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Using ATTinyCore with Makefiles

The highly popular Sudar makefile works with ATTinyCore once properly installed and configured. The Sudar makefile suite consists of two main parts – a file named that resides in a folder named Arduino-Makefile and a Makefile that you create for your project and locate in your project's folder. You don't need to change anything in the Arduino sketches. What compiles with the Arduino IDE will also compile with the Sudar makefile suite.


  1. If you have not already do so, install the Arduino IDE according to the instructions at the website.

  2. If you have not already do so, install SpenceKonde/ATTinyCore according to the instructions in the SpenceKonde/ATTinyCore

  3. Install the Sudar makefile suite by following the installation instructions at the sudar/Arduino-Makefile Github.

  4. The most complex part of installation is creating your project Makefile. You need to know the installation pathnames of 'SpenceKonde/ATTinyCore' and 'sudar/Arduino-Makefile'. These locations can vary depending on your operating system and system configuration.

  5. Examining the Makefile below as well as its console output, also below, will provide one example to help guide you.

  6. Assuming that your installation of ATTinyCore resides at ~/Arduino/hardware then entering this grep command will provide a useful list of ATTinyCore options for your chosen processor (selected from the list below). NOTE: this Linux command requires Cygwin on Microsoft Windows. grep attinyx5 ~/Arduino/hardware/ATTinyCore/avr/boards.txt

At the time this was written As of 2/23/22, these are the ATtiny chips supported by ATTinyCore 2.0.0. It is not anticipated that any additional parts that would fall under the purview of ATTinyCore will be released.:

  • No Bootloader
    • attinyx4
    • attinyx5
    • attinyx8
    • attinyx7
    • attinyx61
    • attinyx41
    • attiny828
    • attiny1634
    • attinyx313 (Part does not meet criteria for bootloader inclusion)
    • attiny43u (Part does not meet criteria for bootloader inclusion)
    • attiny26 (Part does not support self programming)
  • Serial Bootloader
    • attinyx4opti (Optiboot serial bootloader using software serial)
    • attinyx5opti (Optiboot serial bootloader using software serial)
    • attinyx8opti (Optiboot serial bootloader using software serial)
    • attinyx7opti (Optiboot serial bootloader)
    • attinyx61opti (Optiboot serial bootloader using software serial)
    • attiny841opti (Optiboot serial bootloader)
    • attiny828opti (Optiboot serial bootloader)
    • attiny1634opti (Optiboot serial bootloader)
  • VUSB Bootloader
    • attiny85micr (Micronucleus/VUSB bootloader, pll 16.5 MHz, Digispark)
    • attiny167micr (Micronucleus/VUSB bootloader, xtal 16 MHz, Digispark Pro)
    • attiny88micr (Micronucleus/VUSB bootloader, ext 16 MHz MH-ET design)
    • attiny841micr (Micronucleus/VUSB bootloader, int 12 MHz, oscillator believed good enough)
    • attiny87micr (Micronucleus/VUSB bootloader, xtal 16 MHz)
    • attiny861micr (Micronucleus/VUSB bootloader, pll 16.5 MHz)
    • attiny1634micr (Micronucleus/VUSB bootloader, int. 12 MHz; oscillator believed good enough.)
    • attiny84mi12 (Micronucleus/VUSB bootloader, int. 12 MHz, but the oscillator may not be good enough for this.)
    • attiny84micr (Micronucleus/VUSB bootloader, int. 12.8 MHz.)

It is believed that this list will no longer change, except for potentially dropping optiboot (to a legacy designation) in favor urboot because urboot handles erase correctly under virtual boot so it won't brick boards. Optiboot does not.

Note that the binaries produced for identical code, with otherwise identical settings, will not be the same when building for a board with a different bootloader. This is particularly true for Micronucleus boards (where the clock speed you start with is fixed, and you may want to reload the factory cal, or prescale the clock source), and

An example of a working Makefile is shown below.

### This Makefile is designed for use with the sudar
### Refer to
### Currently sudar version 1.5.2 (2017-01-11)
### Enter make help for all runtime options

### This is the base path to where you have created/cloned your project
PROJECT_DIR       = /home/username/Arduino

### Check if the version is equal or higher than 4.9
AVR_GCC_VERSION  := $(shell expr `avr-gcc -dumpversion | cut -f1` \>= 4.9)

### Path to the Arduino-Makefile directory.
ARDMK_DIR         = $(PROJECT_DIR)/Arduino-Makefile

### Path to the Arduino application and resources directory.
ARDUINO_DIR       = /home/username/arduino-1.6.11

### Path to where the your project's libraries are stored.
USER_LIB_PATH     :=  $(realpath $(PROJECT_DIR)/arduino-1.6.10/hardware/tools/avr/avr/include)

### For Arduino IDE 1.0.x Only BOARD_TAG is needed.
### BOARD_TAG         = mega2560 (example)
### For Arduino IDE 1.6.x Both BOARD_TAG and BOARD_SUB are needed.
### Note: for the Arduino Uno, only BOARD_TAG is mandatory
### BOARD_TAG         = mega (example)
### BOARD_SUB         = atmega2560 (example)
BOARD_TAG         = attinyx5
BOARD_SUB         = 85
### For ATTinyCore

### It must be set to Serial baudrate value you are using.

ISP_PORT          = /dev/ttyS0
### Path to avrdude directory.
AVRDUDE          = /usr/bin/avrdude
### Path to the AVR tools directory such as avr-gcc, avr-g++, etc.
AVR_TOOLS_DIR     = /home/username/arduino-1.6.11/hardware/tools/avr

### Set the C standard to be used during compilation. Documentation \ (
CFLAGS_STD        = -std=gnu11

### Set the C++ standard to be used during compilation. Documentation \ (
CXXFLAGS_STD      = -std=gnu++11

### Flags you might want to set for debugging purpose. Comment to stop.
CXXFLAGS         += -pedantic -Wall -Wextra

### The port your board is connected to. Using an '*' tries all the ports and finds the right one.
MONITOR_PORT      = /dev/ttyS0

### Do not touch - used for binaries path
CURRENT_DIR       = $(shell basename $(CURDIR))

### This is where you put the binaries you just compile using 'make'

### Do not touch - the path to, inside the ARDMK_DIR
include $(ARDMK_DIR)/

**Below, is the console output from this Makefile:**
$ make
------------------------- Configuration:
- [USER]               ARDUINO_DIR = /home/username/arduino-1.6.11
- [USER]               ARDMK_DIR = /home/username/Arduino/Arduino-Makefile
- [DEFAULT]            ARCHITECTURE = avr
- [DEFAULT]            ARDMK_VENDOR = arduino
- [AUTODETECTED]       ARDUINO_PREFERENCES_PATH = /home/username/.arduino15/preferences.txt
- [AUTODETECTED]       ARDUINO_SKETCHBOOK = /home/username/Arduino (from arduino preferences file)
- [USER]               AVR_TOOLS_DIR = /home/username/arduino-1.6.11/hardware/tools/avr
- [COMPUTED]           ARDUINO_LIB_PATH = /home/username/arduino-1.6.11/libraries (from ARDUINO_DIR)
- [COMPUTED]           ARDUINO_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH = /home/username/arduino-1.6.11/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries (from ARDUINO_DIR)
- [USER]               ALTERNATE_CORE = ATTinyCore
- [COMPUTED]           ALTERNATE_CORE_PATH = /home/username/Arduino/hardware/ATTinyCore/avr  (from ARDUINO_SKETCHBOOK and ALTERNATE_CORE)
- [COMPUTED]           ARDUINO_VAR_PATH = /home/username/Arduino/hardware/ATTinyCore/avr/variants (from ALTERNATE_CORE_PATH)
- [COMPUTED]           BOARDS_TXT = /home/username/Arduino/hardware/ATTinyCore/avr/boards.txt (from ALTERNATE_CORE_PATH)
- [DEFAULT]            USER_LIB_PATH = /home/username/Arduino/libraries (in user sketchbook)
- [DEFAULT]            PRE_BUILD_HOOK =
- [USER]               BOARD_SUB = 85
- [USER]               BOARD_TAG = attinyx5
- [COMPUTED]           CORE = tiny (from build.core)
- [COMPUTED]           VARIANT = tinyx5 (from build.variant)
- [USER]               OBJDIR = /home/username/Arduino/ULPFlasher3/attinyx5/bin
- [COMPUTED]           ARDUINO_CORE_PATH = /home/username/Arduino/hardware/ATTinyCore/avr/cores/tiny (from ALTERNATE_CORE_PATH, BOARD_TAG and boards.txt)
- [USER]               MONITOR_BAUDRATE = 115200
- [DEFAULT]            MCU_FLAG_NAME = mmcu
- [USER]               CFLAGS_STD = -std=gnu11
- [USER]               CXXFLAGS_STD = -std=gnu++11
- [COMPUTED]           DEVICE_PATH = /dev/ttyS0 (from MONITOR_PORT)
- [AUTODETECTED]       Size utility: AVR-aware for enhanced output
- [COMPUTED]           BOOTLOADER_PARENT = /home/username/arduino-1.6.11/hardware/arduino/avr/bootloaders (from ARDUINO_DIR)
- [COMPUTED]           ARDMK_VERSION = 1.5
- [COMPUTED]           CC_VERSION = 4.9.2 (avr-gcc)
mkdir -p /home/username/Arduino/ULPFlasher3/attinyx5/bin
/home/username/arduino-1.6.11/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-g++ -x c++ -include Arduino.h -MMD -c -mmcu=attiny85 -DF_CPU=8000000L -DARDUINO=1611 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -D__PROG_TYPES_COMPAT__ -I/home/username/Arduino/hardware/ATTinyCore/avr/cores/tiny -I/home/username/Arduino/hardware/ATTinyCore/avr/variants/tinyx5    -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Os -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++11 ULPFlasher3.ino -o /home/username/Arduino/ULPFlasher3/attinyx5/bin/ULPFlasher3.ino.o
/home/username/arduino-1.6.11/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-gcc -mmcu=attiny85 -Wl,--gc-sections -Os -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -o /home/username/Arduino/ULPFlasher3/attinyx5/bin/ULPFlasher3.elf /home/username/Arduino/ULPFlasher3/attinyx5/bin/ULPFlasher3.ino.o /home/username/Arduino/ULPFlasher3/attinyx5/bin/libcore.a   -lc -lm
/home/username/arduino-1.6.11/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-objcopy -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom='alloc,load' \
    --no-change-warnings --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -O ihex /home/username/Arduino/ULPFlasher3/attinyx5/bin/ULPFlasher3.elf /home/username/Arduino/ULPFlasher3/attinyx5/bin/ULPFlasher3.eep
/home/username/arduino-1.6.11/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom /home/username/Arduino/ULPFlasher3/attinyx5/bin/ULPFlasher3.elf /home/username/Arduino/ULPFlasher3/attinyx5/bin/ULPFlasher3.hex

/home/username/arduino-1.6.11/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-size --mcu=attiny85 -C --format=avr /home/username/Arduino/ULPFlasher3/attinyx5/bin/ULPFlasher3.elf
AVR Memory Usage
Device: attiny85

Program:    1018 bytes (12.4% Full)
(.text + .data + .bootloader)

Data:         13 bytes (2.5% Full)

Important considerations

MANY FEATURES OF THIS CORE ARE DEFINED BY COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS Basically, everything except pin mapping or the chip, that you select from a tools submenu, either configures a fuse, or is passed as a commandline parameter. Sometimes both. These take the form of -DMACRO_NAME=value.

You must check which of these are used by the settings you chose for your sketch. This can be found by examining boards.txt or by compiling with the Arduino IDE in verbose mode and pulling them out that way)

Consider using the Arduino CLI instead

Especially if you aren't impressed with the UX described above. It's not that much better on the CLI, but at least each menu setting is never more than 2 short strings carried over into the FQBN (for example, all boards have a "millis" menu. The important lines are and parts will have lines starting with If you wan , since it can parse the boards.txt while make cannot.