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File metadata and controls

107 lines (81 loc) · 3.54 KB

by TTI Ventures

Buffalo allows Upload your Favorite Files via this Awesome Library for Objects

Buffalo is a library for .NET that ease the management of static objects and files in the cloud by abstracting each service's own libraries and presenting a simple and lightweight common interface.

Additionally, Buffalo adds a security layer that allows you to control access or deletion of your files, as well as distribute them publicly through the cloud CDN.

At the moment only Google Cloud Storage and Amazon S3 are supported.


  • Static object management in the cloud (Upload, Delete, Download).
  • Multi-cloud implementation (Cloud Storage and Amazon S3).
  • Per-user object access level.
  • Automatic public ACL management.
  • Easy configuration.
  • No database or local storage required.


Use the AddBuffalo extension method for IServiceCollection to configure the library host upon startup of your application. Depending on the cloud storage service you want to use, different parameters must be provided.

Google Cloud Storage

The following parameters are required to use Google Cloud Storage:

  • JsonCredentialsFile: Google Cloud service account key in JSON format.
  • StorageBucket: Google Cloud Storage bucket in which the library will operate.
services.AddBuffalo(x =>
    x.UseCloudStorage(h =>
        h.JsonCredentialsFile = <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY>;
        h.StorageBucket = <STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME>;

Amazon S3

The following parameters are required to use Amazon S3:

  • AccessKey: ID key of your AWS Credentials.
  • SecretKey: Secret key of your AWS Credentials.
  • BucketName: Amazon S3 bucket in which the library will operate.
  • FolderName: Folder inside bucket in in which the library will operate.
  • RegionEndpoint: AWS Region by system name in which the library will operate (like "us-west-1").
services.AddBuffalo(x =>
    x.UseAmazonS3(y =>
        y.AccessKey = <AWS_ID_KEY>;
        y.SecretKey = <AWS_SECRET_KEY>;
        y.BucketName = <S3_BUCKET_NAME>;
        y.FolderName = <FOLDER_NAME>;
        y.RegionEndpoint = <AWS_S3_REGION>;


When your application starts, grab the Buffalo library from the built-in dependency injection and you will be able to use the FileManager from any class, controller, etc...

private readonly FileManager _fileManager;

public MyFunction(FileManager fileManager)
    _fileManager = fileManager;

An example project is included in which the library is used as part of a controller.

Upload File

  • file (IFormFile): File to be upload in IFormFile structure.
  • user (string?): User id uploading the file.
  • accessLevel (AccessLevels): PUBLIC, PRIVATE or PROTECTED type access level in AccessLevels enum.
await _fileManager.UploadFile(file, user, accessLevel);

Delete File

  • id (Guid): Id of the object to be deleted.
  • user (string?): User id deleting the file.
bool deleted = await _fileManager.DeleteFile(id, user);

Download File

  • id (Guid): Id of the object to be retrieved.
  • user (string?): User id downloading the file.
var file = await _fileManager.GetFile(id, user);