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F# Minimal API Wrapper

Premise 🌀

Vortex.Api provides a simple and effective way to configure routing for HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE within an F# application using the ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs. This module is designed to simplify the process of binding HTTP methods to specific request handlers.

Installation 💻

To use the Vortex.Api module, include it in your F# project by copying the source files directly or referencing the library if it's packaged. Ensure that your project references the Microsoft.AspNetCore.App framework.

Add the Vortex.Api package to your project using the following command:

$ dotnet add package Vortex.Api --version 0.1.0


Example: Configuring the Web Application

Here's how to use the Vortex.Api to map different HTTP methods:

open Vortex.Api
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http

let getHandler: RequestHandler = fun _ -> 
        // Logic to handle the request
        "Hello, World!"

let configureApp (app: WebApplication) =
    app |> mapGet    "/api/hello"  getHandler
        |> mapPost   "/api/post"   postHandler
        |> mapPut    "/api/put"    putHandler
        |> mapDelete "/api/delete" delHandler


Vortex.Http - HttpContext Extensions


Vortex.Http enhances the HttpContext by providing extension methods that facilitate easier access to services, request headers, cookies, and query parameters. It simplifies operations such as retrieving and deserializing request bodies and extracting service instances or loggers from the dependency injection container.

Extension Methods

NOTE: The extension methods are available through the Vortex.Http namespace.

Logging and Services

  • GetLogger<'service>(): Retrieves a logger service for the specified type, enabling easy logging within the request context.
  • GetService<'service>(): Retrieves a service instance from the ASP.NET Core dependency injection container, allowing for decoupled and testable code.

Request Data

  • GetHeader(name: string): Returns the value of a specified request header, or an empty string if the header is not found.
  • GetCookie(key: string): Retrieves the value of a specified cookie, or null if the cookie does not exist.
  • GetBody<'body>(): Deserializes the request body into a specified type. It throws an exception if deserialization fails.
  • TryGetBody<'body>(): Tries to deserialize the request body into a specified type safely, returning None if unsuccessful to avoid exceptions.

Query Parameters

  • GetQuery(name: string): Retrieves the first value of a specified query parameter as a string, or an empty string if not present.
  • GetQueryInt(name: string): Retrieves the first value of a specified query parameter, converted to an integer. Throws a FormatException if the conversion fails.
  • GetQueryFloat(name: string): Retrieves the first value of a specified query parameter, converted to a float. Includes error handling for conversion failures.
  • GetQueryDecimal(name: string): Retrieves the first value of a specified query parameter, converted to a decimal. Error handling for conversion issues is included.
  • GetQueryDateTime(name: string): Converts the first value of a specified query parameter to a DateTime object. It throws a FormatException if the conversion is not possible.
  • GetQueryDateTimeOffset(name: string): Retrieves the first value of a specified query parameter and converts it to a DateTimeOffset object, with error handling for conversion failures.
  • GetQueryGuid(name: string): Retrieves and converts the first value of a specified query parameter to a Guid.
  • GetQueryUri(name: string): Converts the first value of a specified query parameter to a Uri object. Includes handling for UriFormatException.
  • GetQueryList(name: string): Retrieves all values of a specified query parameter as a list of strings, allowing for multiple values per query parameter.

Here are a few examples of how Vortex.Http can be used within your ASP.NET Core handlers:

open Vortex.Http
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http

let exampleHandler: RequestHandler = fun context -> // RequestHandler is a type alias for HttpContext -> obj
    let logger = context.GetLogger<YourServiceType>()
    let service = context.GetService<YourServiceType>()
    let headerValue = context.GetHeader "User-Agent"

    // Log and return the header value
    logger.LogInformation("Received user-agent: {HeaderValue}", headerValue)



Contributions are welcome! Please refer to the or create an issue to get started.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.