All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.5.0 (2021-09-22)
- Add bsc network (7978101)
- Add exported data (69606e2)
- Add fantom network (6acfe19)
- Added fantom network (ddf4d98)
- Added Fuji configuration (ab888bb)
- dummy use case for demo (0570381)
- dummy use case to base messenger (0248901)
- exporting data to dsla protocol app (066881d)
- Fix config parameters (16eb02f)
- ganache with 2s blocktime (b40b86f)
- ganache without blocktime (18387ae)
- indexing initialized periods (70eb492)
- indexing registered messengers (ff481e7)
- messenger spec ipfs data field name (fcc5483)
- new staking parameters (ade0cde)
- scripts updated (692d189)
- Set avalanche network parameters (92ac493)
- update messenger spec task (588d097)
- using base messenger (c191eea)
2.4.2 (2021-08-20)
- subgraph deployment documentation (71886c8)
2.4.1 (2021-08-20)
- getting SLA from transaction hash (868b26f)
- graph network as graph data (4766d64)
- harmonytestnet exported data (5a518ec)
- harmonytestnet subgraph deployment (f881496)
- new harmonytestnet deployment (891eb44)
- transfer ownership of messengers (a7552bf)
- external adapter url for harmony testnet (5959fb1)
- only develop enabled as default (365e460)
- pm2 ts node after install (718d59a)
- reading network folder for graph manifestos (7eb964b)
- tvl by token (669bc04)
2.4.0 (2021-08-13)
- calculating tvl (17ddc62)
- deploying from sh script (3c79e81)
- deposits and withdraws entities (42e52a5)
- export data from hh from all networks (76bc8a6)
- exporting all networks data at once (1d219b4)
- external adapter ipfs gateway from env (7fa24fa)
- gas limit from network config for chainlink nodes (f34c58a)
- get valid slas with LP tokens (1fb4208)
- indexing deployed SLAs (5a2df14)
- indexing deposits and withdraws from SLA (57752a8)
- indexing sla before dtoken (60a50ed)
- indexing SLAs with sla ID (ca06f01)
- max hedge from stake/withdraw (b96f9db)
- max hedge to 0 if smaller than 0 (b342d18)
- new kovan deployment (34d1c3f)
- new polygon deployment (0a6aadf)
- open minting on erc20 contract (afb76d1)
- printing transaction receipt on stk parameters update (c3cbe30)
- provider withdraw task (739481a)
- rinkeby deployment (4328d36)
- rinkeby ngrok integration (c7013f3)
- setting up graph manifestos (2d47cf3)
- sla with slis (805b7f9)
- sloType and sloValue for deployed SLA (cc29aa4)
- unlock tokens script (02ad834)
- graph: handle locked value returned (82b2542)
- graph: indexing value locked (fefffa8)
- graph: max hedge from (07f1deb)
- sla deposits (88bd33e)
- subgraph created (a2a5aa2)
- subgraph scripts on main package json (c617643)
- user balances subgraph (843cdf0)
- dtokens in sla contract (fa82e3f)
- gitkeep chainlink-nodes (65e7e9b)
- subgraph submodule (33f51e5)
- withdrawals typo (16af066)
2.3.0 (2021-07-16)
- base messenger specification (04dbf36)
- cleaning local folder by network (88aeddd)
- deploy sla messenger from config (ceccb1e)
- deploy sla messenger precision (e713024)
- ipfs data from the use case spec (eaa39a9)
- symbol on use case spec (a2156fb)
2.2.1 (2021-07-08)
- clean chainlink local folders (ca95e9e)
- networks config in index file (442c338)
- networks disabled (1f9ba42)
- public ipfs gateway in external adapter (8584599)
- reasonable SLAs deployed (a014ef2)
- deploy sla script notDeployer stake (cf61c39)
2.2.0 (2021-07-07)
- checking env conditionally (57cff26)
- checking repeated useCaseName for enabled networks (804a2cd)
- default values for uris (570ef7f)
- deploy local chainlink flag (992c738)
- deploy tokens flag (27acc2d)
- deployed to Kovan (a735bee)
- deploying messenger from task (1e11e51)
- deploying messengers from deploy messenger task (d6fc037)
- deploying multiple slas from deploy sla script (eecf738)
- deploying v1.3 to develop (a44caf9)
- deploying v1.3 to frontend (b66d5fa)
- dsla contracts 2.2.4 (77a79d9)
- dsla protocol v1.3 deployed to kovan (a8b6f68)
- enabling networks conditionally (6227714)
- export abis subtask deleted (e087ad4)
- export data script updated (58f6ffc)
- exported data reformatted (cfe00c5)
- external adapter as pm2 process (08070fb)
- get messengers task (a526239)
- hre to correct type on tasks (6890f37)
- requiring env for external adapter (74b5ee8)
- retry from request sli (f5efd49)
- semessenger without hits and misses (8e5bbee)
- sending network name as parameter of SEMessenger (eaea77e)
- transfer ownership task (688f6fa)
- validating chainlink nodes data with joi (eeaf9c5)
- validating schemas before execution (c835b1a)
- correct usage of env parameters (de9539f)
- deploy sla auto gas (f88bf64)
- semessenger spec path (bc6dc63)
- staking parameters from registries (1871717)
2.1.0 (2021-06-12)
- burn DSLA config flag (c2a34db)
- burnDSLA as staking parameter (a700965)
- harmony contract commennted (901dcca)
- hrc20 contract code (9861cfd)
- initializing token contracts from tokens config (a383920)
- retry function on SEMEssenger (7dd4d22)
- solhint (09e9019)
2.0.0 (2021-06-08)
- chainlink node names with network name (2b3bdb6)
- deploying multiple messengers (5c00e9e)
- deploying se without na (51e7cf1)
- dev external adapter without network analytics (7f3a8c9)
- dsla protocol 2.0.1 (4e9e95a)
- messenger contracts code (17c8f81)
- set precoordinator by use case name (3e0d142)
- staking efficiency v2 (f8286ad)
1.5.0 (2021-06-03)
- error if not setting gas price (393b802)
- getting transaction error message (ce924c8)
- getting valid slas script (e1d90df)
- mumbai deployment (59b6b11)
- printing IPFS url if storage data exists (293370a)
- reading requests mapping from precoordinator (c70f88e)
- setup docker compose before set precoordinator (97ed863)
- dry run to sign transaction flag (543061b)
1.4.0 (2021-06-02)
- check contracts allowance (0a0ad35)
- delete old chainlink jobs as optional (e501462)
- deployed addresses to contract names (b3aa9e5)
- deploying to harmonytestnet (d685573)
- ethereum deployments (b2d64ed)
- ethereum stacktical configuration (5091788)
- folder to single file (63b28cd)
- forking polygon with hh node (cfd3638)
- fulfill analytics run dry (b0a124d)
- fulfill analytics task created (ac5faa0)
- fulfilling analytics correctly (1b2c25e)
- fulfilling analytics manually (23551d8)
- gas limit on request sli (37f4bf7)
- getting request id for precoordinator fulfillment (5a8f7a0)
- initialize default addresses as task (056d403)
- polygon network configuration (f436118)
- printing request sli transaction receipt (023fbe5)
- registries configuration (3ac632d)
- harmonytestnet: staking parameters (e6cec5d)
- stacktical config in different folder (efba5b3)
1.3.0 (2021-05-28)
- chainlink docker compose task (2023614)
- compose services (4a61ff9)
- config types trimmed (96c8ba5)
- dockerized local services (84f8581)
- external adapter running as task (ecf76cd)
- prepare chainlink nodes task (2804110)
- readme pointing to gitbook (193cbe7)
- running all local services from task (3817e06)
- web3 uri for external adapter (6bd47bf)
- chainlink config without externalAdapterUrl (cad2f52)
- DSLAburnRate reference deleted (4c283b4)
- etherscan service disabled (8d0f568)
- external adapter to ts (35098ea)
- ipfs client to env (b6f646e)
- protocol json (fbe0725)
- staking parameters in develop config (e54f283)
- transfer nodeFunds correctly (8b8db62)
- update job keeps old job (7d70531)
1.2.0 (2021-05-25)
- allowance for contracts (eb831b3)
- bootstrap network analytics (adee94d)
- bootstrap period registry (96e06cd)
- bootstrap stake registry (3f8f980)
- bootstraping messenger registry (17c552b)
- develop not production chainlink (5c899a1)
- dotend with path (beea9e5)
- linux network fix (9fe42cf)
- old value on staking parameters (89cf4b7)
- service agreement updated in na and semessenger (a3f397d)
- staking parameters not optional (7cd0618)
- update precoordinator in networkanalytics and semessenger (2c591bc)
- alpine for postgres docker compose (a351852)
- custom ganache to (4c98217)
- preparing nodes before set precoordinator (d697c71)
1.1.0 (2021-05-25)
- chainlink utils to multi node (586e1ef)
- creating compose file for prod chainlink nodes (3d071ce)
- deploying multiple docker compose locally (3464495)
- deploying to multiple chainlink nodes (3dccef4)
- deployment to harmonytestnet automated (f034292)
- getting service agreement configuration (cee0ae1)
- harmonytestnet hardhat configuration (888b474)
- tasks in dedicated file (757793a)
- tracking compose and job (268c189)
- harmony: deploying to harmonytestnet (25919ad)