This Powershell script automatically identifies processes with a particular name and sets them to a specified affinity of your choosing
1 (CPU 1)
2 (CPU 2)
4 (CPU 3)
8 (CPU 4)
16 (CPU 5)
32 (CPU 6)
64 (CPU 7)
128 (CPU 8)
Affinity = 4 will use CPU 3 only
Affinity = 4 + 8 = 12 will use CPU 3 and CPU 4
The following will limit all current notepad processes running to run on CPU 3 and 4
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file AffinitySetScript.ps1 -processName notepad -affinity 12
Add debugMode to pause script upon completion:
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file AffinitySetScript.ps1 -processName notepad -affinity 12 -debugMode 1
Use the set_affinity_to_1_audiodg.bat file sets the affinity of audiodg.exe to 1. This fixes some audio issues you might be having from a recent Windows Update. Just double click the file to run or run from the command prompt. Ensure both set_affinity_to_1_audiodg.bat and AffinitySetScript.ps1 are in the same directory.
cd "<directory of both files>"
If you'd like to pause the script upon completion:
set_affinity_to_1_audiodg.bat -debugMode 1
Follow these instructions to run the .bat file automatically upon login: