The Model Framework is a lightweight Framework for the concise creation of Java classes to interact with structured data in a knowledge graph. This document outlines how to use it, how it works, and how to extend its functionality.
There is a short, heavily annotated file
in this folder which showcases the key features of the
Framework and walks through some typical design decisions and usage patterns that one may encounter. It and the
[Using the Model Framework](# Using the Model Framework) section of this README may be read in any order. Also see
the diagrammatic overview of the classes and methods on offer in API.pdf
The Model
class is the main class used in the Framework to interact with structured data. In general,
- each
subclass (henceforth "a model") corresponds to a class in the knowledge graph ontology, or a part of such an ontological class; - each field of a model corresponds to a type of quad involving the node (a role in its ontology); and
- each instance of a model corresponds to a node (IRI) of that class in the knowledge graph, and its field values correspond to the counterparties to its class-declared roles.
An example model implementation is shown below:
@ModelAnnotation(defaultGraphName = "employees")
class Employee extends Model {
@Getter @Setter @FieldAnnotation("")
protected String name;
@Getter @Setter @FieldAnnotation("")
protected Integer age;
@Getter @Setter @FieldAnnotation("")
protected URI department;
@Getter @Setter
value = "",
backward = true,
graphName = "companyhierarchy")
protected Employee manager;
@Getter @Setter
value = "",
graphName = "companyhierarchy",
innerType = Employee.class)
protected ArrayList<Employee> subordinates;
The Employee
model contains five fields, name
, age
, department
, manager
, and subordinates
, the last of which is an array. It
describes an Employee ontology where each Employee has
- exactly one
datatype property ofxsd:string
type in theemployees
graph; - exactly one
datatype property ofxsd:integer
type in theemployees
graph; - exactly one
object property in theemployees
graph; and - any number of
object properties in thecompanyhierarchy
graph; also, - for each Employee there exists exactly one other Employee with object property
with the first Employee as the object, in thecompanyhierarchy
These details are specified through each field's FieldAnnotation
, which characterises the role (quad) the field
corresponds to in its arguments:
: the IRI of the predicate of the quad described. Qualified names will be looked up in the JPSBaseLib PrefixToUrlMap and also custom specifications in the config file. No default value.graphName
: the short name of the graph of the quad, which is appended to the application's target namespace to obtain the actual graph IRI used. Defaults to thedefaultGraphName
of the declaring class'ModelAnnotation
: whether the declaring model class is the subject or the object of the quad. Default:false
: the class of the elements of theArrayList
, if the field is anArrayList
. This exists because Java's runtime type erasure means this information is not available at runtime even with reflection. Can be left unspecified for non-list fields.
The ModelAnnotation
just provides the defaultGraphName
as a fallback for fields with unspecified graphName
. The
Lombok Getter
and Setter
are mandatory.
Note that the choice of access level for the annotated fields is purely a stylistic choice. FieldInterface
the Lombok accessors and mutators.
An example of compliant data for an Employee "John Smith", formatted in TriG:
@prefix : <>
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix ont: <> .
@prefix ppl: <> .
@prefix grp: <> .
:employees { ppl:john ont:hasName "John Smith"^^xsd:string .
ppl:john ont:hasAge "26"^^xsd:integer .
ppl:john ont:department grp:accounting . }
:companyhierarchy { ppl:john ont:manages ppl:sarah .
ppl:john ont:manages ppl:bill .
ppl:edith ont:manages ppl:john . }
Currently supported types for FieldAnnotation
-annotated fields are:
(corresponds toxsd:int
(corresponds toxsd:integer
- Any subclass of
- Any subclass of
(see "Creating a DatatypeModel") - Any
Note that non-list ("vector", as opposed to "scalar") fields must always match exactly one value. If there are multiple or zero matches, behaviour is undefined.
For an example of a Model
built for a triple store (without named graphs), see
This browser does not support PDFs. An overview graphic of the API is at API.pdf.
Each Model
instance must exist in a ModelContext
. A ModelContext
stores the access information of the graph database,
the base namespace for graph IRIs (if applicable), and keeps track of instantiated Model
s to crosslink them when loading
from the database. A ModelContext
may be a triple context or a quad context, the latter supporting named graphs.
ModelContext(String targetResourceId[, int initialCapacity])
Creates a triple context with optional specification of the starting capacity of the context, which is used to initialise the internal
of members. ThetargetResourceId
is the ID provided to AccessAgentCaller for SPARQL queries and updates. -
ModelContext(String targetResourceId, String graphNamespace[, int initialCapacity])
Creates a quad context with optional specification of initial capacity. The
is prepended to the graph name definitions inModel
definitions to create graph IRIs. This enables the sameModel
class to be used different namespaces with differently named graph IRIs. For example, fields in aBuilding
model class ofgraphName
instantiated in aModelContext
will be interpreted as using named graphhttp://[...]/namespace/berlin/sparql/building/
, while one instantiated in aModelContext
will be interpreted as using named graphhttp://[...]/namespace/churchill/sparql/building/
, which would not be possible if the full IRI had to be hardcoded into theModel
class definition.
Once a ModelContext
is created, Model
s should be created through factory functions of the ModelContext
. These are:
createNewModel(Class<T> ofClass, String iri)
Constructor for
s which do not exist in the database. The first time changes are pushed, all fields of theModel
will be written; unassigned fields will write their default values, typicallynull
, translating to blank nodes in the database. Also, deletions will not be executed on first push. See [Pushing changes](#Pushing changes). -
createHollowModel(Class<T> ofClass, String iri)
Constructor for
s which exist in the database. Creates a "hollow" model, which has its IRI assigned, but all of its fields at default values and disabled: they will never be written, even if changed by the user. A field becomes enabled (resumes normal change tracking behaviour) once it has been populated by a pull method. See [Pushing changes](#Pushing changes). -
loadAll(Class<T> ofClass, String iri)
loadPartial(Class<T> ofClass, String iri, String... fieldNames)
recursiveLoadAll(Class<T> ofClass, String iri, int recursionRadius)
recursiveLoadPartial(Class<T> ofClass, String iri, int recursionRadius, String... fieldNames)
Creates a hollow model with
and invokespullAll
on it, populatingModel
fields (recursively) with the respective pull algorithms. See [Pulling data from the knowledge graph](#Pulling data from the knowledge graph) for detail on behaviour.
s may be populated with data from the database using one of the eight pull methods, which vary on three axes:
The all
algorithm queries all triples or quads linked to the IRI in question and filters them Java-side for
field matches:
SELECT ?graph ?value ?predicate ?datatype ?isblank
GRAPH ?graph { <model_iri> ?predicate ?value }
BIND(DATATYPE(?value) AS ?datatype)
BIND(ISBLANK(?value) AS ?isblank)
SELECT ?graph ?value ?predicate ?datatype ?isblank
GRAPH ?graph { ?value ?predicate <model_iri> }
BIND(DATATYPE(?value) AS ?datatype)
BIND(ISBLANK(?value) AS ?isblank)
while the partial
algorithm builds a specific query for target fields:
SELECT ?value1 ?datatype1 ?isblank1 ?value3 ?datatype3 ?isblank3 ?value6 ?datatype6 ?isblank6
GRAPH <graph_1> { <model_iri> <scalar_role_1> ?value1 }
BIND(DATATYPE(?value1) AS ?datatype1)
BIND(ISBLANK(?value1) AS ?isblank1)
GRAPH <graph_3> { <model_iri> <scalar_role_3> ?value3 }
BIND(DATATYPE(?value3) AS ?datatype3)
BIND(ISBLANK(?value3) AS ?isblank3)
GRAPH <graph_6> { ?value6 <scalar_role_6> <model_iri> }
BIND(DATATYPE(?value6) AS ?datatype6)
BIND(ISBLANK(?value6) AS ?isblank6)
SELECT ?value ?datatype ?isblank
GRAPH <graph_2> { ?value <vector_role_2> <model_iri> }
BIND(DATATYPE(?value) AS ?datatype)
BIND(ISBLANK(?value) AS ?isblank)
SELECT ?value ?datatype ?isblank
GRAPH <graph_3> { ?value <vector_role_3> <model_iri> }
BIND(DATATYPE(?value) AS ?datatype)
BIND(ISBLANK(?value) AS ?isblank)
Aside from allowing users to selectively populate fields, the differences have performance implications:
number of queries | amount of data returned by query | |
all |
2 | all triples in DB with IRI as subject/object. |
partial |
1 + number of vector fields | only the values actually desired. |
is usually more efficient in terms of number of queries (constant vs. scaling with vector field count), but
decouples performance from the presence of extraneous target-associated triples. Therefore,
should be preferred when query latency is a performance bottleneck and there is more than one vector field, so long as the number of target-associated triples in the database is not prohibitively larger than the number- we are interested in.
should be preferred when the former would return too many triples, so long as we are not querying a prohibitively large number of vector fields; an empty list of field names can be provided to instruct to pull all fields in the model.recursivePullPartial
may also be of particular interest over itsall
counterpart as a shortcut for directional discovery, e.g. selecting to only recursively pull a "father" property in a "Person" class to investigate patrilineal lineage without loading an exponential number of relatives; see the next part for information on recursive methods.
Non-recursive (normal) pulls straightforwardly populate the specified model, while recursive pulls also go on to execute more recursive pulls on model objects linked in the pull. This is repeated until a specified "recursion radius" from the original target. A breadth-first traversal with tracking of visited nodes is used to prevent duplicate pulls or early truncation due to path intersection in non-acyclic graphs.
The way this works is that by default, model-type fields are crosslinked by object reference via IRI lookup within the context; if none are found, a hollow model is created for that IRI and that linked.
The recursive methods listen to the lookup step (specifically, ModelContext.getModel
) and queue the
requested Model
s to also be pulled later (repeating until exhaustion of recursionRadius
). What is important to
note from this is that even a Model
pre-existing in the context will be pulled (updated) if it falls within the
radius of a recursive pull, since the trigger is the lookup, not the creation. Therefore, a recursive pull on a
may cause changes in neighbouring Model
s you are working on to be overwritten.
s one step past the recursion radius will be hollow, as secondary Model
s would be for a non-recursive pull.
The base pulls (by name) accept a Model
argument to populate. Pulls suffixed with where
statement in place of a Model
instance, and query for all matches for it by replacing the fixed model IRI with a
variable that is constrained by the WHERE. The number of queries a where
pull executes is the same as the
equivalent non-where
pull, although it retrieves more data and is a bit more complex.
is implicitly non-recursive and name-targeting. A Model
instance is provided, and its fields are
populated with the all
algorithm, by querying all triples linked to the IRI in the database.
accepts a SPARQL WHERE condition and pulls all matches in the database, but only
pulling the specified fields, using the partial
algorithm. The returned matches then have their linked models
recursively pullPartial
ed until a the given recursion radius. Note that only the fields specified in the pulled
fields will trigger the recursive pull, although a field which is requested but is not actually modified by the pull
will be caught by the recursive pull. The WHERE condition does not apply to the pulls after the initial search, but
the field name specified for the partial
algorithm will be passed on and used in the recursive pulls.
Pushing changes to the database is easy. Modify data values directly in the models, and then simply call
ModelContext.pushChanges(Model model)
to write the modifications to the database. Alternatively, ModelContext. pushAllChanges()
does this for all Model
s in the context.
When publishing changes, the Framework has a system for determining what updates to write. Each Model
keeps a
cache of its field values on last synchronisation with the database (pull or push), and only if the current value of a
field is different from the cached "clean" value will an update for it be created. The update (collected between
fields) will take the form of:
DELETE WHERE { GRAPH <graph_1> { <model_iri> <scalar_role_5> ?value . } } ;
DELETE WHERE { GRAPH <graph_2> { ?value <scalar_role_7> <model_iri> . } } ;
DELETE WHERE { GRAPH <graph_2> { <model_iri> <vector_role_3> ?value . } } ;
GRAPH <graph_1> { <model_iri> <scalar_role_5> <scalar_5_value> }
GRAPH <graph_2> {
<scalar_7_value> <scalar_role_7> <model_iri> .
<model_iri> <vector_role_3> <vector_3_value_1> .
<model_iri> <vector_role_3> <vector_3_value_2> .
A field which has not been pulled before is assigned a special state depending on its origin, which grants special treatment during push.
created bycreateNewModel
has its fields markedNEW
, which indicates that a field (a) should be pushed regardless of the current value, and (b) does not need a deletion update to clear the previous value in the database. -
created bycreateHollowModel
has its fields markedUNPULLED
which indicates that a field should not be pushed regardless of the current value.
When a field is pushed or pulled—synchronised with the database—its cleanValues
entry is set to the current value
(the implementation is actually slightly more complicated than this). If it was previously NEW
, it thus
loses that special state and adopts ordinary comparison-based change tracking for push behaviour. Any Model
returned by load
methods will therefore have relevant fields (all, or those named to be pulled) active and
change-tracking already.
A Model
may be manually "cleaned"—its cleanValues
set to match its current values—by calling setClean()
on it,
with optional specification of field names to clean. Similarly, it may also be forcefully "dirtied" with setDirty()
which sets the chosen cleanValues
to yet another special state, FORCE_PUSH
, which causes fields to always be
written regardless of current value (with deletion, unlike the NEW
Note that Model
fields are treated as their IRIs for change-tracking purposes; changes within a referenced Model
will not trigger a push of the referencing object property, as this would not actually result in any modification to
the database. Nor is there any recursive or propagative behaviour to pushChanges(Model model)
; to push across multiple
objects, call them individually or use the context-wide pushChanges()
To delete an object, use ModelContext.delete(Model model, boolean zealous)
to flag an Model
for deletion. The
deletion will only be actually executed on the next ModelContext.pushAllChanges()
. The zealous argument
determines the deletion mode; if true, this will delete all triples/quads linked to the object in the database;
otherwise, only fields described by the Model
will be deleted. The non-zealous update is identical to the
deletion part of pushChanges
, and the zealous update looks like:
DELETE WHERE { <model_iri> ?predicate ?value } ;
DELETE WHERE { ?value ?predicate <model_iri> } ;
Many ModelContext
methods have wrapping methods in Model
, such as model.pushChanges()
being equivalent to
. The difference is entirely cosmetic.
is an interface for classes representing, decoding, and encoding custom RDF literals, with support for
polymorphic RDF datatype IRIs within the same DatatypeModel
. Subclasses of DatatypeModel
may be used for fields of a
. A DatatypeModel
need not strictly utilise RDF datatypes, however, and it is valid to implement a
for e.g. custom manipulation for special strings.
A DatatypeModel
must implement the following:
constructor with arguments (String value, String datatype)
This is not explicitly described in the interface definition due to language limitations, but it is retrieved by reflection at runtime and used by the Framework. The
provided in the invocation are respectively the?value
strings returned by a query to the database. -
Node getNode()
Returns a Jena
object encoding this object. This should be reversible with the constructor in the sense that ifNode node = obj1.getNode(); MyDatatypeModel obj2 = new MyDatatypeModel( node.getLiteralLexicalForm(), node.getLiteralDatatypeUri() );
should betrue
For an example, see
While it is an error to attempt to create an instance of the same class and IRI as an existing instance in a context, two models of the same IRI but different class are allowed. Lookups will work as normal, since all lookup methods take bot IRI and class as argument.
Similarly, it is legal and supported for a non-abstract Model
to extend another non-abstract Model
, and they
will be consequently considered different classes. This means that it is possible to have the same object with
duplicated properties in a single context: e.g. if John is instantiated as an Employee
and also as a Manager extends Employee
, then there will be two sets of Employee
fields being tracked and managed separately.
This is not recommended. Two options are suggested:
- Always keep an object as the most derived class in the ontology. If an object is originally instantiated as a
superclass and then later identified as a subclass, the old instance can be deregistered with the
method on theModel
. The disadvantage of this pattern is that if, for example, John is represented as aManager extends Employee
, and his boss is loaded into the context, then his boss'subordinates
field of typeArrayList<Employee>
will look up John's IRI as the Employee class, resulting in a hollow Employee of John being created in parallel with theManager
John we are maintaining. It is easy for accidental duplication to sneak in.
Alternatively, one can:
- Not use inheritance. Even if, in the OWL ontology, Manager is a subclass of Employee, define the
Java class as only the fields that Manager adds to Employee and inherit directly fromModel
. Then, work with bothManager
of John instantiated in the context, and cross-lookup with e.g.context.getModel (Manager.class, employee.getIri())
where necessary.
This is also partially covered in the ModelDemo
example. Many triples may be described from both ends, e.g.
and manager
are mutually inverse, or parent
and child
. Since parent.getChildren()
and child. getParents()
are both useful, I do not consider it an antipattern to have triples thus "doubly described".
The problem comes in where we want to mutate the system. There are two approaches:
Mutate the triple from both ends. If
john.manager = sam
, thensam.subordinates.add(john)
. This can be implemented via a function e.g.Employee.reassign(Employee newManager)
which consistently unsubordinates an employee from their previous manager, subordinates them to their new manager, and sets their manager to the new manager.Advantages:
- No need to worry about conflicting updates or internal inconsistencies in the system.
- If the action is encapsulated as above, then the code is not significantly complicated.
- The performance of updates is very slightly worsened due to having to process the duplicated update.
- Less granular control of update behaivour.
Mutate the triple from a single end, and do not modify the other end. For example, only set john.manager. Since sam.subordinates has not been modified, it will not trigger the updater, and there will be no conflicting update written to the database.
- Slightly improved performance.
- Somewhat shorter code on first glance.
- More granular control of update behaviour.
- Difficult for the developer to keep track of as use cases grow larger.
- Silent desynchronisation of data in Java and in the database: after pushing an update,
believes that they are synchronised, but in reality the database has changed.
The mentions of control of update behaviour
may be confusing, as it may appear that there should be no difference
in database-side function. This is not precisely true: for one, silent desynchronisation may ruin your day, as
mentioned in the disadvantages of the second scheme. If john
has quietly reassigned himself to sam
updating sam.subordinates
and pushes, and then jessica
reassigns herself to sam
and does update sam. subordinates
and pushes (all of this discussion of agency being figurative; we are all operating within the same
context and agent), then sam
will push his john
-free subordinate list to the database, and john
will be abruptly
More in general, this is most notably a problem with many-to-one relationships, and not strictly an intra-agent
problem. Adding something to a list causes the whole list to be written, potentially overwriting other changes,
both from within your program and by other agents. Take for example a knowledge graph keeping track of people's
preferences. The models are simply Person.likes.ArrayList<Fruit>
and Fruit.isLikedBy.ArrayList<Person>
respectively the predicates ontofruit:likes
and inverse(ontofruit:likes)
in the OWL ontology.
Each real-life person is responsible for maintaining their Person
in the graph.
Jeff decides he likes bananas and wants to add his like in the graph. He does not want to do
Fruit banana = context.loadAll(Fruit.class, "banana");
Person jeff = context.getModel(Person.class, "jeff");
because this code performs e.g.
DELETE WHERE { ?any ontofruit:likes <banana> }
<jeff> ontofruit:likes <banana> .
<alice> ontofruit:likes <banana> .
<eve> ontofruit:likes <banana> .
and if between Jeff's pull and push, Eve removed her like of bananas, or Edith added a like of bananas, those changes would be overwritten. Instead, he should do
Person jeff = context.loadAll(Person.class, "jeff");
Fruit banana = context.getModel(Fruit.class, "banana");
because this will execute
DELETE WHERE { <jeff> ontofruit:likes ?any }
<jeff> ontofruit:likes <banana> .
<jeff> ontofruit:likes <apple> .
<jeff> ontofruit:likes <pear> .
and Jeff knows that this will not lead to overwriting anyone's changes, because everyone is supposed to be only
responsible for their own likes. In this specific case, doing a bilateral mutation still lets you do selective
updating in this fashion because we are calling pushChanges
on a particular instance instead of
, but in a more complicated routine, that may not e always possible.
This browser does not support PDFs. An overview graphic of the API is at MetaModel.pdf.
For each Model
subclass, the first time an instance is initialised, a MetaModel
is generated, which is shared by
all future instances. A MetaModel
contains a HashMap
with keys FieldKey
, converted one-to-one from
, and values FieldInterface
, collections of field read/write methods generated by reflection on
each model field.
This HashMap
is used by ModelContext
methods to interface between the Model
and SPARQL data. For
example, during pullAll
, the predicate, graph and direction of query response rows are converted into a FieldKey
and used to look up the matching FieldInterface
in the MetaModel
of the class. The value string and datatype
string of the query response row is then injected into the object to be populated with the FieldInterface
A FieldKey
is a hashable, comparable object encoding the quad characterisation information in a FieldAnnotation
. It
has fields:
: the full IRI of the predicate, copied or expanded fromFieldAnnotation.value
: short name of the graph, fromFieldAnnotation.graphName
if specified, elseModelAnnotation.defaultGraphName
: the same asFieldAnnotation.backward
It serves as (a) a lookup key and (b) a sorting key for fields, the latter of which facilitates graph-based grouping in queries.
A FieldInterface
is a class, not an interface in the Java language sense. One is created for each field with a
. During construction, it builds and stores a collection of functions to interact with its target
field based on the field type and annotation information. These are:
- Builtin methods fetched by reflection:
: the Lombok getter of the field.setter
: the Lombok setter of the field.
- Custom "outer-dependent" functions:
: the constructor for an empty list, only assigned if the field is a list.putter
: the action for consuming an input value; for a list, this appends, otherwise, it sets (overwrites).
- Custom "inner-dependent" functions:
: converts string input (e.g. from a query) into the field's type.nodeGetter
: converts an object of the field's type into a JenaNode
: converts an object of the field's type into a minimal representation for which ifnodeGetter(a).equals(nodeGetter(b))
, thenminimiser(a).equals(minimiser(b))
The methods exposed by FieldInterface
wrap these functions for streamlined use by Model
. They main ones are:
: wrapper for a composition ofputter
: sets the field to its default value, which is the output oflistConstructor
for a list, otherwisenull
: returns the output ofminimiser
on the field value, unless it is a list, in which case returns a list of the outputs ofminimiser
on each element.getNodes
: returns the outputs ofnodeGetter
on elements of the field value; for non-lists, this has length 1.
A MetaModel
is created for each Model
subclass the first time an instance thereof is created; all future instances
will then link back to the same MetaModel
. Conceptually, it may be thought of as the collected output of
reflection-based runtime annotation processing, which is stored for use across all instances.
The core element of each MetaModel
is the FieldKey
-indexed collection of FieldInterface
s for its target class,
TreeMap<FieldKey, FieldInterface> fieldMap
. This serves as the engine through which the Model
base methods interact
with the annotated fields declared by subclasses.
The other fields in MetaModel
are scalarFields
and vectorFields
, which are simply the scalar (non-list)
and vector (list) entries in fieldMap
extracted for convenience.
The use of TreeMap
is deliberate so the entries are sorted by key.
, FieldKey
and FieldInterface
are leveraged together in the main methods provided by the Model
- On
, the graph database is queried for all quads containing the model instance's IRI as the subject or object. Each row of the response is processed as such:- The predicate, graph and direction of the quad are compiled into a
. - The
is looked up inmetaModel.fieldMap
to retrieve the correspondingFieldInterface
. - The value and datatype of the counterparty in the quad is injected into the instance by
. The conversion to the field's Java type and handling of lists is all compartmentalised insideFieldInterface
. - A minimised copy of the new value is retrieved by
and saved incleanValues
- The predicate, graph and direction of the quad are compiled into a
- On
, we:- Iterate through
to build a combined query from theFieldKey
s of requested fields. - Iterate through
to build a separate query for each vectorFieldKey
requested. - Inject the response values into the
through the respectiveFieldInterface
s (and save minimised copies tocleanValues
- Iterate through
- On
, we iterate throughmetaModel.fieldMap
, and for each entry:- The current value (minimised), retrieved via the
, is compared to the counterpart incleanValues
to determine if the field is dirty. - If so, updates to delete of the existing quad(s) and insert of the new quad(s) are built with
. - Minimised values are written to
- The current value (minimised), retrieved via the
The loadAllWhere
and loadPartial
methods use the same query builders as pullAll
and pullPartial
, but replace
the Model
IRI with a ?model
variable Node, and then append (a) search condition to describe ?model
, and (b) ORDER BY ?model
. The response is decomposed into segments corresponding to different individuals, and each segment read
in by the same response processors as pullAll
and pullPartial
Support for different types is implemented in the constructor of FieldInterface
. Simply add an additional
condition to the innerType
interrogation section, capturing the type to be added and setting their parser
and minimiser
The new type should also be added to the tests for the package. Add a field of the new type to TestModel
, and add
a new test to FieldInterfaceTests
following the pattern of other types. FieldInterfaceTests
is already nicely
abstracted to make this quick and easy. The field counts in MetaModelTest must also be incremented to reflect the
increased size of TestModel.
This method is appropriate for relatively common types such as date and time types, numeric types, etc.
See [Defining a DatatypeModel](#Defining a DatatypeModel). This is more appropriate if you need behaviour for a particular use case.
is used in place of DELETE DATA
in the deletion parts of the change-pushing updates. This is, I
think, justified by there being a change-tracking system: properties which have not modified will not be republished
and overwrite changes by other agents or uses; modified properties will overwrite other changes; this is standard
behaviour for many systems. Some alternative behaviours are:
Properties which have been changed are not overwritten, and instead silently duplicated, keeping both the old and new triple. This is undesirable as it will silently create violations of ontologies and necessitate clean-up agents or routines. An advantage is that it will likely perform better than the current deletion algorithm, but the benefits are slim.
Trying to write to properties which have been changed in the database since last pull throws an exception. This theoretically enables an almost superset of current behaviour, since the end-user developer may catch that exception and in response do an override or pull and re-push. However, it is clunky and introduces a lot of new degrees of complexity into both the Framework and the user experience; the one must not only interact with current values and a simple clean/dirty state, but also micromanage congruence between the clean reference and the database. Finally, querying every time we push is likely to be expensive, so an option will have to be included to skip this step. All in all, such a solution would introduce significant complexity to enable a feature which few would use due to the performance impact and limited use case.
It is possible there is an elegant solution I have not thought of. If so, feel free to implement it.