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Traffic Split

API Group:

API Version: v1alpha4-WD

Compatible with:


This specification defines the TrafficSplit resource which allows users to incrementally direct percentages of traffic between various services. It will be used by clients such as ingress controllers or service mesh sidecars to split the outgoing traffic to different destinations.

Integrations can use this resource to orchestrate canary releases for new versions of software. The resource itself is not a complete solution as there must be some kind of controller managing the traffic shifting over time. Weighting traffic between various services is also more generally useful than driving canary releases.

The resource is associated with a root service. This is referenced via spec.service. The spec.service name is the FQDN that applications will use to communicate. For any clients that are not forwarding their traffic through a proxy that implements this proposal, the standard Kubernetes service configuration would continue to operate.

Implementations will weight outgoing traffic between the services referenced by spec.backends. Each backend is a Kubernetes service that potentially has a different selector and type. Weights must be whole numbers.

To accommodate A/B testing scenarios, a traffic split can take into account HTTP header filters and route a specific user segment to a backend while all the other users not belonging to that segment will be routed to the default service backend e.g. the Kubernetes service that matches the root name. The HTTP header filters can be specified using the HTTPRouteGroup API, a traffic split can refer HTTP route groups via spec.matches thus applying the header filters described in those groups.

Canary example:

kind: TrafficSplit
  name: canary
  # The root service that clients use to connect to the destination application.
  service: website
  # Services inside the namespace with their own selectors, endpoints and configuration.
  - service: website-v1
    weight: 90
  - service: website-v2
    weight: 10

The above configuration will route 90% of the website incoming traffic to the website-v1 service and 10% to website-v2 service.

A/B test example:

kind: TrafficSplit
  name: ab-test
  service: website
  - kind: HTTPRouteGroup
    name: ab-test
  - service: website-v1
    weight: 0
  - service: website-v2
    weight: 100
kind: HTTPRouteGroup
  name: ab-test
- name: firefox-users
  - user-agent: ".*Firefox.*"

The above configuration will route the Firefox users to the website-v2 service while all the others will be routed to the root Kubernetes service.

If the header conditions don't match the incoming request, then routing will be handled by the Kubernetes service with the same name as spec.service.

If multiple HTTP route groups are specified, all routes will be merged into a single group.


Kubernetes services can have multiple ports. This specification does not include ports. Services define these themselves and the duplication becomes extra overhead for users with the potential of misconfiguration. There are some edge cases to be aware of.

There must be a match between a port on the root service and a port on every destination backend service. If they do not match, the backend service is not included and will not receive traffic.

Mapping between port and targetPort occurs on each backend service individually. This allows for new versions of applications to change the ports they listen on and matches the existing implementation of Services.

It is recommended that implementations issue an event when the configuration is incorrect. This mis-configuration can be detected as part of an admission controller.

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: birds
    app: birds
  - name: grpc
    port: 8080
  - name: rest
    port: 9090
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: blue-birds
    app: birds
    color: blue
  - name: grpc
    port: 8080
  - name: rest
    port: 9090
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: green-birds
    app: birds
    color: green
  - name: grpc
    port: 8080
    targetPort: 8081
  - name: rest
    port: 9090

This is a valid configuration. Traffic destined for birds:8080 will select between 8080 on either blue-birds or green-birds. When the eventual destination of traffic is destined for green-birds, the targetPort is used and goes to 8081 on the destination pod.

Note: traffic destined for birds:9090 follows the same guidelines and is in this example to highlight how multiple ports can work.

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: birds
    app: birds
  - name: grpc
    port: 8080
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: blue-birds
    app: birds
    color: blue
  - name: grpc
    port: 1024
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: green-birds
    app: birds
    color: green
  - name: grpc
    port: 8080

This is an invalid configuration. Traffic destined for birds:8080 will only ever be forwarded to port 8080 on green-birds. As the port is 1024 for blue-birds, there is no way for an implementation to know where the traffic is eventually destined on a port basis. When configuration such as this is observed, implementations are recommended to issue an event that notifies users traffic will not be split for blue-birds and visible with kubectl describe trafficsplit.


In this example workflow, the user has previously created the following resources:

  • Deployment named foobar-v1, with labels: app: foobar and version: v1.
  • Service named foobar, with a selector of app: foobar.
  • Service named foobar-v1, with selectors: app:foobar and version: v1.
  • Clients use the FQDN of foobar to communicate.

In order to update an application, the user will perform the following actions:

  • Create a new traffic split named foobar-rollout, it will look like:

    kind: TrafficSplit
      name: foobar-rollout
      service: foobar
      - service: foobar-v1
        weight: 100
      - service: foobar-v2
        weight: 0

    Note: The TrafficSplit resource above refers to the service foobar-v2 even before it is created. It is necessary to follow this order otherwise some traffic might be diverted to the the new service via foobar service since this service caters traffic across all versions.

  • Create a new deployment named foobar-v2, with labels: app: foobar, version: v2.

  • Create a new service named foobar-v2, with a selector of: app: foobar, version: v2.

At this point, the SMI implementation does not redirect any traffic to foobar-v2.

  • Once the deployment is healthy, spot check by sending manual requests to the foobar-v2 service. This could be achieved via ingress, port forwarding or spinning up integration tests from separate pods.

  • When ready, the user increases the weight of foobar-v2 by updating the TrafficSplit resource:

    kind: TrafficSplit
      name: foobar-rollout
      service: foobar
      - service: foobar-v1
        weight: 1000
      - service: foobar-v2
        weight: 500

    At this point, the SMI implementation redirects approximately 33% of traffic to foobar-v2. Note that this is on a per-client basis and not global across all requests destined for these backends, because these backends can receive traffic from other Kubernetes services.

  • Verify health metrics and become comfortable with the new version.

  • The user decides to let the SMI implementation redirect all traffic to the new version by updating the TrafficSplit resource:

    kind: TrafficSplit
      name: foobar-rollout
      service: foobar
      - service: foobar-v2
        weight: 1
  • Delete the old foobar-v1 deployment.

  • Delete the old foobar-v1 service.

  • Delete foobar-rollout as it is no longer needed.


  • Weights vs percentages - the primary reason for weights is in failure situations. For example, if 50% of traffic is being sent to a service that has no healthy endpoints - what happens? Weights are simpler to reason about when the underlying applications are changing.

  • Selectors vs services - it would be possible to have selectors for the backends at the TrafficSplit level instead of referential services. The referential services are a little bit more flexible. Users will have a convenient way to manually test their new versions and implementations will have the opportunity to rely on Kubernetes native concepts instead of implementing them independently such as endpoints.

  • TrafficSplits are not hierarchical - it would be possible to have spec.backends[0].service refer to a new split. The implementation would then be required to resolve this link and reason about weights. By making splits non-hierarchical, implementations become simpler and loose the possibility of having circular references. It is still possible to build an architecture that has nested split definitions, users would need to have a secondary proxy to manage that.

  • TrafficSplits cannot be self-referential - consider the following definition:

    kind: TrafficSplit
      name: my-split
      service: foobar
      - service: foobar-next
        weight: 100
      - service: foobar
        weight: 900

    In this example, 90% of traffic would be sent to the foobar service. As this is a superset that contains multiple versions of an application, it becomes challenging for users to reason about where traffic is going.

  • Port definitions - this spec uses TrafficSplit to reference services. Services have already defined ports, mappings via targetPorts and selectors for the destination pods. For this reason, ports are delegated to Services. There are some edge cases that arise from this decision. See ports for a more in-depth discussion.

Open Questions

  • How should this interact with namespaces? One of the downsides to the current workflow is that deployment names end up changing and require a tool such as helm or kustomize. By allowing traffic to be split between namespaces, it would be possible to keep names identical and simply clean up namespaces as new versions come out.

Example implementation

This example implementation is included to illustrate how the TrafficSplit object operates. It is not intended to prescribe a particular implementation.

Assume a TrafficSplit object that looks like:

    kind: TrafficSplit
      name: my-canary
      service: web
      - service: web-next
        weight: 100
      - service: web-current
        weight: 900

When a new TrafficSplit object is created, it instantiates the following Kubernetes objects:

  • Service who's name is the same as spec.service in the TrafficSplit (web)
  • A Deployment running nginx which has labels that match the Service

The nginx layer serves as an HTTP(s) layer which implements the canary. In particular the nginx config looks like:

upstream backend {
   server web-next weight=1;
   server web-current weight=9;

Thus the new web service when accessed from a client in Kubernetes will send 10% of it's traffic to web-next and 90% of it's traffic to web-current.