Assignment under Graphics Course
Story of motivation: There's dnahb_ball fired through canon , you need to collect all coins to be called a D.N.A.H.B Guy ;)
Rules and controls:
To play the game:
run the file sample2D in terminal , just by typing ./sample2D in terminal.
To compile the code , run
g++ -o sample2D Sample_GL3_2D.cpp -lGL -lGLU -lGLEW -lglut -lm
a ==> decrease_canon_rotation
d ==> increase_canon_rotation
dnahb_ball's control:
w ==> increase power of shoot
s ==> decrease power of shoot
spacebar/left_mouse_click ==> shoot
Note: there's a power meter just below canon to show current shooting power
Screen control:
arrow_key_UP ==> zoom in
arrow_key_DOWN ==> zoom out
arrow_key_LEFT/right_mouse_click ==> panx increnment
arrow_key_RIGHT ==> panx decrement
Some twists in game:
* You only have single life, to complete the game of total 83 levels.
* there's a trappy box(brown cloured) , if anyhow your dnahb_ball ever get touched by it , you gotta lose you life in a jiff!!
* all over around there is friction at ground and on blocks.
* the block at ground has maximum friction.
Score and levels:
* your score and current_level will be showed in terminal .