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Test Deployment Star Twitter Version License

Koemans is an util set for us to building Ktor based web applications.

Now ktor's latest version is 2.x, but Koemans' web was written for 1.x. We are planning to upgrading to the ktor 2.x version. This will need some time because it will break our existing projects due to the incompatible between ktor 1.x and 2.x. So, ktor upgrade will available since Koemans 2.x


  • Parameter validator for ktor Parameters.
  • Sprint Context support for ktor and hocon configuration support for SpringContext.
  • sqlDatabase support for Exposed.
  • paging, filtering and sorting query support for Exposed.
  • a simple coroutine based event hub. (not encouraged for use, Spring's ApplicationEvent is better.)


  • koemans-all: all modules, with experimental utils waiting for categorize.
  • koemans-event-hub: a little event hub. Not encouraged for use.
  • koemans-exposed: Exposed support. Paging, filetering and sorting, query supports.
  • koemans-exposed-database: Database support, including a dsl sqlDatabase for creating database connection.
  • koemans-exposed-database-sqlite3: Sqlite3 support.
  • koelans-utils: a set of small utils.
  • koemans-web-ktor: currently only a ktor Parameter Validator inside.
  • koemans-web-spring: SpringContext support.

Where to get it

For repository url, please see ShinonomeTN Public Maven Repository

or just pull and install it via ./mvnw install.

Usages & Examples

You can just import the hole Koemans:


or just some modules.

// Exposed supports only

When import modules individually, you need to manual import ktor-server-core and database drivers when needed:

implementation "io.ktor:ktor-server-core:1.6.8"
implementation "io.ktor:ktor-server-netty:1.6.8"
// For Sqlite3 
// For MariaDB

Create a simple application with spring context

ktor {
    application {
        modules = [ com.shinonometn.demo.MainAppKt.mainModule ]

    deployment {
        host = ""
        port = 8098
package com.shinonometn.demo

open class ApplicationAutoConfiguration() {
    // Configure your spring application as usual
    open fun executorService() = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4)

class HelloService {
    fun hello() {
        println("Hello world!")   

fun Application.mainModule() {
    install(SpringContext) {
        annotationDriven( {
            // You can load a hocon property file as source.
            useHoconPropertySource(null, ClassPathResource("application.hocon"))
            // ...or use the property of ktor :D
            val hoconConfig = getEnvironmentHoconConfig()
            hoconConfig?.let { useHoconPropertySource("ktor", it) }
        val helloService = application.springContext.find<HelloService>()
        get("/") {
            call.respondText("Hello, world!")

Example above is using Ktor's config flavor to start an application, it requires the main class to be the engine class (normally is io.ktor.server.netty.EngineMain or other Engine's Main you're using).

You can also bootstrap a server by codes:

fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
        configureBySpring {
            annotationDriven( {
                // Do your spring configuration here
    }.start(wait = true)
  • Hocon configuration supports for this method is sill in-progress...

Validating parameters

fun Route.requestRoute() {
    val validator = Validator {
        "username" with isString { it.length <= 32 }
        "password" with isString
        optional("nickname") with isString { it.length <= 32 }
    post {
        val parameters = validator.validate(call.receiveParameters())
        // Do your fancy logics here :D

Query supports

fun Route.queryRoute() {
    val database = application.sprintContext.find<SqlDatabase>()
    val filtering = FilerOptionMapping {
        "username" means { UserTable.colUsername eq it }
        "starDate" means { UserTable.colRegisteredDate greaterEq LocalDatetime.parse(it) }
        "endDate" means { UserTable.colRegisteredDate lesserEq LocalDatetime.parse(it) }
    val sorting = SortOptionMapping {
        "registeredDate" associateTo UserTable.colRegisteredDate
        "loginTime" associateTo UserTable.colRegisteredDate defaultOrder SortOrder.DESC
    // It will accept request like 
    // '/user?username=foo&starDate=2020-01-01&endDate=2020-01-02&sort=loginTime,ASC'
    get {
        // Currently those shortcut methods are in koemans-all.
        val paging = call.receivePagingRequest()
        val filter = call.receiveFilterOptions(filtering)
        val sort = call.receiveSortOptions(sorting)
        val query = database {
            val result = UserTable.selectBy(filter).orderBy(sort).pagingBy(paging) {

Connect to database

Currently, we support Sqlite3 and MariaDB.

val database = sqlDatabase(Sqlite3) {
    inFile("database_name", Paths.get("/path/to/folder"))
    // or you wish an inmemory database
    // inMemory("inMemoryDatabase")
    // We encourage you to use connection pooling when using in-memory Sqlite.
    // We only support HikariPooling currently.
    poolingStrategy = HikariPooling()

fun main() {
    // Just do your database operations as usual.
    database {
        SomeTable.selectAll().forEach {