Effective Date: 2025-01-02 Last Updated: 2025-01-02
- Email address for account verification
- Player username (selected by user) and password
- Date of first app launch
- Date of account creation
- Level attempts and solutions
- Liked user levels
- An internal ID assigned to each app
We do not collect any personal information about our users.
Email addresses are used for account verification and recovery only. Account creation is optional, and not required to play levels. Verification is done through Google's Firebase platform, and emails are never shared with any other third parties. We will never share or sell your data.
All other data such as level attempts, event dates and internal IDs are used to improve the game experience and for internal analytics and debugging purposes. Any user data may be deleted upon request by contacting the official email address listed below.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please email info@todoran.dev for more information.