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Producer implementation

Evan Huus edited this page Mar 2, 2017 · 2 revisions

This page serves to document the broader design of Sarama's producer.

Message Flow

The producer is effectively based on the pipeline concurrency pattern with a few adjustments. In the normal 'success' case, each message flows through four structs before being put on the wire. The structs are arranged in order top-to-bottom in the file producer.go, and each one has its own goroutine.

  1. asyncProducer (singleton): its dispatch() goroutine reads from the input channel and dispatches each message according to its topic in a one-to-many (fan-out) pattern.
  2. topicProducer (one per topic): its dispatch() goroutine takes messages for a single topic, partitions them, and dispatches each message according to its partition in a one-to-many (fan-out) pattern.
  3. partitionProducer (one per partition): its dispatch() goroutine takes messages for a single topic & partition, finds the broker leading that partition, and dispatches the messages in a many-to-many pattern (a single broker may lead multiple partitions). The getBrokerProducer and unrefBrokerProducer helpers are used to safely spawn/close the goroutines associated with each broker.
  4. brokerProducer (one per broker): its run() goroutine takes messages for a single broker and batches them according to the configured size limits, time limits, etc. When a batch is complete it is turned into a request and sent to an anonymous "bridge" goroutine which puts the request on the wire.


When the brokerProducer cannot deliver a message due to a cluster leadership change, that message is retried. A flag is set on each message indicating that it is being retried, and the messages are then sent to the retryHandler (an additional singleton goroutine) which puts them back onto the normal input channel.

As this introduces a loop in our pipeline, we must be careful to avoid the obvious deadlock case. To this end, the retryHandler goroutine is always available to read messages.

The number of retry attempts is configurable as config.Producer.Retry.Max. After every retry attempt, the producer will sleep config.Producer.Retry.Backoff before trying again.

Maintaining Order

Maintaining the order of messages when a retry occurs is an additional challenge. When a brokerProducer triggers a retry, the following events occur, strictly in this order:

  • the messages to retry are sent to the retryHandler
  • the brokerProducer sets a flag for the given topic/partition; while this flag is set any further such messages (which may have already been in the pipeline) will be immediately sent to the retryHandler
  • eventually the first retried message reaches its partitionProducer
  • the partitionProducer sends off a special "chaser" message and releases its reference to the old broker
  • the partitionProducer updates its metadata, opens a connection to the new broker, and sends the retried message down the new path
  • the partitionProducer continues handling incoming messages - retried messages get sent to the new broker, while new messages are held in a queue to preserver ordering
  • the brokerProducer sees the chaser message; it clears the flag it originally sent, and "retries" the chaser message
  • the partitionProducer sees the retried chaser message (indicating that it has seen the last retried message)
  • the partitionProducer flushes the backlog of "new" messages to the new broker and resumes normal processing

When n retries are configured, each partitionProducer uses a set of n buffers for message backlogs that are being held to preserve order, as well as a set of n boolean flags to indicate which 'levels' currently have chaser messages in progress. For indexing simplicity, an n+1-length slice of structs is used; the flag at index 0 and the buffer at index n go unused. Each partitionProducer keeps one additional piece of state: the current high-watermark of retries in progress.

In normal operation (no errors, no retries), the high-watermark is 0, all the flags are unset, and all the buffers are empty. When a message is received there are three possibilities:

  • the retry-count is equal to the high-watermark; the message is passed through normally
  • the retry-count is greater than the high-watermark; the message is passed through, but before this happens the high-watermark is updated, a chaser is sent and the chaser flag is set
  • the retry-count is less than the high-watermark; the message is saved in the appropriate buffer

There is one additional case to consider: when a chaser message is received. If its retry-count is less than the high-watermark then the flag at that index is cleared. Otherwise its retry-count must be equal to the high-watermark, which causes the high-watermark to be decremented and any buffer at the new high-watermark to be flushed. The decrement-and-flush process is repeated until either a chaser flag is found (indicating the current high-watermark needs to be kept until its chaser is received) or the high-watermark hits 0, at which point normal operation resumes.


Cleanly shutting down/closing a concurrent application is always an "interesting" problem. With pipelines in go the situation is relatively straightforward except when you have multiple writers on a single channel, in which case you must reference-count them to ensure all writers are closed before the channel is.

In the producer, this pattern occurs in two places:

  • multiple partitions can be lead by the same broker; connections to brokerProducers are explicitly reference-counted in the getBrokerProducer and unrefBrokerProducer helper functions
  • all brokerProducers can write to the retryHandler; this is reference-counted via the inFlight wait-group on the core asyncProducer struct