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Thorsten Willert edited this page Nov 23, 2019 · 19 revisions


In Arbeit ...

Bis dahin bitte jEdit4AutoIt benutzen.


Erweitert jEdit zu einer IDE für AutoIt.



  • Edit-mode
  • Commando files
  • XInsert library
  • Clipper libraries
  • ctags
  • Macros

Benötigte Plugins und Software:

  • Console-plugin
  • Clipper-plugin
  • XInsert-plugin
  • Sidekick-plugin
  • CtagsSideKick-plugin

An installation of AutoIt3 and all the other tools you want e.g. Tidy ...

Zusätzliche empfohlene Plugins:

  • Context Menu
  • Column Ruler
  • jDiff
  • MyDoggyPlugin
  • Project Viewer
  • TextTools
  • WhiteSpace


If XInsert is to complex you can use instead this (or booth): Entries for all AutoIt Keywords, Functions, Statements and UDFs: Installation in: %appdata%/jedit/clipper/

Requires: Clipper-plugin

Ctags + Sidekick-plugin + CtagsSidekick-plugin:

Lists all Functions, Include-Files, Global and Local Variables, Enums, Regions and Options in the Sidekick-Plugin.


Entry for the ctags.cnf:

--regex-AutoItScript=/^[ \t]*func[ \t]+(.*?)[\(]/\1/Functions/i
--regex-AutoItScript=/^[ \t]*global[ \t]+(.*?)[ \t]*/\1/Global Variables/i
--regex-AutoItScript=/^[ \t]*local[ \t]+(.*?)[ \t]*/\1/Local Variables/i
--regex-AutoItScript=/^[ \t]*(local|global)?[ \t]+enum[ \t]+(.*)/\1 \2/Enum/i
--regex-AutoItScript=/^#include(.*?)(<|")(.*?)("|>)/\3/Include Files/i
--regex-AutoItScript=/^#region[ \t]*(.*?)/\1/Regions/i
--regex-AutoItScript=/^[ \t]*(Opt|AutoItSetOption)[ \t]*[\(](.*),(.*)[\)]/\2 \3/Options/i

Installation in: %ProgramFiles%\jEdit\ctags.cnf Requires: ctags + Sidekick-plugin + CtagsSideKick-plugin

Installation of ctags in: %ProgramFiles%\ctags\

au3_Au3Tidy au3_Au3Tidy

Macros only for AutoIt:

Macro Description Location
AutoItStartUp.bsh Some functions used in the other macros. %programfiles%/jEdit/startup
Buffer_Switch_to_AutoIt_Mode.bsh Switches the current buffer mode to "AutoItScript"
Debug_Phrase_To_Console (IF).bsh
Debug_Phrase_To_MessageBox (IF).bsh
Debug_Remove (If).bsh Removes all the ConsoleWrite commandos inserted with
Debug_Variable_To_Console (IF).bsh
Debug_Toggle.bsh Enables / disables debugging.
Debug_Variable_To_Console (IF).bsh Inserts a ConsoleWrite commando in the next line for the variable at the cursor-position.
Debug_Variable_To_Console (IF)_Before.bsh
Debug_Variable_To_MessageBox (IF).bsh
Debug_Variable_To_MessageBox (IF)_Before.bsh
Function_Goto_Definition.bsh Jumps to the definition of the function under the cursor. (only for standard UDFs and the current buffer)
Include.bsh Creates #include "..." directives via file-dialog, from the current buffer - dir.
Include_Auto_Insert.bsh Inserts the required includes at the top of the file, or after a #region include ... (only for the UDFs in AutoIt/Include)
Include_lib.bsh Creates #include <...> directives via file-dialog, from the AutoIt/Include - dir.
Include_Open.bsh Opens the include-file from the current line in a new buffer.
Insert_AutoItVersion Inserts the version of AutoItScript at cursor position.
Insert_Message_Loop_(Select) (variable number of cases)
Insert_Message_Loop_(Switch) (variable number of cases)
Insert_Select (variable number of cases)
Insert_Switch (variable number of cases)
Update_Syntax Updates the function-syntax in the function description.
Update_UDFs Updates edit-mode, Xinsert, clipper and the cache-file for Include-Auto_Insert.
Variable_Goto_Declaration.bsh Searches the declaration for the variable under the cursor (only in the current buffer).


Creates a new function with description:

; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _FF_DM_DownloadPause
; Description ...: Pauses the specified download
; AutoIt Version : V3.3.0.0
; Requirement(s).: FF.au3 / MozRepl
; Syntax ........: _FF_DM_DownloadPause($iID)
; Parameter(s): .: $iID         - Download ID
; Return Value ..: Success      - 1
;                  Failure      - 0
;                  @ERROR       -
; Author(s) .....: Thorsten Willert
; Date ..........: Sat Mar 28 00:24:15 CET 2009
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; ==============================================================================
Func _FF_DM_DownloadPause($iID)

EndFunc   ;==>_FF_DM_DownloadPause

PP Simple preprocessor:

(would be replaced by FreeMarker / FMPP)

With the following statements and constants:

  • #define Definition of simple macros
  • #undefine / #undef removing a macro
  • #ifdef / #elif / #else / #endif Conditional statement (not nestable yet)
  • __TIME__ Replaced with the current time
  • __DATE__ Replaced with the current date
  • __DATE_AND_TIME__ Replaced with the current date and time
  • __NAME__ Replaced with full filename
  • __FILE__ Replaced with filename
  • __AUTOIT_VERSION__ Replaced with the version of AutoIt
  • __AUTOIT_BETAVERSION__ Replaced with the beta-version of AutoIt


var++	var += 1
var--	var -= 1
var=(a?b:c)	If a Then var=b Else var=c
a?b:c	If a Then b Else c
a<<b	BitShift(a, b)
a>>b	BitShift(a, -(b))
~a	BitNot(a)
!a	Not a
!(	Not (...
a % b	Mod(a, b)
a <<= b	a = BitShift(a, b)
a >>= b	a = BitShift(a, -(b))
a %= b	a = Mod(a, b)
For $i : $Array	For $i = 0 To UBound($Array)-1

Input e.g.:

; File ............: __NAME__
; AutoItVersion ...: __AUTOIT_VERSION__
; Time ............: __TIME__
; Date ............: __DATE__

#define Text "foo bar"
#define Var1 $ok[$i]
#define Var2 $test
#define Beta

$a %= $b
$a <<= $v[$i]
$a >>= $v

#ifdef Beta
        #include <test_beta.au3>
        #include <test.au3>

Var1 = ( 1 > $a ? "ok" : Text )

For $i : $aArray

#undef Var2

#ifdef Var2
#elif Test
#elif Var1

Output: (after tidy)

; File ............: pp_test.au3
; AutoItVersion ...: v3.3.0.0
; Time ............: 20:20:35
; Date ............: Mi Mai 2009

$a = Mod($a, $b)
$a = BitShift($a, $v[$i])
$a = BitShift($a, -($v))

#include <test_beta.au3>

If 1 > $a Then
        $ok[$i] = "ok"
        $ok[$i] = "foo bar"

For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) -1
        MsgBox(64, "", $aArray[$i])

MsgBox(64, "", "foo bar")

Macros for all modes:

Macro Description Location
Insert_Filename.bsh Inserts at cursor-postion a filename from a file-dialog.
Insert_Line.bsh Inserts a single "line" comment, depending on the buffer mode.
Number_decr_1.bsh Int on cursor position -1
Number_decr_10.bsh Int on cursor position -10
Number_incr_1.bsh Int on cursor position +1
Number_incr_10.bsh Int on cursor position +10
Quoted_String_Delete.bsh Deletes the quoted string at cursor position.
Quoted_String_Select.bsh Selects the quoted string at cursor position.
Quoted_String_Select_Next.bsh Searches and selects the next quoted string.


Toggles words at cursor position, depending on the edit-mode.

Mode AutoItScript:

1 2
True False
And Or
Global Local
Else ElseIf
Select Switch
EndSelect EndSwitch

Installation of the config-files: %appdata%/jEdit/toggle/EDITMODE/toggle.config

KeyWord_Search.bsh Online-Help.

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