In order to integrate the edgar sensor description into a state publisher, the edgar.urdf file has to be referenced accordingly. We will provide an example using the official ROS robot_state_publisher package.
First, clone the robot_state_publisher package into your ROS workspace src folder
git clone
and install the package.
colcon build --packages-select robot_state_publisher
source install/setup.bash
Once the robot_state_publisher is ready to go move the edgar.urdf into the URDF folder of the newly installed package.
mv path/to/edgar.urdf path/to/robot_state_publisher/urdf
In case you want to use the EDGAR 3d model make sure you provide a correct absolute path to the model. You will find the reference in the first link definition of the edgar.urdf as shown in this urdf snippet:
<!--Base frame-->
<link name="rear_axle_center_ground">
<origin xyz="0 0 0"/>
<mesh filename="file:///absolute/path/to/the/3d_model/low_res/edgar.fbx" scale="1 1 1"/>
In the next step, edit the launch file of the robot_state_publisher with the proper urdf reference:
def generate_launch_description():
pkg_share = FindPackageShare('robot_state_publisher').find('robot_state_publisher')
urdf_dir = os.path.join(pkg_share, 'urdf')
urdf_file = os.path.join(urdf_dir, 'edgar.urdf')
with open(urdf_file, 'r') as infp:
robot_desc =
We also provide, feel free to use it.
Once the URDF file and the 3d model is referenced properly, you can test the integration by launching
ros2 launch robot_state_publisher
Vizualize the robot model in rviz. You can use our edgar.rviz configuration file.
rviz2 -d path/to/edgar.rviz
For further details regarding the robot state publisher please refer to the official ROS Robot State Publisher: