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Asistent za ishranu AKA nutrition assistant, formerly known as Aplikacija za Inventuru (Food Stock App), is an application that helps the user keep a track of their nutrition intake and fitness progress. The application offers to the user a way to have nutritional information about the food they are consuming, stocks of food they posses, diet plans that they are keeping, and a way to track bodily weight across time in a single place.

Video tutorial that showcases how to start up the application and how to use it:

Test users:

  • mobile app:
    • username: mobile
    • password: test
  • desktop app:
    • username: desktop
    • password: test



  1. cd [App root dir]
  2. docker-compose build
  3. docker-compose up

This will start the SQL Servers, the API and the IdentityServer simply run docker-compose up from the root directory. The SQL Servers are on ports 1401 (used by the API) and 1402 (used by the IS), the API is on port 5098 and the IdentityServer is on port 5001.


  1. cd src/asistent_za_ishranu
  2. flutter pub get
  3. flutter emulator --launch [Emulator device Id]
  4. flutter run --no-sound-null-safety

The mobile application can be executed using android emulator and as such requires no additional setup. To get the emulator device id simply run flutter emulators. To use the mobile application on an actual device you will need to change the baseUrl in the auth_service.dart and api_service.dart classes to match the IP address of your local machine.

Requires flutter and Android Emulator to be installed on the device.


  1. cd src\WinUI
  2. dotnet publish -c Release
  3. dotnet bin\Release\net6.0-windows\publish\WinUI.dll

This will start the Winforms Desktop application. It requires .NET 6 to be run.



To use the mobile app it is first necessary to start the docker image as describe above. After which, to use the application is is necessary to register an account. To do so simply press the button on the splash page and click on the "Resgistracija" text under the login form.

Enter email, name and password. Password should be at least 8 characters with one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one symbol. To subscribe use the following card number 4242424242424242, a valid future expiry date and any three numbers as the CV. This will complete the registration and subscription process and log in the user into the app.

The features are located under the hamburger menu.


To use the desktop application you first have to register with the mobile application. The first user registered on the mobile application will have the Administrator role and will be able to use the desktop application features.

Email Alert Service

The cron job to send email alerts requires a SendGrid API key supplied in the docker-compose.yaml file for the API application. If this is left empty the service will run but it will not send any email.