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Workshop and Symposium Information

Updated October 22, 2013

**Conference** **Full Name** **EIC** **Conference Date** **Location** **Abstract Due** **Paper Due**
[AAAI]( AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 0.99 2014-07-27 to 2014-07-31 Québec City, Canada 2014-01-31 2014-02-04
[AAMAS]( Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 0.76 2014-05-05 to 2014-05-09 Paris, France 2013-10-08 2013-10-11
[ACL]( Annual Meeting of Association of Computational Linguistics 2014-06-23 to 2014-06-25 Baltimore, MD 2014-01-10
[AGI]( Artificial General Intelligence 2013-07-31 to 2013-08-03 Beijing, China
AIIDE Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment
[BRIMS]( Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation 2013-03-12 to 2013-03-12 San Antonio, TX 2012-11-15
[CogSci]( Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 0.92 2013-07-31 to 2012-08-03 Berlin, Germany
ECAL European Conference on Artificial Life
[FDG]( Foundations of Digital Games
[GECCO]( Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 0.85
ICCBR International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning unknown
[ICCM]( International Conference on Cognitive Modeling 2013-07-11 to 2013-07-14 Ottawa, Canada 2013-03-25 2013-03-25
ICDL International Conference on Development and Learning unknown
[ICML]( International Conference on Machine Learning 0.95 2013-06-16 to 2013-06-21 Atlanta, GA ... it's complicated
[IJCAI]( International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 0.96 2013-08-03 to 2013-08-09 Beijing, China
[KR&R]( Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
[NIPS]( Neural Information Processing Systems 0.98 2013-12-05 to 2013-12-08 Lake Tahoe, NV
[SC]( International Conference on Spatial Cognition
[UAI]( Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 0.91

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