0.12.0 (2020-01-08)
- checklist: add possibility to convert checklist item to card and remove close #1562 (fa7a9a0)
- email: nylas forward feature (#1526) (50dd13a)
- engage: show active process logs (9f6de8c), closes #1538
- engage: verification management (509c32d), closes #1539
- integration: added web kinded messenger app (a29ce77), closes #1507
- permissions: improved filter (58ebf77), closes #1512
- checklist: can not add checklist item sometimes close #1566 (db39ba4)
- engage: show sent content close #1523 (f5d3c50)
- growthHack: show all campaign (60cc9e8)
- inbox: improve attachment view in inbox (close #1568) (c45de57)
- upload: warning when upload large file (09bceda)
- upload: warning when upload large file (d66222d)
0.11.2 (2019-12-15)
0.11.1 (2019-12-15)
- board: improve checklist (0571565), closes #1489 #1490 #1491 #1492
- customer: add save and continue button close #1451 (5a3e949)
- customers: use renderFullName in SelectCustomers (67aa25d), closes #1466
- date: displaying numbers as date (657eabb), closes #1460
- deal/ticket/task: saving labels on click (dc33631), closes #1462
- inbox: overlapping text in sidebar (ed5fddf)
- inbox: show email subject close #1468 (dac6466)
- integration: add ability to edit common fields (fef660a), closes #1434
- labels: saving labels even no labels changed (fb1e221), closes #1461
- select-with-search: implemented logic to cancel prev queries (dbda70c), closes #1458
- common: add help popover (072c9a1)
- dea/task/ticket: add ability to restrict users by assigned & created users (17fe9f8), closes #1428
- users: change password from admin (da05b50), closes #1505
- contacts: save & new possibility on customer form. close #1485, Not showing search result if not on the first page. close #1486 (1c1ca21)
- contacts: show action buttons in detail page (44692de), closes #1497
- integrations: auto appear install code after saving messenger integration (2fedfbc)
- mail: improve dropdown of from email (12c0fa7)
0.11.0 (2019-11-01)
- attachment: fix attachment view (#1265) (3c83b20), closes #1257
- deal/ticket/task/growthHack: fix copy bug with attachment (1cce81b), closes #1268
- inbox: some teammembers are not showing in assign component (3f894fb), closes #1236
- insights: conversation insight UI improvement (6d72db1), closes #1215
- notes: add mutation loading in note (a872401), closes #1181
- notification: icon not showing, broken date in list (c0030e3), closes #1255 #1254
- conformity: generalized deal, ticket, task, company, customer relations (c5014a9), closes #1200
- deal/task/ticket: improve due date reminder (e2f8561), closes #1210
- growth-hack: add feature growth hack (c905f0e), closes #1113 #1113
- imap: add imap feature by nylus (cf89f7e), closes #1367
- integration: add chatfuel (910adbb), closes #1358
- integrations: facebook post (3e377e0), closes #1108
- language: add italian language (2328f18)
- notication: improve the color of the updated cards of deal / task / ticket (ec45d95), closes #1230
- twitter-dm: add twitter direct message feature (9c3f01c), closes #1127
0.10.1 (2019-08-31)
- deal/task/ticket: auto save (51fe182), closes #637
- deal/ticket/task: added notification color on item (e7f9f7c), closes #1232 #1209
- notification: add desktop notification (8d4097f), closes #1093
- translation: add some translations (b964af3), closes #1144
0.10.0 (2019-08-15)
- activity-log: fix segment log message (b9bb9bb), closes #1172
- board: fix board and stage scroll issue (980e158)
- channels: remove user query and add members to channels (310e6e1), closes #1183
- config: move config to app store. close #663 (d02a742)
- deal/task/ticket: new boards in the deal tab (ff02695)
- deal/task/ticket: new boards in the deal tab (eca30b8), closes #1038
- editor: fix footer buttons position (2167f88), closes #1133
- engage: Show alert when kind is auto (08410e3), closes #1164
- engage: show alert when some field is empty (aaf0eb9)
- form: fixed common form get value selector (813acf6), closes #1178
- inbox: inbox sidebar counts are not changing reactivily (0ac81ce), closes #1128
- knowledgebase: Add kb script description and additional tag (#1150) (d326044), closes #1143
- lead: add description (6ba5686), closes #1147
- lead: move save button to top (a2ff78b)
- lead/engage/messenger: Fix some naming and Move step save button to top (#1102) (72643fb)
- logs: show all teammembers and little refactor in logs (5bd970a), closes #1184
- messenger: add description in messenger toggle (7c80da3), closes #1179
- notification: show notification option enabled by default (3d792e8), closes #1125
- status: erxes status will show correct information (75d6352)
- version: status page will show correct branch (3003935)
- contacts: add messenger preview on quick message close #1041 (9589e44)
- deal/task/ticket: save itemId in querystring (27a8b26), closes #1103
- integration: reimplement gmail (090f434), closes #1135
- knowledgebase: add article reactions (d283d72), closes #1036
- messenger: Add ios, android, single app install description (24636a2), closes #1132
- notification: add realtime (caf3a9c), closes #1121
- transalation: add indonesian lang (5afae50)
- common: replace moment with dayjs (2cc59e1), closes #449 #1039
- deal/ticket/task: add attachment field (6995687), closes #1029
- inbox: Add animated loader in inbox (#1160) (aa67923), closes #1099
- rule: add description on rule close #1156 (28519b0)
- integration: remove REACT_APP_INTEGRATIONS_API_URL env
- common: renamed some language codes (np -> hi, jp -> ja, kr -> ko, ptBr -> pt-br, vn -> vi, zh -> zh-cn)
0.9.17 (2019-07-09)
- board: fix drag and drop bug (7d03d14), closes #1023
- brands: fix refetch integration lists in brands Close #1016 (#1017) (0ebb928)
- deal: change deal, task, ticket background from settings (70300c7)
- deal/ticket/task: Add watch option for deal, ticket, task and pipeline (28bfb87), closes #1013
- integration: add show lancher option in messenger (f5e00d4), closes #1015
- kb: add background image (aa2025a), closes #1021
- ticket: add priority indicator circle on list and priority select (7a8e9ce)
- deal: remove some editor buttons (cdc0ff8)