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Main backend for atom-wannabe module.


It extracts the useful lines of a javascript test file which can be run by the mocha test runner. Breakpoints are set on these lines; then the node debugger is used in order to retrieve the frame for each line. Local variables are extracted from these frames.

Internal steps

  1. Use Extractor in order to extract all lines of a specific test.
  2. Run mocha on the specified test and break on the first line.
  3. Enable breakpoints for all exceptions.
  4. Set breakpoints for all lines retrieved with the Extractor.
  5. Continue to the next breakpoint (or exception break) and save the context in a map until that mocha is terminated.

The runner is async, the frames are sent to the client by the event emitter.


Wannabe (script, data, funcNames, extractFrom); ();
Wannabe.runner ();
Wannabe.dispose ();
  • script: script to run with mocha (depends of data)
  • data: the content of the script (can be null)
  • funcName: name of the functions to inspect (for example, it ())
  • extractFrom: a line number or a regex pattern for a mocha test name

If a content is passed with data, then only the parent directory of script is used. Because mocha is not able to run a test provided by a buffer, it's necessary to write a file. Then the parent directory is the destination of the temporary file. The new file is prefixed by .wannabe-. It's removed as soon as the runner is disposed.

It can a bit annoying because the file is seen ba the atom treeview.

The methods run () and runner () return a promise (watt) or it can be used with a callback. ().then ((res) => {}, (err) => {}); ((err, res) => {});

Note that the watt promises can not be chainable, it's a known limitation. See mappum/watt#15


File (test for mocha): ./test.js

'use strict';

describe ('foobar', function () {
  it ('test1', function () {
    /* ... */

  it ('test2', function () {
    /* ... */


'use strict';

const watt    = require ('watt');
const Wannabe = require ('wannabe');

const runTests = watt (function * (script, data, funcName, extractFrom) {
  const wannabe = new Wannabe ('./test.js', null, 'it', /test[0-9]/);
  const runner = yield wannabe.runner ();

  runner.on ('frame', console.log);
  runner.on ('test', console.log);

  const res = yield ();
  wannabe.dispose (); /* optional; use dispose to stop a running wannabe */
  return res;

runTests ('./test.js', null, 'it', /test[0-9]/)
  .then ((res) => {
    const {frames, tests} = res;
    // Retrieves all frames and all tests results
  }, console.error);

runTests ('./test.js', null, 'it', 5)
  .then ((res) => {
    const {frames, tests} = res;
    // Retrieves all frames and all tests results
  }, console.error);

The frames argument is an object where the keys are the lines and the value is an array of locals.


  • It's not very fast because it relies on the node debugger (which adds a major overhead). But for standard test files it works fine.
  • Babel is not really supported. A commented code exists in the mocha.js script file of this project in order to enable the support. It's just a test and it doesn't work very well. The major limitation is that babel is very slow in this case. If you want to write code where babel is mandatory, don't use wannabe.


Main backend for atom-wannabe module







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