Redux has a number of tools and middleware available in its ecosystem to facilitate elegant app development.
- Redux DevTools - a tool that displays a linear timeline of actions that have interacted with its store. Allows for replaying actions and error handling
- redux-thunk - middleware that enables lazy evaluation of actions
- redux-observable - an RxJS-based model for handling side-effects on action streams.
- *ng2-redux-router - reactive glue between the Angular 2 router and your redux store.
Ngrx provides most of its Redux implementation through the ngrx/store module. Other modules are available for better integration and development.
- ngrx/store-devtools - an ngrx implementation of the Redux DevTools
- ngrx/effects - a model for performing side-effects similar to
- ngrx/router and ngrx/router-store - a router for Angular 2 that can be connected to your ngrx store