Containerize your bitbake
Pyrex has the following system requirements:
3.6 or later
NOTE: Pyrex will not function properly if docker
is installed as snap since
it bind mounts files that the snap is not allowed to access. Please install a
non-snap version of docker, e.g. apt install
Use this quickstart guide if your project uses the default (poky-style) layout where bitbake and layers are subdirectories of oe-core:
# Clone down Pyrex
git clone meta-pyrex
# Create the pyrex environment initialization script symbolic link
ln -s meta-pyrex/pyrex-init-build-env
# Create a default pyrex.ini config file
meta-pyrex/mkconfig > ./pyrex.ini
# Set PYREXCONFFILE to the location of the newly created config file
# Initialize the build environment
. pyrex-init-build-env
# Everything is setup. OpenEmbedded build commands (e.g. `bitbake`) will now
# run in Pyrex
Use this quickstart guide if your project uses a different layout where bitbake and oe-core are disjointed. In the example, it is assumed that oe-core and bitbake are both subdirectories of the current working directory, so you will need to change it to match your actual layout:
# Clone down Pyrex
git clone pyrex
# Create the pyrex environment initialization script symbolic link
ln -s pyrex/pyrex-init-build-env
# Create a default pyrex.ini config file
pyrex/mkconfig > ./pyrex.ini
# Set PYREXCONFFILE to the location of the newly created config file
# Tell Pyrex where bitbake and oe-core live
# Initialize the build environment
. pyrex-init-build-env
# Everything is setup. OpenEmbedded build commands (e.g. `bitbake`) will now
# run in Pyrex
At its core, Pyrex is an attempt to provided a consistent environment in which developers can run Yocto and bitbake commands. Pyrex is targeted at development teams who want are doing interactive development with Yocto (although, Pyrex doesn't aim to be a full development environment, see below), and as such makes some different design decisions than other containerized solutions like CROPS.
Pyrex works by setting up a container image in which to run commands, then "trapping" the commands such that when the user executes the command in their shell, it is (hopefully) transparently executed inside the container instead.
Pyrex isn't designed to be a complete Yocto IDE. The intention of Pyrex is not
to run vim
, emacs
etc. and faithfully reproduce your development PC
environment while also creating a reproducible build environment. Instead,
Pyrex is designed to allow developers the freedom to use whatever tools and
editors they want, run whatever distro they want, and configure their system
how they want, but still run the actual Yocto build commands in a controlled
Note that there are some provisions in the Pyrex image for running utilities
tied into bitbake that can't easily be run any other way. For example, the
commands bitbake -c devshell
, bitbake -c devpyshell
, and bitbake -c menuconfig
(or any other commands that run in OE_TERMINAL) are all
supported since there is no other way to easily run them outside the bitbake
Note that because of this philosophy, it may not be possible to run some
graphical tools such as hob
when using Pyrex.
There are a number of situations where Pyrex can be very useful:
- If you have multiple developers building on development machines with different setups (e.g. different distros). In these cases, Pyrex can help ensure that builds are consistent between different developers.
- You have to build multiple different versions of Yocto. Sadly, it isn't always possible to always use the latest and greatest version of Yocto, or even to use the same version of Yocto for all projects within a group. In these cases, Pyrex can be helpful because it will easily allow the different versions to use a container image that suits them without the developers having to think about it too much.
There are some situations where Pyrex may not always make sense:
- You aren't doing development. If all you need is a reproducible container to build Yocto in (for example, you just want to try out a build to see what Yocto is like), Pyrex is probably not for you. Pyrex has some amount of setup overhead and because of its focus doesn't isolate the container as much as some other solutions. In these cases CROPS is probably a better solution.
- You are a lone developer. Pyrex is primarily intended to ensure that a group of developers (e.g. a corporate or other group environment) working in Yocto will get consistent builds, regardless of their individual machine setups. This probably isn't much of a concern for a single individual.
Using vanilla Pyrex with a stock version of Yocto is pretty straight forward. First, add Pyrex to your project. There are many ways of doing this, but for this example, we will just clone it into a subdirectory of poky.
git clone meta-pyrex
NOTE: Cloning down Pyrex with the name meta-pyrex
can be helpful if you want
to put it as a subdirectory of poky, since poky's .gitignore will ignore all
directories that start with 'meta-'
Next, you will need to create the environment setup script to initialize the
Pyrex build environment. This script is equivalent to the oe-init-build-env
script provided by poky and should be used by your developers in place of that
script when they want to use Pyrex. There are a few ways to create this script,
but all of them eventually must source the
pyrex-init-build-env script. By default, this script
assumes that you will create a symbolic link (named whatever you want) that
lives alongside the oe-init-build-env
script and points to
. You can do this in our example like so:
ln -s meta-pyrex/pyrex-init-build-env
Alternatively, if you want your script to live somewhere else, or use a
non-standard layout, you can write your own environment init script that tells
where everything lives. A crude example script might
look like:
# Paths that should be bound into the container. If unspecified, defaults to
# the parent directory of the sourced pyrex-init-build-env script, before
# it is resolved as a symbolic link. You may need to override the default if
# your bitbake directory, build directory, or any of your layer directories are
# not children of the default (and thus, wouldn't be bound into the container).
# The path to the build init script. If unspecified, defaults to
# "$OEROOT/oe-init-build-env" or "$(pwd)/oe-init-build-env"
# The location of Pyrex itself. If not specified, pyrex-init-build-env will
# assume it is the directory where it is currently located (which is probably
# correct)
# Alternatively, if it is desired to always use a fixed config file that users
# can't change, set the following:
# Source the core pyrex environment script. Note that you must pass the
# arguments
. $(pwd)/meta-pyrex/pyrex-init-build-env "$@"
NOTE: While it might be tempting to combine all of these into a one-liner like
PYREXCONFFILE="..." . $(pwd)/meta-pyrex/pyrex-init-build-env "$@"
, they must
be specified on separate lines to remain compatible will all shells (i.e. bash
in particular won't keep temporary variables specified in this way)
Pyrex is configured using a ini-style configuration file. The location of this
file is specified by the PYREXCONFFILE
environment variable. This environment
variable must be set before the environment is initialized.
If you do not yet have a config file, you can use the mkconfig
command to use
the default one and assign the PYREXCONFFILE
variable in a single command
like so:
$ export PYREXCONFFILE=`./meta-pyrex/mkconfig ./pyrex.ini`
The configuration file is the ini file format supported by Python's configparser class, with the following notes:
- The only allowed comment character is
- The only allowed key assignment character is
(e.g.key : value
is not supported) - Extended interpolation is supported. Thus, you can reference other variables
in the form
- All keys are case sensitive
For more information about specific configuration values, see the default pyrex.ini
In order for bitbake running in the container to be able to build, it must have
access to the data and config files from the host system. There are two
variables that can be set to specify what is bound into the container, the
environment variable and the run:bind
option specified in
the config file. Both variables are a whitespace separated list of host paths
that should be bound into the container at the same path (e.g. /foo/bar
the host will be bound to /foo/bar
in the container engine).
environment variable is intended to specify the minimal
set of bound directories required to initialize a default environment, and
should only be set the by the environment initialization script, not by end
users. The default value for this variable if unspecified is the parent of the
sourced Pyrex initialization script. If the sourced script happens to be a
symbolic link, the parent directory is determined before the symbolic link is
The run:bind
config file option is intended to allow users to specify
additional paths that they want to bind. For convenience, the default value of
this variable allows users to specify binds in the PYREX_BIND
variable if they wish.
Common reasons users might need to bind new paths include:
- Alternate (out of tree) locations for sstate and download caches
- Alternate (out of tree) build directories
- Additional layers that are not under the default bind directories
When the container environment is setup some basic sanity checks will be performed to makes sure that important directories like the bitbake and build directories are bound into the container.
You should never map directories like /usr/bin
, /etc/
, /
as these
will probably just break the container. It is probably also unwise to map your
entire home directory; although in some cases may be necessary to map
or other directories to access SSH keys and the like. For user
convenience, the proxy user created in the container image by default has the
same $HOME
as the user who created the container, so these types of bind can
be done by simply adding ${env:HOME}/.ssh
to run:bind
In the event that you need to get a shell into the container to run some
commands, Pyrex creates a command called pyrex-shell
. Executing this command
in a Pyrex environment will run a shell in the container image, allowing
interactive commands to be run. This can be very useful for debugging Pyrex
You can also run arbitrary commands in the container with the pyrex-run
command. Be aware that any changes made to the container are not persistent,
and will be discarded when pyrex-run
Once Pyrex is configured, using it is very straight forward. First, source the
Pyrex environment setup you created. This will setup up the current shell to
run the commands listed in ${config:command}
inside of Pyrex. Once this is
done, you can simply run those commands and they will be executed in Pyrex.
The following items are either known to not work, or haven't been fully tested:
- Bitbake Server Since the container starts and stops each time a command
is run, it is currently not possible to use the bitbake server that runs
persistently in the background. I believe it might be possible to do this
using persistent container images and
docker exec
, but it hasn't been thoroughly investigated. - devtool This may or may not work, and it might not take too much to get it working, but it hasn't been tested.
- GUI terminals It is unlikely that you will be able to set
OE_TERMINAL to use a GUI shell (e.g.
) for use withdevshell
, etc. There currently isn't a mechanism for running GUI programs inside of the container and having them draw in the parent windowing system (although I suspect this isn't impossible). The only terminal for that is known to work inside the containerscreen
. Thankfully, the default value forOE_TERMINAL
chooses this by default with the default Pyrex container image. - Shell job control Currently, using
to background the container doesn't work. It might be possible to get it to work one day, but until then theSIGTSTP
signal is ignored by all child processes in Pyrex to prevent it from causing bad behaviors. It is still possible to pause the container using thedocker pause
command, but this doesn't integrate with the parent shells job control. - Rootless Docker This in untested, and probably doesn't work. It shouldn't
be too hard since this should be very similar to how
works. Currently however, it is assumed that if the container engine isdocker
it is running as root and if it ispodman
it is running rootless.
If you are doing development on Pyrex itself, please read the Developer Documentation
While you can instruct Pyrex to pull the latest
tag from dockerhub for a
given image instead of a versioned release tag, this is highly discouraged, as
it will most certainly cause problems. In these cases, you probably want to
build the image locally instead. See the Developer Documentation.
Why use a Ubuntu image as the default? The default container image that Pyrex creates is based on Ubuntu. Yes, it is known that there are other images out there that are lighter weight (e.g. Alpine Linux), but Ubuntu was chosen because it is one of the Sanity Tested Distros that Yocto supports. Pyrex aims to support a vanilla Yocto setup with minimal manual configuration.
What's with When a container's main process exits, any remaining process appears to be sent a
. This can cause a significant problem with many of the child processes that bitbake spawns, since unceremoniously killing them might result in lost data. The cleanup script is attached to a modified version of tini, and prevents tini from exiting until all child processes have exited (it sends themSIGTERM
if they are being tardy). One of the particularly bad culprits is pseudo, which uses an in-memory sqlite database to record file permissions. This database is only written to disk periodically, meaning a significant amount of very important data can be lost if it is killed without being given the chance to cleanup. If you find yourself in the unfortunate circumstance of needing to debug the cleanup script, you can set the environment variablePYREX_CLEANUP_LOG_LEVEL
for more logging. -
Does the "py" in Pyrex refer to "Python"? No, it is incidental. The fact that the implementation currently uses Python is an implementation detail that users should not rely on (or be concerned with). Python was chosen because it is already a dependency for using bitbake, so it should already be present on a host machine.
Were you aware of Pyrex? Oops. Hopefully there isn't too much confusion; that Pyrex looks abandoned anyway
I can't access SSH or authenticated HTTP sources inside the container! This happens because the container doesn't bind in any of your personal authentication files (e.g.
) by default. If you need support for this, you can the lines shown below to therun:bind
, which should cover most fetching cases:[run] bind = ${env:PYREX_BIND} ${env:HOME}/.ssh,readonly ${env:HOME}/.netrc,optional,readonly ${env:HOME}/.gitconfig,optional,readonly ${env:HOME}/.config/git,optional,readonly