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File metadata and controls

408 lines (369 loc) · 18.3 KB

Terraria world file - js

Terraria world file parser and saver written in javascript

- supports maps from to 1.4.3

Feel free to contribute 🌳


import terrariaWorldParser from "/terraria-world-parser.js";
import terrariaWorldSaver from "/terraria-world-saver.js";

let world = await new terrariaWorldParser().loadFile(mapFile || "/map.wld");

world = world.parse();

const name =;
const newName = "Canvas";

console.log( "Old name: " + name );
console.log( "New name: " + newName ); = newName;

let newWorldFile = new terrariaWorldSaver().save({


constructor  new terrariaWorldParser()

node method  loadBuffer(buffer buffer)
node method  loadFileSync(string path)
node method  async loadFile(string path)
browser method  async loadFile(File file)
— Loads file buffer
— Returns instance

method  parse([object options])
        string array  options.sections
        — Sections to parse
        — Default: ["fileFormatHeader", "header", "tiles", "chests", "signs", "NPCs", "tileEntities",
                           "weightedPressurePlates", "rooms", "bestiary", "creativePowers", "footer"]
        boolean  options.ignorePointers
        — Disables checking whether buffer offset matches the next section pointer
        — Use if some sections are corrupted
        — Default: false
        boolean  options.ignoreBounds
        — Fills the data with zeros if the buffer is outside bounds
        — Use if some sections are missing
        — Default: false
        function  options.progressCallback(int percent)
        — Called when loading progress changes
— Parses file
— Returns buffer

constructor  new terrariaWorldSaver()

browser method  save(object options)
        — Same object structure as parser return object
        — Required
        function  [options.progressCallback(int percent)]
        — Called when loading progress changes
— Saves object
— Returns buffer

TODO: node method  save(object options)
— If you are reading this and want to help, you can create a pull request :)

Error  TerrariaWorldParserError
| or
Error  TerrariaWorldSaverError
        string  name = "TerrariaWorldParserError"
        | or
        string  name = "TerrariaWorldSaverError"
        string  message = onlyFriendlyMessage + ":\n" + onlyName + ": " + onlyMessage
        string  onlyFriendlyMessage
        — user friendly error message
        string  onlyName
        — original thrown error name
        string  onlyMessage
        — original thrown error message

Return object:

object  fileFormatHeader

Type Variable Description
int32 version map file version
7 bytes string magicNumber file format magic number
uint8 fileType terraria's file type
uint32 revision map was saved count
uint64 favorite favorite
int32 array pointers offsets of sections
bool array importants tile frame importants (animated, big sprite, more variants...)
index = block id

object  header

Type Variable Description
string mapName map name
string seedText map seed
uint64 worldGeneratorVersion version of the world generator, returns 8 bytes array
uint8 array guid guid of the map
string guidString guid of the map (only browser parser)
int32 worldId map ID
int32 leftWorld map dimesion in pixels
int32 rightWorld ^
int32 topWorld ^
int32 bottomWorld ^
int32 maxTilesY map dimension y in tiles
int32 maxTilesX map dimension x in tiles
int32 gameMode map game mode
only >
bool drunkWorld drunk world (seed) enabled
only >
bool getGoodWorld good world (seed) enabled
only >
bool getTenthAnniversaryWorld Tenth Anniversary world (seed) enabled
only >
bool dontStarveWorld Dont Starve world (seed) enabled
only >1.4.3
bool notTheBeesWorld Not the bees world (seed) enabled
only >1.4.3
bool expertMode expert mode
int64 creationTime time of creation, returns 8 bytes array (Datetime.ToBinary)
uint8 moonType moon type
int32 array treeX x positions where corresponding treeStyle ends
int32 array treeStyle tree styles
int32 array caveBackX x positions where corresponding caveBackStyles ends
int32 array caveBackStyle cave background styles
int32 iceBackStyle ice underground/cavern background style
int32 jungleBackStyle jungle underground/cavern background style
int32 hellBackStyle underworld background style
int32 spawnTileX position x of the spawn point
int32 spawnTileY position y of the spawn point
double worldSurface y dimension where cavern starts
double rockLayer y dimension where underground starts
double tempTime current time
bool tempDayTime is day time
int32 tempMoonPhase moon phase
bool tempBloodMoon is blood moon happening
bool tempEclipse is eclipse happening
int32 dungeonX position x of the dungeon base
int32 dungeonY position y of the dungeon base
bool crimson has crimson
bool downedBoss1 eye of cthulu killed
bool downedBoss2 eater of worlds killed
bool downedBoss3 skeletron killed
bool downedQueenBee queen bee killed
bool downedMechBoss1 the destroyes killed
bool downedMechBoss2 the skeletron prime killed
bool downedMechBoss3 the twins killed
bool downedMechBossAny any mechanical boss killed
bool downedPlantBoss plantera killed
bool downedGolemBoss golem killed
bool downedSlimeKing slime king killed
bool savedGoblin goblin saved
bool savedWizard wizard saved
bool savedMech mechanic saved
bool downedGoblins goblins endured
bool downedClown clown killed
bool downedFrost frost legion endured
bool downedPirates pirates endured
bool shadowOrbSmashed shadow orb / crimson heart smashed
bool spawnMeteor can meteor spawn
uint8 shadowOrbCount shadow orbs / crimson hearts smashed count (x/3)
int32 altarCount altars smashed count
bool hardMode hardmode
int32 invasionDelay ?
int32 invasionSize ?
int32 invasionType type of an event
double invasionX ?
double slimeRainTime ?
uint8 sundialCooldown cooldown of the Enchanted Sundial
bool tempRaining is currently raining
int32 tempRainTime current rain time
float tempMaxRain ?
int32 oreTier1 tier 1 hardmode ore block id
int32 oreTier2 tier 2 hardmode ore block id
int32 oreTier3 tier 3 hardmode ore block id
uint8 setBGTree forest background style
uint8 setBGCorruption corruption background style
uint8 setBGJungle jungle background style
uint8 setBGSnow snow background style
uint8 setBGHallow hallow background style
uint8 setBGCrimson crimson background style
uint8 setBGDesert desert background style
uint8 setBGOcean ocean background style
int32 cloudBGActive ?
int16 numClouds clouds count (max 200)
float windSpeed wind speed
string array anglerWhoFinishedToday name of players that completed angler quest
bool savedAngler angler saved
int32 anglerQuest id of the current angler quest (probably)
bool savedStylist stylist saved
bool savedTaxCollector tax collector saved
int32 invasionSizeStart ?
int32 tempCultistDelay ?
int32 array killCount kill counter of the enemies (index == id)
bool fastForwardTime ?
bool downedFishron fishron killed
bool downedMartians martians killed
bool downedAncientCultist cultists killed
bool downedMoonlord moon lord killed
bool downedHalloweenKing pumpking killed
bool downedHalloweenTree everscream killed
bool downedChristmasIceQueen ice queen killed
bool downedChristmasSantank santa-nk1 killed
bool downedChristmasTree mourning wood killed
bool downedTowerSolar solar pillar killed
bool downedTowerVortex vortex pillar killed
bool downedTowerNebula nebula pillar killed
bool downedTowerStardust stardust pillar killed
bool TowerActiveSolar solar pillar spawned
bool TowerActiveVortex vortex pillar spawned
bool TowerActiveNebula nebula pillar spawned
bool TowerActiveStardust stardust pillar spawned
bool LunarApocalypseIsUp lunar event active
bool tempPartyManual party started by player
bool tempPartyGenuine party started by random
int32 tempPartyCooldown party event cooldown
int32 array tempPartyCelebratingNpcs NPCs currently celebrating
bool Temp_Sandstorm_Happening is sandstorm happening
int32 Temp_Sandstorm_TimeLeft time left to sandstorm end
float Temp_Sandstorm_Severity severity of the sandstorm
float Temp_Sandstorm_IntendedSeverity intented severity of the sandstorm
bool savedBartender tavernkeed saved
bool DD2Event_DownedInvasionT1 old one's army tier 1 killed
bool DD2Event_DownedInvasionT2 old one's army tier 2 killed
bool DD2Event_DownedInvasionT3 old one's army tier 3 killed
uint8 setBGMushroom mushroom biome background style
only 1.4
uint8 setBGUnderworld underworld background style
only 1.4
uint8 setBGTree2 Forest 2 background style
only 1.4
uint8 setBGTree3 Forest 3 background style
only 1.4
uint8 setBGTree4 Forest 4 background style
only 1.4
bool combatBookWasUsed ?
only 1.4
int32 array treeTopsVariations ?
only 1.4
bool forceHalloweenForToday ?
only 1.4
bool forceXMasForToday ?
only 1.4
int32 savedOreTierCopper tier 1 normalmode block id
only 1.4
int32 savedOreTierIron tier 2 normalmode block id
only 1.4
int32 savedOreTierSilver tier 3 normalmode block id
only 1.4
int32 savedOreTierGold tier 4 normalmode block id
only 1.4
bool boughtCat bought cat
only 1.4
bool boughtDog bought dog
only 1.4
bool boughtBunny bought bunny
only 1.4
bool downedEmpressOfLight killed empress of light
only 1.4
bool downedQueenSlime killed queen slime
only 1.4
bool downedDeerclops killed deerclops
only 1.4.3

2D objects array  tiles

Type Variable Description
uint8 / uint16 blockId tile id
uint8 / uint16 wallId wall id
int16 frameX frame x (tile frame important)
int16 frameY frame y (^)
string slope edited block (half, TR, TL, BR, BL)
uint8 blockColor block paint
uint8 wallColor wall paint
string liquidType liquid type (water, lava, honey)
uint8 liquidAmount liquid amount
bool actuator contains actuator
bool actuated is actuated
bool wireRed contains red wire
bool wireBlue contains blue wire
bool wireGreen contains green wire
bool wireYellow contains yellow wire

objects array  chests

Type Variable Description
string name name of the chest
object position
|    int32 x position x of the chest
|    int32 y position y of the chest
object array items
|    int16 stack stack of the item
|    int32 id id of the item
|    uint8 prefix id of the prefix for the item (modifier)

objects array  signs

Type Variable Description
string text text of the sign
object position
|    int32 x position x of the sign
|    int32 y position y of the sign

objects array  NPCs

Type Variable Description
int32 id id
bool townNPC is townNPC
bool pillar is pillar
string name name
only townNPCs
bool homeless is homeless
only townNPCs
object position
|    float x position x of an npc
|    float y position y of an npc
object homePosition only townNPCs
|    int32 x position x of npc's home
|    int32 y position y of npc's home

objects array  tileEntities

Type Variable Description
uint8 type tile entity type
int32 id tile entity ID
object position
|    int16 x position x of the tile entity
|    int16 y position y of the tile entity
object targetDummy
|    int16 npc ?
object itemFrame
|    int16 itemId ID of the framed item
|    uint8 prefix prefix of the framed item (modifier)
|    int16 stack stack of the framed item
object logicSensor
|    uint8 logicCheck type of the logic check (probably)
|    bool on is on
object displayDoll only 1.4
|    objects array items size = 8
|    |    int16 itemId item ID
|    |    uint8 prefix item modifier
|    |    int16 stack items stack
|    objects array dyes size = 8
|    |    int16 itemId dye ID
|    |    uint8 prefix dye modifier
|    |    int16 stack dye stack
object weaponRack only 1.4
|    int16 itemId item ID
|    uint8 prefix item modifier
|    int16 stack item stack
object hatRack only 1.4
|    objects array items size = 2
|    |    int16 itemId item ID
|    |    uint8 prefix item modifier
|    |    int16 stack items stack
|    objects array dyes size = 2
|    |    int16 itemId dye ID
|    |    uint8 prefix dye modifier
|    |    int16 stack dye stack
object foodPlatter only 1.4
|    int16 itemId item ID
|    uint8 prefix item modifier
|    int16 stack item stack
bool teleportationPylon is pylon
type is determined by its position in the world
only 1.4

objects array  weightedPressurePlates

Type Variable Description
object : position
|    int32 x position x of the pressurePlate
|    int32 y position y of the pressurePlate

objects array  rooms

Type Variable Description
int32 NPCId
object : position
|    int32 x position x of the room
|    int32 y position y of the room

object  bestiary
— only 1.4

Type Variable Description
object : NPCKills
|    string [key] name of the NPC
|    int32 [value] given NPC kill count
strings array NPCSights names of NPCs that player encountered
strings array NPCChats names of NPCs that player chatted with

object  creativePowers
— only 1.4

Type Variable Description
bool freezeTime Freeze Time enabled
float32 modifyTimeRate Time Speed Slider value
bool freezeRainPower Rain Change freeze enabled
bool freezeWindDirectionAndStrength Wind Change freeze enabled
float32 difficultySliderPower Enemy Difficulty Slider value
bool stopBiomeSpreadPower Infection Spread freeze enabled

object  footer

Type Variable Description
bool signoff1 always true
string signoff2 map name
int32 signoff3 map id