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Installing Ruby, Rails

Installing Ubuntu

If you are using Windows, try and dual boot the LTS version of Ubuntu (that is, Ubuntu 20.04) or your preferred flavor of Linux distributions. Dual boooting installs multiple operating systems - in this case, Windows and Ubuntu. Every time you power on your device, you can decide the operating system you want to use.

If that's not possible, consider installing Ubuntu on a virtual machine. By using a Virtual Machine, you can run Ubuntu within Windows like any other application.

Using a Virtual Machine can be slow, especially if you allocate less than 4 GB RAM. Try dual-booting in such cases.

In case you are using Mac OS,follow below commands

Install Xcode tools

Install Xcode from the MacApp Store if you haven't already. Refer this in case of any issues

Install HomeBrew

HomeBrew is a package manager for Mac and helps organise the packages you install. Enter the following command in the terminal to install HomeBrew if you haven't already /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install gnupg

brew install gnupg

Below steps are common to Linux and MacOS

Install Ruby Version Manager (RVM). You can install RVM by running the following commands:

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
curl -sSL | gpg --import -
curl -sSL | bash -s stable

You can also install the ubuntu apt package, but the process is quite complex if messed up. We recommend you to install it by following the commands mentioned above.

RVM allows you to easily install, manage and work with multiple ruby environments.

  • Install Ruby (2.7.2)
rvm install ruby-2.7.2
rvm --default use 2.7.2
  • Create and use a gemset session_<n> where n is the session number. It is recommended to use a different
rvm gemset create session_0
rvm use 2.7.2@session_0

A gemset is an isolated ruby setup. For example, you can isolate two projects using Rails 5 and Rails 6 from each other using a gemset.

NOTE: Always switch to the appropriate gemset when working on a project. You can use a project rvmrc to automate this process.

  • Install Bundler (2.2.0) and Rails (6.1.0)
gem install bundler --version 2.2.0
gem install rails --version 6.1.0

While you can use different version of Ruby, Bundler and Rails - we recommend using the provided versions as all exercies are created and tested with these particular versions.

  • Check if the above steps worked correctly.
rvm --version
ruby --version    # 2.7.2
bundler --version # 2.2.0
rails --version   # 6.1.0
  • Finally, you'll need Node.js and Yarn installed to manage your application's JavaScript. So you can install nodejs by running the following command:
sudo apt install nodejs
  • We need yarn for webpacker which is the Rails version of webpack. webpack is used to compile your application's JavaScript that's placed in app/javascript. To install yarn run the following commands:
curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

If everything is installed correctly, you are ready to get started with Rails.