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Command line interface

Petros Koutsolampros edited this page Nov 20, 2017 · 3 revisions

Usage: depthmapXcli -m -f -o [-s] [mode options] depthmapXcli -h prints this help text -s enables simple mode -t <times.csv> enables output of runtimes as csv file Possible modes are: VGA LINK VISPREP AXIAL AGENTS ISOVIST EXPORT IMPORT

Mode options for VGA: -vm one of isovist, visiblity, metric, angular, thruvision -vg turn on global measures for visibility, requires radius between 1 and 99 or n -vl turn on local measures for visibility -vr set visibility radius

Mode options for LINK: -lf -lnk provided in csv (x1,y1,x2,y2) for example "0.1,0.2,0.2,0.4" to create a link from 0.1,0.2 to 0.2,0.4. Provide multiple times for multiple links

Mode options for VISPREP (visual analysis preparation) are: -pg floating point number defining the grid spacing -pp point where to fill. Can be repeated -pf a file with a point per line to fill -pr restrict visibility (-1 is unrestricted, default) -pb Make boundary graph

Mode options for Axial Analysis: -xl , Calculate all lines map from this seed point (can be used more than once) -xf Calculate fewest lines map from all lines map -xu Process unlink data (not yet supported) -xa run axial anlysis All modes expect to find the required input in the in graph Any combination of flags above can be specified, they will always be run in the order -aa -af -au -ax Further flags for axial analysis are: -xac Include choice (betweenness) -xal Include local measures -xar Inlcude RA, RRA and total depth

Mode options for AGENTS: -am one of: standard los-length (Line of Sight length) occ-length (Occluded length) occ-any (Any occlusions) occ-group-45 (Occlusion group bins - 45 degrees) occ-group-60 (Occlusion group bins - 60 degrees) occ-furthest (Furthest occlusion per bin) bin-far-dist (Per bin far distance weighted) bin-angle (Per bin angle weighted) bin-far-dist-angle (Per bin far-distance and angle weighted) bin-memory (Per bin memory) -ats set total system timesteps -arr set agent release rate (likelyhood of release per timestep) -atrails record trails for this amount of agents (set to 0 to record all, with max possible currently = 50) -afov set agent field-of-view (bins) -asteps set agent steps before turn decision -alife set agent total lifetime (in timesteps) -alocseed set agents to start at random locations with specific seed (0 to 10) -alocfile -aloc provided in csv (x1,y1) for example "0.1,0.2". Provide multiple times for multiple links -ot available output types (may use more than one): graph (graph file, default) gatecounts (csv with cells of grid with gate counts) trails (csv with lines showing path traversed by each agent) Arguments for isovist mode: -ii <x,y[,angle,viewangle]> Define an isoivist at position x,y with optional direction angle and view angle for partial isovists -if load isovist definitions from a file (csv) the relevant headers must be called x, y, angle and viewangle the latter two are optional. Those two arguments cannot be mixed Angles for partial isovists are in degrees, counted anti-clockwise with 0° pointing to the right.

Mode options for EXPORT: -em one of: pointmap-data-csv pointmap-connections-csv

Mode options for IMPORT: The file provided by -f here will be used as the base. If that file is not a graph, a new graph will be created and the file will be imported -if <file(s) to import> one or more files to import

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