- Hosted by Sijie
- Recorded on 05/17/2020
- 00:00:00 - Week in review
- 00:09:00 - Content
- 01:06:00 - Q&A
- Pulsar Summit Virtual Conference 2020!
- Program: https://pulsar-summit.org/schedule
- Registration: https://pulsar-summit.org/registration
- Apache Pulsar 2.5.2 release is voting!
- Apache Pulsar 2.6.0 release is coming!
- PIP-64: Introduce REST endpoints for producing, consuming and reading messages
- PIP-65: Adapting Pulsar IO Sources to support Batch Sources
- Upcoming webinar:
- 05/26: "Lessons From Managing A Pulsar Cluster" by Shivji Kumar Jha from Nutanix
- Getting started
- Introduction of Pulsar schema
- How does schema work
- Schema evolution
- Managing schemas
- Recorded video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1T741147B6?p=11
- Tech blog: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4tKBSVPHRUhkFrxrSKF7cg