- Create TLS to serve Tornjak GUI on HTTPS
cd ~/spiresplash/pki/certs mkdir -p tornjak && cd tornjak step ca certificate tornjak.com tornjak.crt tornjak.key # Allow read permission sudo chmod 644 tornjak.*
- Deploy SPIRE with Tornjak GUI
cd ~/spiresplash source ~/spiresplash/ansible_venv/bin/activate python3.9 -m ansible playbook \ -i ./ansible/inventories/inventory.ini \ -e @./ansible/inventories/overrides.yml -b -v \ ./ansible/site.yaml -t "spire,nginx" deactivate
- Open Tornjak GUI at https://tornjak.com to your manage your cluster (you might want to import smallstep's
to your browser, located at spireplash/pki/certs/root_ca.crt) - Create node registration entry
- Run spiresplash/scripts/setup-envoy.sh to:
- use mikefarah/yq to merge envoy plugin yaml into
the k8s configuration file (in
) created by kompose during Stage 1. - edit the symbank-webapp frontend configuration file in spiresplash/envoy/plugin/frontend/config with new Envoy Upstream and Downstream port then copy over to our PKI demo directory
- remove TLS for nginx backend in both frontend and backend
cd ~/spiresplash scripts/setup-envoy.sh
- use mikefarah/yq to merge envoy plugin yaml into
the k8s configuration file (in
- Build new docker images and push to local registry
docker rmi -f localhost:5001/frontend docker rmi -f localhost:5001/backend cd ~/spiresplash/pki docker-compose build --no-cache docker push localhost:5001/frontend docker push localhost:5001/backend
- Create config map for Envoy and Spire with kustomize
kubectl apply -k ~/spiresplash/envoy/plugin/.
- Redeploy the "no longer" PKI-demo with Envoy for mTLS
kubectl apply -f ~/spiresplash/k8s/pki
- Create registration entries using spiresplash/envoy/create-registration-entries.sh
- Port-forward and check the SPIFFE demo at http://localhost:3000
export FRONTEND_POD=`kubectl get po -o jsonpath='{.items[1].metadata.name}'` kubectl port-forward $FRONTEND_POD 3000:3000
- Try to delete SPIFFE ID entry of the symbank-webapp frontend using the Tornjak GUI, it won't be able to
retrieve the data anymore after reload
kubectl scale deployment frontend --replicas=0 kubectl scale deployment frontend --replicas=1
- You can also add back the SPIFFE ID entry
kubectl exec -n spire spire-server-0 -c spire-server -- \ /opt/spire/bin/spire-server entry create \ -parentID spiffe://example.org/ns/spire/sa/spire-agent \ -spiffeID spiffe://example.org/ns/default/sa/default/frontend \ -selector k8s:ns:default \ -selector k8s:sa:default \ -selector k8s:pod-label:io.kompose.service:frontend \ -selector k8s:container-name:envoy
- Clean up
kubectl delete -f ~/spiresplash/k8s/pki/ kubectl delete -k ~/spiresplash/envoy/plugin/.