We encourage anyone interested in improving ticktack
to contribute to the code and documentation! We hope that this is only the beginning of a wider project bringing fast, differentiable carbon box modelling to radiocarbon science.
We encourage contributors who are new to open-source development to consult the AstroPy docs for its suggested workflow for contributions.
is focused on carbon box modelling for analysing tree-ring radiocarbon time series. At present, we are soliciting contributions that improve its capabilities within this scope, or that modestly extend the scope - but it is not well suited to modelling the carbon cycle in general terms including kinetics or general circulation models.
If you have questions about ticktack
or encounter problems when using it, please open an Issue on the GitHub issue tracker. If you see an Issue you can help solve, please comment!
If you have ideas for extensions to ticktack
, including expansions to its scope or use case or ways to substantially refactor and improve the code, please go to Discussions on GitHub and create a thread.
There is a Code of Conduct that we expect all contributors to ticktack
to adhere to.