"), "file1", "1.rar"}
    await request.PostAsync("/", multipartContent).None();




using (var request = new HttpRequest(""))
    request.KeepAlive = true; // its true by default.
    request.KeepAliveTimeout = 1000; // valued by "Milliseconds" default is 30,000 which is equal to 30seconds.
    request.MaximumKeepAliveRequests = 4; // maximum request per connection, default is 100.
    // Constant requests to the site.
    // We also get the time it took to connect to the server.
    var res = request.Get("/").None();
    Console.WriteLine("Connection1: " + res.ConnectionTime + "ms");

    res = request.Get("/rss").None();
    Console.WriteLine("Connection2: " + res.ConnectionTime + "ms");

    res = request.Get("/rss/posts");
    Console.WriteLine("Connection3: " + res.ConnectionTime + "ms");


using (var request = new HttpRequest(""))
    request.KeepAlive = true; // its true by default.
    request.KeepAliveTimeout = 1000; // valued by "Milliseconds" default is 30,000 which is equal to 30seconds.
    request.MaximumKeepAliveRequests = 4; // maximum request per connection, default is 100.
    // Constant requests to the site.
    // We also get the time it took to connect to the server.
    var res = await request.GetAsync("/").None();
    Console.WriteLine("Connection1: " + res.ConnectionTime + "ms");

    res = await request.GetAsync("/rss").None();
    Console.WriteLine("Connection2: " + res.ConnectionTime + "ms");

    res = await request.GetAsync("/rss/posts");
    Console.WriteLine("Connection2: " + res.ConnectionTime + "ms");


using (var request = new HttpRequest(""))
    request.Cookies = new CookiesCore()
        {"crftoken", "token123"},
        {"session", "12344235"}

    request[HttpHeader.DNT] = "1";
    request["X-Secret-Param"] = "UFO";

    request.AddHeader("X-Tmp-Secret-Param", "42")
           .AddHeader(HttpHeader.Referer, "");
    // UserAgents can be generated from the Http Class which generates most common used browsers useragents such as chrome.
    request.UserAgent = HttpHelper.ChromeUserAgent();
    // allows auto redirect and takes only boolean values, default is true
    request.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
    // ignores every protocol error that happen within the request such as "404 not found" and wont pass to the exception argument takes only boolean values, default is false
    request.IgnoreProtocolErrors = false;

    // reconnect if an error occurred, default is false
    request.Reconnect = true; 

    // maximum reconnect attempts, default is 3 
    request.ReconnectLimit = 2;

    // delay between each reconnected in ms, default is 100
    request.ReconnectDelay = 200;

    // if normal
    // if async
    await request.GetAsync("/");


// initializes a proxy client and parses the proxy string to use it
var proxyClient = HttpProxyClient.Parse("");

// creates the connection to the http server from the proxy set above and return the response of the server.
var tcpClient = proxyClient.CreateConnection("", 80);
// or asynchronously
var tcpClient = proxyClient.CreateConnectionAsync("", 80);

HttpRequest Proxy support

using (HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(""))
    // case if the proxy is http proxy
    request.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse("");
    // case if the proxy is a socks4 proxy
    request.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse("");
    // case if the proxy is a socks4a proxy
    request.Proxy = Socks4aProxyClient.Parse("");
    // case if the proxy is a socks5 proxy
    request.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse("");
    // any type of request can be used
    var response = request.Get("/");

Will be adding synchronized ProxyClients, until then this will stay here.

Handling Exceptions

    using (var request = new HttpRequest(""))
        request.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse("");
        // or asynchronously
        await request.GetAsync("/"); 
catch (HttpException ex)
    Console.WriteLine("An error when handling HTTP-server: {0}", ex.Message);

    switch (ex.Status)
        case HttpExceptionStatus.Other:
            Console.WriteLine("Unknown error");

        case HttpExceptionStatus.ProtocolError:
            Console.WriteLine("status code: {0}", (int)ex.HttpStatusCode);

        case HttpExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure:
            Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to the HTTP-server.");

        case HttpExceptionStatus.SendFailure:
            Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to the HTTP-server");

        case HttpExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure:
            Console.WriteLine("Failed to load the response from the HTTP-server.");


Refer to the Wiki for the examples and the features.