Please make sure you have deployed the local network of Godwoken before trying this document.
is a GitHub Actions workflow that completes all tasks associated with this document.
$ git clone --depth=1 ssh://
$ mv hardhat/packages/hardhat-core/sample-projects/basic/ .
$ cd basic/
$ ls cache contracts hardhat.config.js scripts test
# Enter `basic/` directory
# $ cd basic/
$ npm install --save-dev hardhat @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle
Add the below network
configuration into basic/hardhat.config.js
module.exports = {
networks: {
gw_devnet_v1: {
url: ``,
accounts: [`0x9d5bc55413c14cf4ce360a6051eacdc0e580100a0d3f7f2f48f63623f6b05361`],
is the Godwoken Web3 URL, which should be deployed at deploy-a-local-network-of-godwoken-using-godwoken-kicker0x9d5bc55413c14cf4ce360a6051eacdc0e580100a0d3f7f2f48f63623f6b05361
is the private key of account we used at deposit-some-ckb-to-layer2-account. You can replace it with your testing keys.
# Enter `basic/` directory
# $ cd basic/
$ npx hardhat accounts --network gw_devnet_v1
$ npx hardhat compile
$ npx hardhat test --network gw_devnet_v1
$ npx hardhat run --network gw_devnet_v1 scripts/sample-script.js