The purpose of this document is to outline a brief but complete style guide for all documents contained in the Open Source Operations project. This initial iteration will be quite flat and plain in an effort to get existing documentation rapidly imported into this project. While this header and introduction conform to the style guide itself, below the following break we will assume to start a brand new document. It also assumes you’re familiar with the Markdown Cheat Sheet. All text contained in {curly brackets} is document specific, while the rest is static across every document.
{ The introduction should give a complete but brief description of the document’s purpose and contents in paragraph format, as well as any requisite reading to understand the document. }
{Within any given topic, there can exist any combination of written paragraphs, numbered and bullet-point lists, hyperlinks and images. Written paragraphs should be kept to a maximum of 12 unbroken lines. When emphasis is needed, italics or bolded text may be used.}
Unordered lists can be utilize bullet-point format:
- One thing
- Another thing
- Something else
Ordered and/or indented lists can utilize a typical number/letter outline scheme:
- First thing
- Second thing
a. Start sub-routine
b. Finish second thing - Third thing
When hyperlinking external resources, default to using inline links within paragraphs wherever possible.
Similarly, when inserting images, default to using inline formats with simple complete images names e.g.: