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Install erika service


You will need a installed linux system with working /dev/uinput and serial connection with hardware rts/cts flow control. If you like to use the service definitions, you also need systemd, else you need to integrate it in your system by yourself.

example raspberry Erika on GPIO header

Erika2raspberry 5v should only be connected if you like to power the raspberry from you Erika. And this should only be done with a low power raspi like Zero, Zero W maybe with Zero W 2.

  1. install raspberry
  2. take care, that serial port is enabled, but login shell on serial is off. keymap should be de for 105keys keyboard, since currently only german keymap is available. (all done via raspi-config)
  3. copy the uart-cts to overlays
    sudo cp raspberry/boot/overlays/uart-cts.dtbo /boot/overlays/
  4. add following lines to config.txt (first one should already be there)

This makes sure that uart is enabled, the right uart is assigned to gpio port (and bluetooth get the simpler one and will also work). It activates CTS on GPIO16 (pin 36 on gpio header)

known problems with ch34x serial-usb adapter

In case you like to use a ch340 USB-Serial adapter, then this info is for you.

The ch34x has a CTS pin but even when CTS pin is avaiable on your adapter hardware flow controll probably won't work, since default linux kernel driver ignores CTS and sends data even when it should stop.

A working driver for current linux kernel can be found here:

manual installation from

  1. Verzeichnis erstellen
mkdir -pv Development/SvenMb
cd Development/SvenMb
  1. extract certificate for
echo -n \\ | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect \
2>/dev/null  | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' \
> mbnet_cert.pem
  1. add the cert to your git config
    git config --global http."".sslCAInfo $(pwd)/mbnet_cert.pem
  2. clone project directory
    git clone
  3. change to project directory
    cd erika
  4. install python-evdev
    sudo apt install python3-evdev (z.Z. nur v1.4) oder sudo pip3 install evdev (aktuell v1.6)
  5. copy src to /var/lib/erika
    sudo cp -R src /var/lib/erika
  6. link /var/lib/erika/ to /usr/bin/ sudo ln -s /var/lib/erika/ /usr/bin/
  7. copy systemd/system/erika.service to /etc/systemd/system/erika.service
    sudo cp systemd/system/erika.service /etc/systemd/system/erika.service
  8. copy systemd/default/erika.service to /etc/default/erika
    sudo cp systemd/default/erika /etc/default/erika
  9. change to cups directory cd cups
  10. start cups install script ./

adapt to local system

  • you can set different serial ports and other options in /etc/default/erika
  • you can adjust the virtual printer port permission and name in /var/lib/erika/

test service

  • start erika service
    sudo systemctl start erika
  • get status of erika service
    sudo systemctl status erika
  • stop erika service
    sudo systemctl stop erika

enable service for autostart

  • enable service for default start
    sudo systemctl enable erika