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Spyderisk System Modeller installation


You will need git, git-lfs, and docker-compose-v2. See below for more detail.

Quick Start

The following instructions assume that you have the pre-requisites installed and working, and have cloned the repository.

N.B. Prior to running the following commands, you should also ensure that you have one or more knowledgebases (domain models) available for installation. These are available as zip file "bundles", containing the domain model itself, along with the icons and mapping file needed for generating a UI palette of visual assets.

An example knowledgebase is available at: Here, you will find the latest .zip bundle, at the bottom of the "Assets" list. This file should be downloaded and copied into the system-modeller/knowledgebases folder. Once Spyderisk has been started up (see instructions below), these zip files will be automatically extracted and loaded into Spyderisk.

Of course, you may choose not to install a default knowledgebase, however, when the Spyderisk GUI first loads in your browser, you will be directed to load in a new knowledgebase manually.

  1. $ cd system-modeller
  2. $ docker compose up -d
  3. $ docker compose exec ssm bash
  4. $ ./gradlew assemble bootTest
  5. Go to http://localhost:8089 in your browser.
  6. Login in using testuser or testadmin with password password.

N.B. The links in the user interface for the attack graph image does not work in the development environment. Links to Keycloak account management functions and documentation do not work via port 8081 but do work via port 8089.

Please also note that the default setup is to recreate all databases on initial start-up. In order to persist any installed knowledgebases and created system models, you should ensure that RESET_ON_START=false in your .env file, prior to re-running ./gradlew assemble bootTest.

Installing Docker

Please see the Docker website for details.


We assume WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux v2) is installed. If you do not install WSL2, you will need run Linux within a virtual machine, or switch to running Linux instead of Windows.

Download and install the closed-source application "Docker Desktop" for Windows.

Docker Desktop integrates with WSL2 (Windows Sub-system for Linux v2). WSL2 provides a Linux environment deeply integrated into Windows. As many development tools are designed for Linux, using WSL2 can make things easier. Docker provide instructions for the Docker Desktop WLS2 backend which should be followed.

As part of the WSL2 installation, you choose and install a Linux distribution to use.

Once WSL2 and Ubuntu are installed, open a terminal window of some sort and type wsl to switch to your default WSL2 Linux distro. You will need to copy your private SSH key into the .ssh folder in the distro. You can access your C: drive with the path /mnt/c:

mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
cp /mnt/c/path/to/your/key/id_rsa .ssh
chmod 600 .ssh/id_rsa

You may also want to limit the host resources that Docker Desktop is permitted to use. This can be done with a .wslconfig file in your %UserProfile folder, e.g.:


At this point you have a functional Linux system. Please skip to the Linux sub-section for the rest of the instructions.


Many Linux distributions already have Docker installed. The following command has been tested in apt based systems such as Ubuntu. To install Docker:

sudo apt-get install docker-compose-v2

Docker Concepts

Docker manages individual containers and its configuration files by default are called "Dockerfile". It is possible to manually orchestrate (and connect) docker containers but it is easier to manage multiple containers using "docker-compose". Docker Compose files by default are called "docker-compose.yml" and they refer to docker images (either to be pulled from a docker registry) or to local Dockerfiles.


Images are the equivalent of VM images. They are built in layers on top of standard distributions (e.g. from Docker hub). Names and tags (e.g. "postgres:9.6.19" or "mongo:latest"). Be careful with the "latest" tag as use of it does not guarantee that you are actually getting the latest version - it is just a string like any other. By convention it will be the latest but perhaps not if it is retrieved from your local cache.


  • List all local images with docker image ls


Containers are running instances of images. They can be paused, unpaused, stopped and started once created or just destroyed and recreated. The state of a container changes as it runs with processes writing to disk and updating memory. Writing to disk creates a new layer in the image by default or changes a persistent "volume" if it is defined (see below). If a container is paused then all the processes are paused (with SIGSTOP) and can be resumed but if a container is stopped (SIGTERM then SIGKILL) then the memory state is lost.


  • List containers that relate to the local docker-compose.yml file with docker compose ps
  • List running containers with docker container ls or just docker ps
  • List all containers with docker container ls -a or just docker ps -a
  • Remove the containers that relate to the local docker-compose.yml file with docker compose rm
  • Remove a container with docker container rm <container ID>
  • Remove containers that are not running with docker container prune (be careful!)


There are two main sorts of volume:

  1. where a folder from the host is mounted in the container (a "bind mount");
  2. where a volume is created in a private space used by Docker. There are "named volumes" and "anonymous volumes" of this type.

We use (1) to mount the source code from the host into the container so that editing can be done on the host and building in the container. Volume type (2) is used for folders in the container where the contents changes such as the build folder and gradle cache. All volumes are persisted separately to the container. Anonymous volumes are given enormous random identifiers so they are hard to identify. Named volumes can be shared between two different executing containers and can be reused between container instantiations. Anonymous volumes are not reused, they are left as orphans when a container is destroyed.

Named volumes for the databases are defined in docker-compose.yml. They are called jena, mongo-db and mongo-configdb. When docker-compose creates the volumes, it prefixes those names with the "project name" which by default is the name of the folder containing the docker-compose.yml file. Therefore the volume names are likely to be e.g. system-modeller_jena.

N.B. if you have two system-modeller folders with the same name then they will end up using the same named volumes: this is almost certainly not what you want.

Named volumes for build artifacts are defined in the docker-compose.override.yml file. They cover the gradle, npm and maven artifact folders.


  • List all volumes with docker volume ls
  • Remove a volume with docker volume rm <volume ID>
  • Remove all volumes that are not used by a container (running or not) with docker volume prune (it is sensible to do this periodically to save disk space)


Networks provide communication between containers.

Container registry

Images (not containers actually) are stored in "registries". There is a cache for images on your local machine and there are remote registries. We use Docker Hub for standard images.

Use of Docker

Docker: manages single containers. We have a multi-stage Dockerfile which defines three different containers for the SSM:

  • The ssm-dev container holds the development environment (including Java, Gradle, Maven, etc). It is the one used by developers who will be building the SSM themselves with gradle commands. The basic strategy is to keep the source code files on the host and mount them into the SSM container. In this way, the build tools are isolated from the host but the source code can still be edited easily in any editor on the host.
  • The ssm-build container executes a clean build of the SSM and is used by the CI system.
  • The ssm-production container is created by the CI and is a light-weight container with just the software necessary for executing the SSM. It can be used for demos and is intended for "production" deployment. The "production" image is built on any branch that the CI builds (e.g. master and dev). The "production" image is used in the separate "system-modeller-deployment" project.

Docker-compose: orchestrates multiple containers. We use several files:

  • The docker-compose.yml defines the base orchestration of the SSM development container with supporting services (e.g. a MongoDB container).
  • The docker-compose.override.yml file is (by default) overlayed on top of docker-compose.yml and adds in the development environment.
  • The docker-compose.test.yml file is used (primarily by the CI pipeline) to execute the integration tests.