diff --git a/1 b/1
deleted file mode 100644
index 248664e..0000000
--- a/1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import os
-from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
-from django.db import models, connection
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
-from cms.models import CMSPlugin, Page
- from cms.models import get_plugin_media_path
-except ImportError:
- def get_plugin_media_path(instance, filename):
- """
- See cms.models.pluginmodel.get_plugin_media_path on django CMS 3.0.4+
- for information
- """
- return instance.get_media_path(filename)
-from cms.utils.compat.dj import python_2_unicode_compatible
-from django.utils.deconstruct import deconstructible
-class UploadPath(object):
- def __init__(self, sub_path):
- self.path = sub_path
- def __call__(self, instance, filename):
- return "pictures/%s" % (filename)
-get_upload_path = UploadPath('FilePlugin')
-class Picture(CMSPlugin):
- """
- A Picture with or without a link.
- """
- LEFT = "left"
- RIGHT = "right"
- CENTER = "center"
- FLOAT_CHOICES = ((LEFT, _("left")),
- (RIGHT, _("right")),
- (CENTER, _("center")),
- )
- image = models.ImageField(
- _("image"),
- upload_to=get_upload_path,
- )
- url = models.CharField(
- _("link"),
- max_length=255,
- blank=True,
- null=True,
- help_text=_("If present, clicking on image will take user to link."),
- )
- page_link = models.ForeignKey(
- Page,
- verbose_name=_("page"),
- null=True,
- limit_choices_to={'publisher_is_draft': True},
- blank=True,
- help_text=_("If present, clicking on image will take user to "
- "specified page."),
- )
- alt = models.CharField(
- _("alternate text"),
- max_length=255,
- blank=True,
- null=True,
- help_text=_("Specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image"
- "cannot be displayed.
Is also used by search engines"
- "to classify the image."),
- )
- longdesc = models.CharField(
- _("long description"),
- max_length=255,
- blank=True,
- null=True,
- help_text=_("When user hovers above picture, this text will appear "
- "in a popup."),
- )
- float = models.CharField(
- _("side"),
- max_length=10,
- blank=True,
- null=True,
- choices=FLOAT_CHOICES,
- help_text=_("Move image left, right or center."),
- )
- width = models.IntegerField(
- _("width"),
- blank=True,
- null=True,
- help_text=_("Pixel"),
- )
- height = models.IntegerField(
- _("height"),
- blank=True,
- null=True,
- help_text=_("Pixel"),
- )
- def __str__(self):
- if self.alt:
- return self.alt[:40]
- elif self.image:
- # added if, because it raised attribute error when file wasn't
- # defined.
- try:
- return u"%s" % os.path.basename(self.image.name)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- return u""
- def clean(self):
- if self.url and self.page_link:
- raise ValidationError(
- _("You can enter a Link or a Page, but not both."))