- summary capture-input command documentation
Store the input wmes in a file for reloading later.
|| `filename` || Open filename and begin recording input. || || `-o, --open` || Writes captured input to file overwriting any existing data. || || `-f, --flush` || Writes input to file as soon as it is encountered instead of storing it in RAM and writing when capturing is turned off. || || `-q, --query` || Returns open if input capturing is active or closed if capturing is not active. || || `-c, --close` || Stop capturing input and close the file, writing captured input unless the flush option is given. ||
Save agent commands issued from the input cycle function in a file for reloading later.
This command may be used to start and stop the recording of input function commands as created by an external simulation. Commands are recorded decision cycle by decision cycle. Use the command [cmd_replay_input] to replay the sequence.
Note that this command seeds the random number generator and writes the seed to the capture file.