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Hosting ClaireBot

Sidpatchy edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 8 revisions

ClaireBot is hosted for free by me, and will remain that way for the foreseeable future. However, you may wish to host your own instance of her. Doing so is relatively easy, you will just need to have some basic sysadmin skills.

The following sections are written in the order that makes things as simple as possible. I recommend following it.

Setting up ClaireData

First, you'll need to clone the ClaireData repository.

git clone
cd ClaireData/

Next, you'll need to edit the password in the application.yml file. Be sure to change it to something secure!

nano src/main/resources/application.yml

Then, you'll need to edit the password in the file. Again, change it to something secure!

nano src/main/java/com/sidpatchy/ClaireData/

Finally, we'll need to build ClaireData.

./gradlew build

Assuming no errors, you will find a built version of ClaireData in build/libs/. Make sure you do not choose the file that ends with -plain.jar, if you're in doubt, choose the bigger file.

Setting up Postgres

The following will demonstrate how to do this using Docker, if you aren't comfortable with that, you may find other resources.

Create and edit a file called docker-compose.yml

nano docker-compose.yml

Set the contents of the file to this, making sure to change the password to whatever you set earlier.

version: "2.1"
    container_name: clairedata-db
    image: postgres
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "5432:5432"
      POSTGRES_USER: postgres
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: examplePassword
      - clairedb-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data

Finally run

docker-compose up -d

Setting up ClaireBot

Start by downloading the latest build of ClaireBot. Note that the link may have changed, if you get an error, check to see if it has changed.


Next, you'll need to run the bot once, the command should be along the lines of:

java -jar java -jar ClaireBot-3.0-all.jar

Then if we run ls, we'll get a list of files something like this

$ ls
ClaireBot-3.0-all.jar  config  logs

We're only interested in the file at config/config.yml

nano config/config.yml

You will need to fill in the following categories

# ----------------- MAIN CONFIG ----------------  
# General config options
# Discord bot token, get one at  

Here, we just need to change the apiPath to our ClaireData instance, as well as the apiPassword to the password we set in the file earlier.

ClaireData is hosted on if you are just running this on one machine.

# --------------- DATABASE CONFIG --------------  
# Config options related to ClaireData.  
# ClaireData's login information  
apiUser: clairedata  
apiPassword: examplePassword

Additionally, ClaireBot supports sharding, if you're in doubt, don't touch this.

Just change the current shard, and total shards accordingly.

# ----------------- SHARD CONFIG ---------------  
# It is assumed that only one shard will be running by default.  
# You probably don't need to change this.  
# The shard the bot should log in to  
current_shard: 0  
# The total number of shards.  
total_shards: 1

Putting it all together

Now that we have ClaireBot and ClaireData setup, we should be able to start everything.

I like to use Screen but there are a number of options you could use.

Open a screen for ClaireData and start it.

screen -S ClaireData # will open a new screen named ClaireData
java -jar ClaireData-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Next, we'll need to open another Screen for ClaireBot.

screen -S ClaireBot
java -jar java -jar ClaireBot-3.0-all.jar

Assuming you've done everything correctly, ClaireBot should now be up and running. Go ahead and run a command to test the database, if there are no errors, you're all set!

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