Hint: These snippets were used to no sub_nas testing, for sub_nas testing change False value to True, since you will need DynamicAppCall
build ..\NA\NASC.py test 0710 05 True False na_register ["aaaa","ASnSxavKzDvwXh3ZLxBWhqMbbntwn2TJBM",2,"target",1519912704]
- should fail - invalid target
load_run ..\NA\NASC.avm test 0710 05 True False na_register ["aaab","ASnSxavKzDvwXh3ZLxBWhqMbbntwn2TJBM",2,"ASnSxavKzDvwXh3ZLxBWhqMbbntwn2TJBM",1519912704]
- first time should success and returns alias_data as array
- seconds time should fail because already registered
load_run ..\NA\NASC.avm test 0710 05 True False na_register ["asdhasdy","ASnSxavKzDvwXh3ZLxBWhqMbbntwn2TJBM",0,"ASnSxavKzDvwXh3ZLxBWhqMbbntwn2TJBM",1519912704]
- returns True - registers general alias
load_run ..\NA\NASC.avm test 0710 05 True False na_register ["aaac","ASnSxavKzDvwXh3ZLxBWhqMbbntwn2TJBM",2,"ASnSxavKzDvwXh3ZLxBWhqMbbntwn2TJBM",1509912704]
- should fail already expired
load_run ..\NA\NASC.avm test 0710 05 True False na_alias_data ["asdhasdy",2]
- returns all informations stored about alias, if does not exist, returns False
load_run ..\NA\NASC.avm test 0710 05 True False na_query ["asdhasdy",2]
- returns target of selected alais or None if not exist
load_run ..\NA\NASC.avm test 0710 05 True False na_query ["asdhasdy"]
- retuns empty bytearray, bacuase alias is not found --> falls back to general alias type, because type was not defined and alias of this kind was not yet created
load_run ..\NA\NASC.avm test 0710 05 True False na_update_target ["asdhasdy","ARSforLjf3753vR6N3c5Dx4XtMCpq53YVS",2]
- first calls transfers alias to another owner, result True
load_run ..\NA\NASC.avm test 0710 05 True False na_update_target ["asdhasdy","ARSforLjf3753vR6N3c5Dx4XtMCpq53YVS",2]
- second call fails with result False, because we are no longer owner of alias
load_run ..\NA\NASC.avm test 0710 02 True False na_renew ["asdhasdy","1519952704",2]
- renew alias expiration to selected timestamp
load_run ..\NA\NASC.avm test 0710 05 True False na_delete ["asdhasdy",2]
- retuns 1 --> deletes alias
load_run ..\NA\NASC.avm test 0710 05 True False na_offer_sell ["asdhasdy",1000,2]
- places sell offer with price 1000 of assets (for now it would be gas, later NAC)
load_run ..\NA\NASC.avm test 0710 05 True False na_cancel_sale_offer ["asdhasdy",2]
- closes sell offer