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Changelog for v3.0


This is a new major release for Ecto v3.0. Despite the major number, this is a small release with the main goal of removing the previously deprecated Ecto datetime types in favor of the Calendar types that ship as part of Elixir and updating to the latest JSON handling best practices.

Calendar types

Ecto.Date, Ecto.Time and Ecto.DateTime no longer exist. Instead developers should use Date, Time, DateTime and NaiveDateTime that ship as part of Elixir and are the preferred types since Ecto 2.1. Database adapters have also been standarized to work with Elixir types and they no longer return tuples when developers perform raw queries.

To uniformly support microseconds across all databases, the types :time, :naive_datetime, :utc_datetime will now discard any microseconds information. Ecto v3.0 introduces the types :time_usec, :naive_datetime_usec and :utc_datetime_usec as an alternative for those interested in keeping microseconds. If you want to keep microseconds in your migrations and schemas, you need to configure your repository:

config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
  migration_timestamps: [type: :naive_datetime_usec]

And then in your schema:

@timestamps_opts [type: :naive_datetime_usec]

JSON handling

Ecto v3.0 moved the management of the JSON library to adapters. All adapters should default to Jason.

The following configuration will emit a warning:

config :ecto, :json_library, CustomJSONLib

And should be rewritten as:

# For Postgres
config :postgrex, :json_library, CustomJSONLib

# For MySQL
config :mariaex, :json_library, CustomJSONLib

If you want to rollback to Poison, you need to configure your adapter accordingly:

# For Postgres
config :postgrex, :json_library, Poison

# For MySQL
config :mariaex, :json_library, Poison

We recommend everyone to migrate to Jason. Built-in support for Poison will be removed in future Ecto 3.x releases.

Named bindings

One of the exciting additions in Ecto v3.0 is the addition of named bindings to make the query composition even more flexible:

query = Post

# Filter by the join
query = from p in query,
          join: c in Comment, as: :comments, where: c.post_id ==

# Extend the query
query = from [p, comments: c] in query,
          select: {p.title, c.body}

Ecto.Query got many other exciting features. Such as pairwise comparisons, as in where: {,} > {^foo, ^bar}, built-in support for coalesce and arithmetic operators, unsafe_fragment for the rare cases where you really need to generate a SQL expression dynamically, the ability to filter aggregators, as in select: filter(count(, p.public == true), table specific hints in databases like MySQL and MSSQL, and many more.

Locked migrations

Running migrations will now lock the migrations table, allowing you to concurrently run migrations in a cluster without worrying that two servers will race each other or without running migrations twice.

v3.0.0-dev (In Progress)


  • [Ecto.Changeset] Store constraint name in error metadata for constraints
  • [Ecto.Changeset] Add validations/1 and constraints/1 instead of allowing direct access on the struct fields
  • [Ecto.Changeset] Add :force_update option when casting relations, to force an update even if there are no changes
  • [Ecto.Migration] Migrations now lock the migrations table in order to avoid concurrent migrations in a cluster. The type of lock can be configured via the :migration_lock repository configuration and defaults to "FOR UPDATE" or disabled if set to nil
  • [Ecto.Migration] Add :migration_default_prefix repository configuration
  • [Ecto.Migration] Add reversible version of remove/2 subcommand
  • [Ecto.Migration] Add support for non-empty arrays as defaults in migrations
  • [Ecto.Multi] Add support for anonymous functions in insert/4, update/4, insert_or_update/4, and delete/4
  • [Ecto.Query] Add unsafe_fragment to queries which allow developers to send dynamically generated fragments to the database that are not checked (and therefore unsafe)
  • [Ecto.Query] Support tuples in where and having, allowing queries such as where: {,} > {^foo, ^bar}
  • [Ecto.Query] Support arithmetic operators in queries as a thin layer around the DB functionality
  • [Ecto.Query] Allow joins in queries to be named via :as and allow named bindings
  • [Ecto.Query] Support excluding specific join types in exclude/2
  • [Ecto.Query] Allow virtual field update in subqueries
  • [Ecto.Query] Support coalesce/2 in queries, such as select: coalesce(p.title, p.old_title)
  • [Ecto.Query] Support filter/2 in queries, such as select: filter(count(, p.public == true)
  • [Ecto.Query] The :prefix and :hints options are now supported on both from and join expressions
  • [Ecto.Query] Support :asc_nulls_last, :asc_nulls_first, :desc_nulls_last, and :desc_nulls_first in order_by
  • [Ecto.Repo] Support :replace_all_except_primary_key as :on_conflict strategy
  • [Ecto.Repo] Support {:replace, fields} as :on_conflict strategy
  • [Ecto.Repo] Support select in queries given to update_all and delete_all
  • [Ecto.Repo] Preloading now only sorts results by the relationship key instead of sorting by the whole struct
  • [Ecto.Schema] Allow :where option to be given to has_many/has_one/belongs_to/many_to_many. many_to_many also supports :join_through_where

Bug fixes

  • [Ecto.Migration] Keep double underscores on autogenerated index names to be consistent with changesets
  • [Ecto.Query] Fix for single nil column with join
  • [mix ecto.migrations] List migrated versions even if the migration file is deleted
  • [mix ecto.load] The task now fails on SQL errors on Postgres


  • [Ecto.Changeset] Passing a list of binaries to cast/3 is deprecated, please pass a list of atoms instead
  • [Ecto.Multi] now receives the repo in which the transaction is executing as the first argument to functions, and the changes so far as the second argument
  • [Ecto.Query] join/5 now expects on: expr as last argument instead of simply expr. This was done in order to properly support :as and friends
  • [Ecto.Repo] The :returning option for update_all and delete_all has been deprecated as those statements now support select clauses
  • [Ecto.Repo] Passing :adapter via config is deprecated in favor of passing it on use Ecto.Repo

Backwards incompatible changes

  • [Ecto.DateTime] Ecto.Date, Ecto.Time and Ecto.DateTime were previously deprecated and have now been removed
  • [Ecto.DataType] Ecto.DataType protocol has been removed
  • [Ecto.Multi] now receives the repo in which the transaction is executing as the first argument to functions, and the changes so far as the second argument
  • [Ecto.Schema] :time, :naive_datetime and :utc_datetime no longer keep microseconds information. If you want to keep microseconds, use :time_usec, :naive_datetime_usec, :utc_datetime_usec
  • [Ecto.Schema] The @schema_prefix option now only affects the from/join of where the schema is used and no longer the whole query

Adapter changes

  • [Ecto.Adapter] The :sources field in query_meta now contains three elements tuples with {source, schema, prefix} in order to support from/join prefixes (#2572)
  • [Ecto.Adapter] The database types time, utc_datetime and naive_datetime should translate to types with seconds precision while the database types time_usec, utc_datetime_usec and naive_datetime_usec should have microseconds precision (#2291)
  • [Ecto.Adapter] The on_conflict argument for insert and insert_all no longer receives a {:replace_all, list(), atom()} tuple. Instead, it receives a {fields :: [atom()], list(), atom()} where fields is a list of atoms of the fields to be replaced (#2181)
  • [Ecto.Adapter] insert/update/delete now receive both :source and :prefix fields instead of a single :source field with both source and prefix in it (#2490)
  • [Ecto.Adapter.Migration] A new lock_for_migration/4 callback has been added. It is implemented by default by Ecto.Adapters.SQL (#2215)
  • [Ecto.Adapter.Migration] The execute_ddl should now return {:ok, []} to make space for returning notices/hints/warnings in the future (adapters leveraging Ecto.Adapters.SQL do not have to perform any change)
  • [Ecto.Query] The from field in Ecto.Query now returns a Ecto.Query.FromExpr with the :source field, unifying the behaviour in from and join expressions (#2497)
  • [Ecto.Query] Tuple expressions are now supported in queries. For example, where: {,} > {, p.baz} should translate to WHERE (, > (, p.baz) in SQL databases. Adapters should be changed to handle {:{}, meta, exprs} in the query AST (#2344)
  • [Ecto.Query] Adapters should support the following arithmetic operators in queries +, -, * and / (#2400)
  • [Ecto.Query] Adapters should support filter/2 in queries, as in select: filter(count(, p.public == true) (#2487)

Previous versions