In this project, I redesigned a twitter to create opinions about movies. I used a lot of knowledge acquired throughout the Ruby on Rails section, Model/View/Controller concepts, some of bootstrap from previous HTML & CSS, among other knowledge acquired on Microverse to create an MVP for this app.
The project consists of a Sing up/Login with username as the login information (as required). The user has a photo to show on his profile/opinions and a cover image that shows on his profile. The images should be provided as URL because I can't store images on heroku database. If no image is informed, or an invalid URL the app will show a default one instead.
Without logging in the user can see all user's opinions on a central 'timeline' and on the right a list of users who are registered.
Logged in the user see a timeline with only opinions of the ones he follows and his own opinions. On that timeline, he can edit/delete his own opinions and on other user's opinions, he can 'retweet' (the created copied opinion will have a link for the original user who created it).
There is another view for the user profile, that shows a cover image above the specific user opinions and profile information on the right.
The functionality to follow/unfollow is very intuitive. '+' buttons to follow close to not followed users are shown as well as an explicit button to follow/unfollow on the profile user
- Ruby,
- Ruby on Rails,
- Bootstrap,
- Font Awesome,
- RSpec(Testing)
- Capybara(Testing)
- Bullet(Developing)
You can get a local copy of the repository please run the following commands on your terminal:
$ cd <folder>
$ git clone
You need to install the required gems:
$ bundle install
Migrate the database
$ rake db:migrate
If you want to prepopulate the database you can run the seed.rb file(not required):
$ rake db:seed
And run the server:
$ rails server
To navigate on the app you can enter http://localhost:3000/ on your browser, set a new User and you are ready to log in.
The tests were created with RSpec, to run the tests you should open the app folder on console and run
$ rspec
It will run the 3 test files:
- spec/feature/features_spec.rb
- spec/models/following_spec.rb
- spec/models/user_spec.rb
👤 Author
Gabriel Malheiros Silveira
- Github: @Stricks1
- E-mail: Gabriel Silveira
- Linkedin: Gabriel Silveira
- Twitter: @Gabriel_Stricks
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Project Capstone from Microverse HTML & CSS curriculum
- Design idea (layout, colors, font) was inspired by Gregoire Vella, you can find the original idea on Behance