Raw-CSS for moodle to make stylesheet changes inside the theme or as inline-CSS for signly activities/ courses.
Be careful when change css - also by using the examples in this repository.
Duplicate the page on which you change something with a new tab to retain the chance for making things undone.
After changing css you have to delete the cache for making changes active. You can press CTRL+F5 therefore.
The codes in this repository are tested in the classic theme if there is no other information. In many cases there are also tests in the boost theme. Often the codes are compatible. Otherwise there will arise different versions by getting feedback.
Thanks for help by giving comments or making pull-requests.
This is the cleanest way for writing css in moodle.
- Navigate to site-administration - appearance - themes - your theme and go to the part for raw-css.
You can also use a textfield or a textblock for putting in css. Therefor you have to note the following things.
This way takes more ressources. Do not make many big changes by using a textblock or textfield.
The changes will be active everywhere the textblock or textfield is shown. Within the textblock you can take special settings where it should be shown.
Use the "unformated text" - editor by selecting in the settings. To select the editor you can also go to yourmoodlesite/user/editor.php
Important: You have to put a <style> before the code and a </style> after it because you are writing inline-css in a html-editor.