Releases: SomethingNew71/MiniECUMaps
3.0.0 - Nexus R3 Base Map
Release of the R3 Base Map:
Can be purchased at Classic Mini DIY's Store
- Complete base configuration for an R3 Powered Classic Mini
- Includes the following features:
- Base Ignition map
- Base VE Configuration
- Target Lambda
- Base Idle Map
- Base Throttle Enrichment and transient map
- Base Boost Controller Map
- Using Generic MAC Valve -
- Base Drive by Wire Throttle Curve
- Example Wire assignments when using R3 as full car VCU
- Dead times for Siemens 630cc injectors -
- Dwell settings for VW Wasted Spark Coil -
- Scaling for Classic Mini Gearbox Speed Sensor
Full Changelog: 2.3.0...3.0.0
2.3.0 Fixes Speeduino Source File
Updates decel to 50%
2.2.0 - Releases MegaJolt Ignition only Version
2.1.2 - Further cleanup of readme
Further cleanup of readme
2.1.1 - Simplifying instructions, readme, and file names
Simplifying instructions, readme, and file names
2.1.0 - Releases Speedunio, Emerald, and MegaSquirt Base Maps
Renames Haltech Folder
2.0.0 - Complete Haltech Map
Profesionally mapped at a dyno by a Haltech Tuner. This is a complete fueling, VE, and Ignition map for a turbocharged Classic Mini. Note this is made and targeted to my car which means if you use this map, you are using it at YOUR OWN RISK. When using on your car you must bring it to a certified dyno and make sure its tailored to your engine configuration.
Classic Mini Haltech Elite 750 Map
Driveable Map with some caveats
- Fixes a lot of throttle enrichment issues
- Further Closed Loop Learns the VE table
- Fixes up some of the cooling and learning behavior
- Car still leans out if you stomp the throttle but its better now
Releases Haltech Map as well as Last DTA Map
Releases a BETA of the Haltech Map file as well as the last DTAFast Map that will be updated in this repo.
1.2 - DTAFast - Remove Burbles, Static Timing, Lambda gauge
Removes burbles, sets base timing per scope reading, configures lambda gauge