Direct no-stdlib port of the C brotli decompressor to Rust
no dependency on the Rust stdlib: this library would be ideal for decompressing within a rust kernel among other things.
This is useful to see how C and Rust compare in an apples-to-apples comparison where the same algorithms and data structures and optimizations are employed.
Rust brotli currently supports compression levels 0 - 9 (an approximation similar to 10 is coming soon) They should be bitwise identical to the brotli C compression engine at those levels Recommended lg_window_size is between 20 and 22
let mut input = brotli::CompressorReader::new(&mut io::stdin(), 4096 /* buffer size */,
quality as u32, lg_window_size as u32);
then you can simply read input as you would any other io::Read class
let mut writer = brotli::Compressor::new(&mut io::stdout(), 4096 /* buffer size */,
quality as u32, lg_window_size as u32);
match brotli::BrotliCompress(&mut io::stdin(), &mut io::stdout(), quality as u32, lg_window_size as u32) {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(e) => panic!("Error {:?}", e),
let mut input = brotli::Decompressor::new(&mut io::stdin(), 4096 /* buffer size */);
then you can simply read input as you would any other io::Read class
let mut writer = brotli::DecompressorWriter::new(&mut io::stdout(), 4096 /* buffer size */);
match brotli::BrotliDecompress(&mut io::stdin(), &mut io::stdout()) {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(e) => panic!("Error {:?}", e),
There are 3 steps to using brotli without stdlib
- setup the memory manager
- setup the BrotliState
- in a loop, call BrotliDecompressStream
in Detail
// at global scope declare a MemPool type -- in this case we'll choose the heap to
// avoid unsafe code, and avoid restrictions of the stack size
declare_stack_allocator_struct!(MemPool, heap);
// at local scope, make a heap allocated buffers to hold uint8's uint32's and huffman codes
let mut u8_buffer = define_allocator_memory_pool!(4096, u8, [0; 32 * 1024 * 1024], heap);
let mut u32_buffer = define_allocator_memory_pool!(4096, u32, [0; 1024 * 1024], heap);
let mut hc_buffer = define_allocator_memory_pool!(4096, HuffmanCode, [0; 4 * 1024 * 1024], heap);
let heap_u8_allocator = HeapPrealloc::<u8>::new_allocator(4096, &mut u8_buffer, bzero);
let heap_u32_allocator = HeapPrealloc::<u32>::new_allocator(4096, &mut u32_buffer, bzero);
let heap_hc_allocator = HeapPrealloc::<HuffmanCode>::new_allocator(4096, &mut hc_buffer, bzero);
// At this point no more syscalls are going to be needed since everything can come from the allocators.
// Feel free to activate SECCOMP jailing or other mechanisms to secure your application if you wish.
// Now it's possible to setup the decompressor state
let mut brotli_state = BrotliState::new(heap_u8_allocator, heap_u32_allocator, heap_hc_allocator);
// at this point the decompressor simply needs an input and output buffer and the ability to track
// the available data left in each buffer
loop {
result = BrotliDecompressStream(&mut available_in, &mut input_offset, &input.slice(),
&mut available_out, &mut output_offset, &mut output.slice_mut(),
&mut written, &mut brotli_state);
// just end the decompression if result is BrotliResult::ResultSuccess or BrotliResult::ResultFailure
This interface is the same interface that the C brotli decompressor uses
Also feel free to use custom allocators that invoke Box directly. This example illustrates a mechanism to avoid subsequent syscalls after the initial allocation